Forum Replies Created

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  • Sasan Heirati

    July 29, 2024 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Do you ever suffer sides from GH? I’m running 6iu all before bed and my arms and hands just go numb as fuck lol. Quite hard to sleep! I may have to split it and see if sides reduce. Running Medis, what GH are you using?

    lol no I’ve run up to 12iu before bed in the past and usually ok regarding numbing / tingles. It’s day time shots I don’t like especially if food is higher I feel watery. But bedtime shots I seem to process really well. But it can be person and lab dependant… I’m running 2ktropin right now. But I try get pharma pens too if / when I can and split my dosages.

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 27, 2024 at 5:48 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    259 today so held weight even with the off plan meal yesterday

    Must have been that leg day, cos my legs are nice and sore today

    Bumped calories up a touch today too by way off 2 large muffins post workout

    I had the appetite for it and since I’ve such a great few days of training and getting quite sore, I’m gonna bump food a bit over the next couple days where my appetite allows . Which it will, since I’m hungry 24/7 lol

    PEDS wise I’m gonna drop the eq out soon and keep at 600 test. I know this isn’t trt , but this is where I feel really good and I’ll get bloods done to see if I can continue a cruise on 600
    Test or if I need to drop.

    If I can carry on, I’ll do 4-6 weeks on this dose then blast. Most likely high dose test and eq, with gh and insulin.

    You have remember I have a goal of making it to then Olympia and then retire in the next couple years. So I’m willing to push my genetic boundary’s and see what I can achieve.

    Risk vs reward….. if this was me trying to get a local show or even a pro card, then I’d be on 200 test and prioritise health more, but this is a big goal, this is a pro win, Olympia stage, my income, this helps put food on my table and keep my mrs and sons healthy and happy, and I just know I can achieve this before I hang up the posing trunks… so
    the risk is very much worth the reward for

    I need size thickness density up top to win shows. Condition and symmetry only gets me so far. It’s time to change rings

    Today was arm day
    And it was awesome

    Arms and abs
    Cable single arm curls 3 x 8-10
    Rope hammer curls 3 x 10-15
    Preacher curls 3 x 6-10
    Cable single arm extensions 3 x 8-12
    Close grip bench 4 x 8-20
    Rope extensions 3 x 15-30
    Rope ab crunches 4 x 10-20

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 26, 2024 at 6:29 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    259 today so getting back up.

    Last couple days I am starting to feel body fat climbing a touch. But that’s expected and I’m happy with it

    Training is on the up fast. And I’m looking and feeling bigger consistently so I’m pushing on.

    I don’t plan on staying lean. I never perform as good in the gym when lean. Goal is grow, so whatever food intake and body fat it takes I will go there

    If I see growth slow cos of fat gain then I’ll slow it down

    If I see growth slow cos I’m not fat enough, I make sure I get fatter / heavier : D

    Full Leg day today and filmed it for my YouTube channel felt really good !

    Leg day
    Standing ham curls 2 x 10-15
    Laying curls 2 x 8-12
    Leg extensions 3 x 15-25
    Hack squats 3 x 6-10
    Single leg press 3 x 6-12
    Leg extensions 1 x 5 rest pauses
    Adductors 1 x 3 rest pauses

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 26, 2024 at 6:20 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hey man!

    Do u take all orals like anavar AM? Or du u Splitt?

    Hey bud yeah this prep I did all orals like anavar Winny halo etc in the am. [/quote]

    Thank u for the answer mate! Was there a Special reason and Did u notice and difference?[/quote]

    I workout after meal 1 so I like the orals to contribute to performance in the gym.

    And before bed I just don’t like knowing there’s toxins being processed whilst I sleep. Nothing science about it, just a personal preference. I take a lot of my health / organ supplements before bed so I don’t like mixing liver toxic anabolics in with them. Plus, when I’ve split them Am/PM in the past I haven’t seen a big difference in results to be honest [/quote]

    Your the man Sas! Thank so much for every informativ and Kind answer! I rly appreciate this and can learn so much! Much love for this!

    It rly make Sense to me, when u explain it like this and I often ask myself this question if there will be a noticable difference between Splitt Dose or take it all once a day.

    I looked up the last few sites and follow u a Long time, but I cant find much about your Morning Routine a can u give us a look about this? When u say u Train After the First meal, how do u use your t3/t4, Clen, etc pp. And do you Cardio before the First meal fasted?

    Reason why im asking this is, i also work out After my First meal, because I work After in the day and I ask myself often how is the best way to use my stimulans, Clen, etc. Or orales and them of course my Health Supps.

    Maybe u can give us a look how your Mornings in Prep Look like?

    Kind regards![/quote]

    You’re very welcome buddy I’m glad this helps you : ) it’s what I’m here for.

    I like to think about everything I do / take / eat etc as a bodybuilder and if it makes sense , how it makes me feel, and if it works.

    My morning routine during my latest prep was like this most days

    5am- wake:- water, t3, t4, Clen, gh

    Do 10-20 minutes steps

    Start work / go coffee shop

    6am- coffee, water

    Work for 2-3 hours

    8-9am:- meal 1, health supps, anavar winny etc

    10:30-11:- pre workout & train

    I do rest if my cardio / steps later on.[/quote]

    Hey mate! Hope u are good!

    I like to think about everything too, but sometimes it is like “Ah, everyone do it this way, so I do it like they do” – So therefore im so happy and glad that I can have these conversations here to think again, lookin for new ways and do the trial and error way.

    Do u think it is managable to incorporate fasted cardio in this scenario?

    I ask,. because my mornings are exact the same, expect that I do cardio.

    – Wake Up, water, Clen etc.

    – Steps 20-30 minutes

    – Cardio 30-40 minutes + vacuum etc. pp.

    – Health Supps + Meal 1 – then training.

    What health supps do u take in this scenario in the morning and which do u take before bed?

    My healthsupps with meal 1 are: Nattokinase, NAC, Curcurmin, Citrus Bergamott, Astragalus, Telmisartan – When I take all my anavar in the morning, which would you take out?

    And one question – As prep gets deeper, I have here and there some joint issues and my sleep is meh – I have Join In and Dream Sleep at home – I know u use these too – do u take it together before bed?

    Thank u very much!


    I personally wouldn’t do 30 minutes steps then 30/40 minutes cardio fasted. It seems too much. Have to remember in the morning you’re more prone to doing catabolic. Pick one but if it’s a time thing and you can’t cardio later then that’s ok

    I take all tbjp health supps. Love heart, heart care, vitals, vit d, curcumin, omega, join in , osteo, insure (insulin sensitivity) ,

    Yes I take dream sleep with join in before bed every night. I take unwind post workout also.

    I only take telmisartan if blood pressure goes up. Right now it’s ok. [/quote]

    Thank u man!

    The Walk / steps is a chilled one, for waking up, get sunlight, fresh Air, etc. Pp.

    When doing Cardio later, when would u do it?

    You dont think These Health Supps Affect the Training? Heard often anti oxidants not around Training, Like Curcurmin, Join In etc. Pp. [/quote]

    When doing cardio later, anytime really. Maybe a little post workout, some more later on in the evening. I don’t do conventional cardio, I just go for an easy walk. And if I split it up throughout the day , it still works

    The anti inflammatory type supps try take a bit further away from training. So

    Since I train in the morning I take curcumin , join in before bed [/quote]

    Thank u Sas!

    I have to do Cardio sadly, cus im a fat bastard 😂😂😂

    I changed a Little bit since we talk, Works great!

    May I ask u, how Long do you keep Insulin in, when im Prep? [/quote]
    Haha I’m glad it’s helped

    I don’t use insulin in prep. Maybe on some very high car day refeeds. But I just find I don’t need it. Blood sugar control is very good in prep

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 24, 2024 at 4:47 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So yesterday I held 257. Today I’m up to 258

    Yesterday was chest day and it was SUPER good. I felt so strong. On smith press I went up to 3.5 plates per side comfortably for 10 reps which I haven’t done in a while. Then also did 4.5 plates on the incline hammer for 10.

    These 2 movement I might try and progress IF my joints are up to the task on the day

    Today I decided not rest , cos I felt good, so I did hams glutes and calves.

    Very good session again.

    I just feel right now my recover is so good; every session I am performing better and better, and visual AND scale weight I am getting bigger. So 6 days isn’t hurting me

    My form and execution is very precise right now. Reps are slower than usual. I am making lighter weights feel heavier and volume is still lower for me, so my body isn’t trashed all the time.

    So let’s roll with it

    Todays hams glutes calves
    Laying ham curls 2 x 8-15
    Deficit stiff leg deads smith 3 x 6-10
    Seated leg press wide 2 x 8-12
    Seated ham curls 2 x 10-12
    Kick back machine 2 x 10-12
    Donkey calf raises 3 x 15-20
    Standing calf raises 3 x 8-12

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 22, 2024 at 4:49 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Down 1 lb today to 257. When after the 2 x 12 inch pizza and a tub of b n n j ice cream lol oh well can’t complain

    Body may well have still been getting rid of the fluid retention. Either way I actually feel tighter as well as fuller today

    Also, the rest day from training probably helped too

    Today was back day

    Back to 800g carbs l. Appetite still sky high. It’s insane, I’m actually looking for ways to volumise my meals haha I know the logical thing to do would be to add fats. But I really like how my body is running on lower fats right now

    Plus I plan increasing the number of cheat meals I have as I grow, so I’ll get plenty of fats from them

    Today’s back session was the best I’ve had in months. I felt really full and really strong.

    Zero complaints from me. Let’s get over 260 and keep growing : D

    Back and abs
    Straight arm pull overs 2 x 8-15
    Wide grip pull downs 2 x 8-12
    Seated chest supported row 2 x 10-12
    Panatta iso pull downs 2 x 8-12
    Db row 2 x 8-10
    Deadlifts 2 x 8-10
    Rope crunches 3 x 10-20

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 21, 2024 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So today I woke up 4 lbs light. Water weight has settled. I’m pretty sure it was the tgi Friday meal as well as the heat wave. 258 today and feel big

    Yesterday was arm day. Crazy pump but felt strong so went a little heavier then usual. No tendon / joint pain from it today so the volume must have been just right

    Today is my usual Sunday family fun day. Keeping it to just 4 regular meals and 1

    But it’s a big one. Popping the off season pizza cherry for my first pizza since since prep. Large Ham and pineapple But getting a cheesy garlic bread too and a tub of cookie dough Ben and Jerry’s for desert

    I expect to regain the lost weight and water tomorrow haha. But it’s all good, I’ll just use to to grow more this week ; )

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 21, 2024 at 6:16 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hei Sas! Thanks for keepibg us updated.

    I see that you are aggressive (at least compared to me) with the food and you go by look and feel.

    What do you do to avoid waking up one day and see that you gained too fast and if this ever happened what do you do? Do you reduce carbs down to deficit and mini cut, lower to a maintainance or you do not mind this too much and roll with it? 🙂🙏

    Hey buddy : ) you’re welcome!

    I am aggressive compared to most bodybuilders and coaches these days. But for me it’s not aggressive it’s just how I prefer it. I don’t mind getting sloppy cos I know I can still grow. But obviously I don’t like to get too fat.
    If I wake up and see / feel it’s getting out of hand and I’m gaining more fat rather then muscle I will hold food there and maybe get more active for a few days. Extra steps. I don’t like mini cuts and I don’t like to reduce food. Once I got a food level I like it to stay there. When it’s diet time, I reduce and body responds much better

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 21, 2024 at 6:13 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hey man!

    Do u take all orals like anavar AM? Or du u Splitt?

    Hey bud yeah this prep I did all orals like anavar Winny halo etc in the am. [/quote]

    Thank u for the answer mate! Was there a Special reason and Did u notice and difference?[/quote]

    I workout after meal 1 so I like the orals to contribute to performance in the gym.

    And before bed I just don’t like knowing there’s toxins being processed whilst I sleep. Nothing science about it, just a personal preference. I take a lot of my health / organ supplements before bed so I don’t like mixing liver toxic anabolics in with them. Plus, when I’ve split them Am/PM in the past I haven’t seen a big difference in results to be honest [/quote]

    Your the man Sas! Thank so much for every informativ and Kind answer! I rly appreciate this and can learn so much! Much love for this!

    It rly make Sense to me, when u explain it like this and I often ask myself this question if there will be a noticable difference between Splitt Dose or take it all once a day.

    I looked up the last few sites and follow u a Long time, but I cant find much about your Morning Routine a can u give us a look about this? When u say u Train After the First meal, how do u use your t3/t4, Clen, etc pp. And do you Cardio before the First meal fasted?

    Reason why im asking this is, i also work out After my First meal, because I work After in the day and I ask myself often how is the best way to use my stimulans, Clen, etc. Or orales and them of course my Health Supps.

    Maybe u can give us a look how your Mornings in Prep Look like?

    Kind regards![/quote]

    You’re very welcome buddy I’m glad this helps you : ) it’s what I’m here for.

    I like to think about everything I do / take / eat etc as a bodybuilder and if it makes sense , how it makes me feel, and if it works.

    My morning routine during my latest prep was like this most days

    5am- wake:- water, t3, t4, Clen, gh

    Do 10-20 minutes steps

    Start work / go coffee shop

    6am- coffee, water

    Work for 2-3 hours

    8-9am:- meal 1, health supps, anavar winny etc

    10:30-11:- pre workout & train

    I do rest if my cardio / steps later on.[/quote]

    Hey mate! Hope u are good!

    I like to think about everything too, but sometimes it is like “Ah, everyone do it this way, so I do it like they do” – So therefore im so happy and glad that I can have these conversations here to think again, lookin for new ways and do the trial and error way.

    Do u think it is managable to incorporate fasted cardio in this scenario?

    I ask,. because my mornings are exact the same, expect that I do cardio.

    – Wake Up, water, Clen etc.

    – Steps 20-30 minutes

    – Cardio 30-40 minutes + vacuum etc. pp.

    – Health Supps + Meal 1 – then training.

    What health supps do u take in this scenario in the morning and which do u take before bed?

    My healthsupps with meal 1 are: Nattokinase, NAC, Curcurmin, Citrus Bergamott, Astragalus, Telmisartan – When I take all my anavar in the morning, which would you take out?

    And one question – As prep gets deeper, I have here and there some joint issues and my sleep is meh – I have Join In and Dream Sleep at home – I know u use these too – do u take it together before bed?

    Thank u very much!


    I personally wouldn’t do 30 minutes steps then 30/40 minutes cardio fasted. It seems too much. Have to remember in the morning you’re more prone to doing catabolic. Pick one but if it’s a time thing and you can’t cardio later then that’s ok

    I take all tbjp health supps. Love heart, heart care, vitals, vit d, curcumin, omega, join in , osteo, insure (insulin sensitivity) ,

    Yes I take dream sleep with join in before bed every night. I take unwind post workout also.

    I only take telmisartan if blood pressure goes up. Right now it’s ok. [/quote]

    Thank u man!

    The Walk / steps is a chilled one, for waking up, get sunlight, fresh Air, etc. Pp.

    When doing Cardio later, when would u do it?

    You dont think These Health Supps Affect the Training? Heard often anti oxidants not around Training, Like Curcurmin, Join In etc. Pp. [/quote]
    When doing cardio later, anytime really. Maybe a little post workout, some more later on in the evening. I don’t do conventional cardio, I just go for an easy walk. And if I split it up throughout the day , it still works

    The anti inflammatory type supps try take a bit further away from training. So
    Since I train in the morning I take curcumin , join in before bed

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 20, 2024 at 7:04 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    262 today so another 3 lbs up since yesterday which is odd since I dropped carbs down to 650 yesterday. I did this diet to starting to feel I was holding water as the day progressed. Legs and feet mainly. So I’ll put it down to we’re having a heat wave here, I didn’t hydrate enough? And the cheat meal Thursday maybe kicked it off but I’ve had bigger cheats with no rebound.

    Gh+ test + fact that I’m still rebounding and this heat. Body just lost it a bit lol

    It’ll settle. Won’t do anything drastic I’ll hydrate more today, and maybe stick to 650 carbs instead of 800. Make sure my electrolytes are balanced also.

    I mean I don’t mind the look, I look
    Softer but swole lol it’s the health impact I don’t want. Gaining weight fast isn’t good for anything

    I’ll also be taking weekends off gh. This will help negate some of the water / blood pressure side effects gh can cause as body weight goes up

    Yesterday’s delts and traps session was really good though

    Arm day today

    Delts and traps
    Reverse pec dec 3 x 10-20
    Smith upright rows 3 x 10-15
    Panatta side laterals 4 x 10-15
    Db seated laterals 3 x 8-12
    Seated machine press 2 x 15-20
    Cable shrugs 3 x 10-12

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 20, 2024 at 6:48 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hey man!

    Do u take all orals like anavar AM? Or du u Splitt?

    Hey bud yeah this prep I did all orals like anavar Winny halo etc in the am. [/quote]

    Thank u for the answer mate! Was there a Special reason and Did u notice and difference?[/quote]

    I workout after meal 1 so I like the orals to contribute to performance in the gym.

    And before bed I just don’t like knowing there’s toxins being processed whilst I sleep. Nothing science about it, just a personal preference. I take a lot of my health / organ supplements before bed so I don’t like mixing liver toxic anabolics in with them. Plus, when I’ve split them Am/PM in the past I haven’t seen a big difference in results to be honest [/quote]

    Your the man Sas! Thank so much for every informativ and Kind answer! I rly appreciate this and can learn so much! Much love for this!

    It rly make Sense to me, when u explain it like this and I often ask myself this question if there will be a noticable difference between Splitt Dose or take it all once a day.

    I looked up the last few sites and follow u a Long time, but I cant find much about your Morning Routine a can u give us a look about this? When u say u Train After the First meal, how do u use your t3/t4, Clen, etc pp. And do you Cardio before the First meal fasted?

    Reason why im asking this is, i also work out After my First meal, because I work After in the day and I ask myself often how is the best way to use my stimulans, Clen, etc. Or orales and them of course my Health Supps.

    Maybe u can give us a look how your Mornings in Prep Look like?

    Kind regards![/quote]

    You’re very welcome buddy I’m glad this helps you : ) it’s what I’m here for.

    I like to think about everything I do / take / eat etc as a bodybuilder and if it makes sense , how it makes me feel, and if it works.

    My morning routine during my latest prep was like this most days

    5am- wake:- water, t3, t4, Clen, gh

    Do 10-20 minutes steps

    Start work / go coffee shop

    6am- coffee, water

    Work for 2-3 hours

    8-9am:- meal 1, health supps, anavar winny etc

    10:30-11:- pre workout & train

    I do rest if my cardio / steps later on.[/quote]

    Hey mate! Hope u are good!

    I like to think about everything too, but sometimes it is like “Ah, everyone do it this way, so I do it like they do” – So therefore im so happy and glad that I can have these conversations here to think again, lookin for new ways and do the trial and error way.

    Do u think it is managable to incorporate fasted cardio in this scenario?

    I ask,. because my mornings are exact the same, expect that I do cardio.

    – Wake Up, water, Clen etc.

    – Steps 20-30 minutes

    – Cardio 30-40 minutes + vacuum etc. pp.

    – Health Supps + Meal 1 – then training.

    What health supps do u take in this scenario in the morning and which do u take before bed?

    My healthsupps with meal 1 are: Nattokinase, NAC, Curcurmin, Citrus Bergamott, Astragalus, Telmisartan – When I take all my anavar in the morning, which would you take out?

    And one question – As prep gets deeper, I have here and there some joint issues and my sleep is meh – I have Join In and Dream Sleep at home – I know u use these too – do u take it together before bed?

    Thank u very much!

    I personally wouldn’t do 30 minutes steps then 30/40 minutes cardio fasted. It seems too much. Have to remember in the morning you’re more prone to doing catabolic. Pick one but if it’s a time thing and you can’t cardio later then that’s ok

    I take all tbjp health supps. Love heart, heart care, vitals, vit d, curcumin, omega, join in , osteo, insure (insulin sensitivity) ,

    Yes I take dream sleep with join in before bed every night. I take unwind post workout also.

    I only take telmisartan if blood pressure goes up. Right now it’s ok.

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 19, 2024 at 6:49 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Big food day yesterday as I had my mid week cheat meal, took my family to TGI’s Fridays. I know this doesn’t sound like your typical bodybuilder:.. but man I love junky American food and it loves me hahaha

    Weight up from 256 to 259. I got my regular meals in too around it. Ended the day on around 6000 calories

    At Fridays I had a double stacked cheese burger, 6 Cajun onion rings. A bacon cheese and maple covered fries and chocolate fudge cake with ice cream after. It was DELISH

    Crazy thing is, I was hungry when I got back home haha. My body is being silly right now

    I don’t feel bloated today. And my appetite / digestion hasn’t slowed one bit. Winning

    Anyway, yesterday was easy day. I did some steps and stretching

    Today is delts and traps and I’m fuelled and ready

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 19, 2024 at 6:36 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hey man!

    Do u take all orals like anavar AM? Or du u Splitt?

    Hey bud yeah this prep I did all orals like anavar Winny halo etc in the am. [/quote]

    Thank u for the answer mate! Was there a Special reason and Did u notice and difference?[/quote]

    I workout after meal 1 so I like the orals to contribute to performance in the gym.

    And before bed I just don’t like knowing there’s toxins being processed whilst I sleep. Nothing science about it, just a personal preference. I take a lot of my health / organ supplements before bed so I don’t like mixing liver toxic anabolics in with them. Plus, when I’ve split them Am/PM in the past I haven’t seen a big difference in results to be honest [/quote]

    Your the man Sas! Thank so much for every informativ and Kind answer! I rly appreciate this and can learn so much! Much love for this!

    It rly make Sense to me, when u explain it like this and I often ask myself this question if there will be a noticable difference between Splitt Dose or take it all once a day.

    I looked up the last few sites and follow u a Long time, but I cant find much about your Morning Routine a can u give us a look about this? When u say u Train After the First meal, how do u use your t3/t4, Clen, etc pp. And do you Cardio before the First meal fasted?

    Reason why im asking this is, i also work out After my First meal, because I work After in the day and I ask myself often how is the best way to use my stimulans, Clen, etc. Or orales and them of course my Health Supps.

    Maybe u can give us a look how your Mornings in Prep Look like?

    Kind regards![/quote]
    You’re very welcome buddy I’m glad this helps you : ) it’s what I’m here for.

    I like to think about everything I do / take / eat etc as a bodybuilder and if it makes sense , how it makes me feel, and if it works.

    My morning routine during my latest prep was like this most days

    5am- wake:- water, t3, t4, Clen, gh
    Do 10-20 minutes steps
    Start work / go coffee shop
    6am- coffee, water
    Work for 2-3 hours
    8-9am:- meal 1, health supps, anavar winny etc
    10:30-11:- pre workout & train

    I do rest if my cardio / steps later on.

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 17, 2024 at 4:48 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Very good leg session today. They felt so full and pumped throughout . I’m definitely not lacking in glycogen or electrolytes at any point of the day haha.

    Feel like everything is just working so well together right now I feel like I’m growing all the time

    Consistency = key

    Food is staying at 350p 800c 60f for now

    Today extras have been 1 chocolate chip cookie and half a blueberry sponge cake slice

    I’ll gage “extras” more regularly going forward. This will bump my calories up but it’s all going toward the greater good, and that’s muscle gains : D

    Dropping test down to “hrt” soon. Quick clear out then back to blast

    I will win a show and I will be on the Olympia stage.

    Legs and abs
    Laying ham curls 1 x triple drop set 6-12
    Seated ham curls 1 x triple drop 5-11
    Standing ham curls 2 x 8-10
    Hack squats 3 x 7-12
    Leg extensions 4 x 15-20
    Adductors 2 x 10-15
    Single leg press 2 s 10-15
    Rope crunches 4 x 10-20

  • Sasan Heirati

    July 17, 2024 at 4:39 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hey man!

    Do u take all orals like anavar AM? Or du u Splitt?

    Hey bud yeah this prep I did all orals like anavar Winny halo etc in the am. [/quote]

    Thank u for the answer mate! Was there a Special reason and Did u notice and difference?[/quote]
    I workout after meal 1 so I like the orals to contribute to performance in the gym.
    And before bed I just don’t like knowing there’s toxins being processed whilst I sleep. Nothing science about it, just a personal preference. I take a lot of my health / organ supplements before bed so I don’t like mixing liver toxic anabolics in with them. Plus, when I’ve split them Am/PM in the past I haven’t seen a big difference in results to be honest

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