Tobi started the discussion Progressions whilst being lean (natural) in the forum Training 5 days ago
Progressions whilst being lean (natural)
Hello is it normal when being lean to not progressing from session to session and on some movement even little bit regress?
Tobi started the discussion DB Lateral raises, form and progressions in the forum Training 2 weeks ago
DB Lateral raises, form and progressions
Hello I have a question towards lateral raises. What do you think about the execution of this exercise? Is the little swinging allowed or is better to have strict form? I know a lot of bodybuilders are sticking with 40lb 45lb dumbells and just nailing the movement which is not progresivelly overloading or micro loading? What do you think? Is it… Read more
Tobi started the discussion Patellar tendinitis in the forum Injury & Rehab 4 weeks ago
Do you have any experience with this injury? I am currently having this and the pain on leg days are bad. Do you have any tips on how to heal it? Thanks
Tobi started the discussion Biceps in push pull legs in the forum Training 4 weeks ago
Hello, I’m doing push pull legs push pull legs off and my question is,do you think is better to train biceps in pull or at the start of the legs? Thanks!
Tobi started the discussion One arm T bar row in the forum Training 2 months ago
Hello! What is your opinion on one arm barbell row what John Meadows was approaching for training the lats? Thanks!
Tobi started the discussion Upper back question in the forum Training 2 months ago
Hello, I’m doing chest supported db rows for upper back but i can’t tape more weight on both dbs,
Is it good to do it singled arm so i can do it heavier and tape more weight? Thanks -
Tobi started the discussion Yohimbine in the forum Supplementation 3 months ago
Hello, do you recommend to take yohimbine when i have anxiety from it? Like really weird feel?
Tobi started the discussion Coaching question in the forum Forums 4 months ago
Hello when you have clients how you do the coaching process to make it to be the more profesionall? Do you have any tips? Thank you
Tobi started the discussion Micro loading in diet phase(deficit) in the forum Training 4 months ago
Micro loading in diet phase(deficit)
Hello How do you approach micro loading in diet phase? do you still try to add load first weeks and then when deep in just trying to maintain as much as you can? Thanks
Tobi started the discussion Can you please help me in the forum Diet 4 months ago
Hello, last time when I posted here I was 83kg lean, and the coaches here suggested me with the goal is to compete next year to push my BW up so now I’m 93kg and want to start pre prep diet. Can you please help me with the set up. (I’m natural)
M1: 125g oats, 50g whey, 100kcal fruit, 20g dark choc
M2: 100g COR, 55g whey, 100kcal fruit
M3:… Read more - Load More