Sasan Heirati
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Sasan Heirati
MemberOctober 17, 2021 at 7:06 am in reply to: Fatigue management and cardio on a shift jobCardio is merely another tool in prep to create an energy deficit.
So the day you can the cardio do so then the days you can’t do cardio maybe adjust calorie intake to a little lower.
Think of your over “week” expenditure instead of just dailyAnd I don’t think doing fasted cardio, eating then training weight 1.5 hours will do any harm at all. Just keep the cardio easier – moderate intensity
Pro show wise if I do get light and stay light, then decide to do a completion then I’m good with that too, I respond to a prep best when I am heavy / softer but starting lighter / healthier also has benefits for me. I grow and eat into the show instead of just coming down into it
Guest posing wise I’m wanting to do the FitXpo in Liverpool, July 9th/10th if the promoters will have me.
So from January 1st that’s 27 weeks. I’d like to do a long prep where I’ll keep pushing up but adding more anabolics then at 20 weeks I’ll start bringing it down
I want to do a long prep because simply I haven’t prepped since 2018 so I want to do it slow without crashing down with crazy big deficits.
And with me personally when I get lean and stay lean longer it because easier to maintain without being in a deficit. I would love to be lighter year round 230 ish so that’s the long term goal.
Buuut as with anything with me I will constantly assess and auto regulate
246 today. Dropped a couple lbs.
but I’m taking today and Sunday off the gym so that’ll level out and go up againRest day and family time. Along with coaching clients I’ve got someone in the PCA finals today so I’m excited for him
Plan going into the next training week is more food. I’m expecting to get softer as I go into the 250’s especially on only 250 test but that’s ok and I don’t mind because I grow better when I’m “fluffy”.
Yeah what H and Clare said.
Just remember the goal so if fat loss is the goal make sure the client is dropping enough so the cheat meal doesn’t ruin / step anything back.
If muscle gain is the goal a cheat meal can help if done right
Don’t be too soft of them either.
245 today. Dropped a couple lbs. thanks leg day lol
That’s ok though more food right?
Today was arms with a side of delts. Actually felt very good, full pumped and strong.
My arm days are very pump driven. Slower reps, shirt rest periodsARMS, SIDE / REAR DELTS, CALVES
standing calf raise 5 x 20
reverse pec dec, 20, 15, 8, 14
Side delt machine, 25, 18, 18, 15
Close grip smith bench, 8, 12, 19
Cable rope hammer curls, 24, 16, 6
Ez bar tri push downs, 12, 10, 15
Ez bar cable curls, 15, 12, 8
Rope overhead ext, 15, 12, 12
Single arm cable curls, 12, 10, 7
21’s superset into close grip press-ups (body weight to failure) 3 sets each.
I agree with Clare
But I also don’t think the odd nights drinking will effect muscle growth too much if that’s what you’re asking.
I made a lot of gains drinking every weekend in my 20’s. Not condoning it though lolRemember this, what ever you choose to eat / drink on a daily basis either helps your growth or doesn’t… and how much it helps on a scale of 1-10. So it comes down to what benefits you personally.
What feels good for YOU. And how it all effects your goals -
Leg day diet today
Only thing I changed today was I bumped my 2 whey protein meals form 60g protein to 75. Just to add some calories but also aid recovery as I’m quite beat up
Otherwise all the same.
250mg test e weekly cycle right now too6 whole eggs, Mushrooms, spinach, 2 large wholemeal wraps
Post 75p from whey, 100g cream of rice
200g smoked salmon, 2 bagels, 10g cream cheese
280g cooked flank steak, 350g cooked rice, Salad
75p from whey, 40g peanut butter
249 lbs. up again. That lasagne went down a treat 🙂 I added extra beef to it on the side.
So leg day today just finished. Was an “ok” session. My knees and lower back are always giving be crap these days. So the load I use on leg days aren’t what I’d like but I try make it up with volume
Adductors 25, 21
Abductors 16, 20
Laying hamstring curls, 10, 12, 25
Upright Seated hammer leg press, 10, 15
Smith machine squats (light) 20, 18, 15
Leg extensions, 20, 20, 20, 20
Standing leg curls, 12, 12, 9
Hey buddy! Sas have given some very sound advice here! Not much really that I can add to that apart from adding some chest supported movements into your regime. I find these really help take away other factors out of the movement, you can’t use momentum so it really helps you focus on using your back muscles. This usually means a drop in load, which will be great for finding a great mind muscle connection.
Great advice Louis 🙂
Sasan Heirati
MemberOctober 14, 2021 at 6:05 am in reply to: What estro sides to look for on cycle?Some people experience mood changes, change in sleep patterns, little more sensitive to certain emotions / feelings, change in libido… for me personally my skin gets oilier, I get watery and I just feel less focused.
Everyone is different so bloods will
Give you the best idea -
Rest day diet today. With a cheat meal. Because I’m sore / drained and I have legs tomorrow.
I say “cheat” just in the old school sense. I don’t have cheat foods, I’m quite flexible off season so all food is ok if it serves a purpose. I’m not married to certain food sources.
Rest day
6 whole eggs, Mushrooms, spinach, 2 large wholemeal wraps
60p from whey, 100g cream of rice
200g smoked salmon, 2 bagels, 10g cream cheese
280g 2-3 portions of Costco lasagne, Salad
60p from whey, 40g peanut butter
248 lbs today Up 3 lbs 😀
Feel much fuller on current diet and training volume.
I know it might sound against the grain but I’ve always grown better doing less work in the gym.
More rest days, Lower volume, High “enough” food intake.
If I was to do the volume I enjoy doing I’d have to eat a lot more to grow and I just don’t want to put away a ton of food. I’d rather enjoy more calories dense / lower volume foods if I can. But at some point volume will go up
Rest day today. Chest and back day have wiped me out. I’ll post today’s diet below
What does your typical pull season look like?
Often it’s not what you’re doing it’s how you’re doing, how much of it you’re doing and how well your recovery isFew tips-
-hit the basics (pull ups, pull down, barbel rows, dumbbell rows, T bar rows, seated rows etc)
-perfect your form. Full ROM, explode into contraction and control the negative.
-you have “feel” each rep, don’t just move the weight, if you’re not feeling it attack your back muscle then lighten the load and slow down the reps.
-increase calories around that day
-throw in an extra rest day around that day
-make sure you’re working hard enough so after your pull session you really feel the “need” for a rest dayI could ramble on but I hope you take something from this at least 🙂