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  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 4:27 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hi Sas,

    I’d like you ask you about leg development as yours have always been decent!

    Noticed you have no squat movements in, is this something you’ve done for a while? I find I get so much better “feel” from leg press but I have an emotional attachment to squats. Thinking of dropping them and running a 45 degree sled & hammer strength pendulum leg press as 2 main compounds. Want to hear some thoughts behind your development.


    Thanks mate : )

    I stopped bar bell squats over 10 years ago. I’m not made for them. They just ruined my lower back / knees. I used hacks and leg press to properly develop my legs and they literally blew up when I stopped bar squatting

    Now I rarely even hack squat and I still get just as much stimulus from just leg press variations.

    Your legs don’t know what exercise you’re doing, if you’re feeling it properly in your quads glutes hams, and you’re progressing your weights / volume / low – high rep ranges, then they’ll 100% grow

    I think any leg press along with pendulum squat is plenty if done as hard as you can with perfect form : )

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Current cycle

    It’s taken me longer to decide hence why I haven’t posted it.

    I’ve decided to run 400 test, 300 deca, 0.5 adex x 1 day for 4-5 weeks

    Then possible switch the deca out for tren and add anadrol for the last 5 weeks to finish on a high

    Considering I haven’t done much last 2 years I’m expecting a lot from this run

    this looks solid bro, with deca, have you ever used NPP or just stuck with the basic deca…
    adding switching out the deca for tren and anadrol, whats the view behind that in terms of goal?[/quote]
    I’ve always preferred and done really well with deca, and I hate doing regular shots haha.

    So regardless of if I am in a dieting or growing phase… I like to taper anabolics. I start low / weak, and try gain / or drop body fat, as much as I can before adding either more dosage or compounds… so I go off how I look / perform / feel and adjust drugs like I do food / cardio etc

    For the next 4-5 weeks months Ive decided I want to maximise gaining so test and deca are perfect for me

    Then I want to slowly cut for the following weeks / months and do a guest posing. So as calories come down I like to use harder stuff like tren and anadrol to make sure I stay big strong full, so I won’t actually lose a lot of weight

    My body loves anadrol. And I haven’t used tren for a couple years so I just want to throw it in and have fun haha

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 26, 2022 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Current cycle

    It’s taken me longer to decide hence why I haven’t posted it.

    I’ve decided to run 400 test, 300 deca, 0.5 adex x 1 day for 4-5 weeks

    Then possible switch the deca out for tren and add anadrol for the last 5 weeks to finish on a high

    Considering I haven’t done much last 2 years I’m expecting a lot from this run

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 26, 2022 at 5:37 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Today was legs. And I was really happy with it, I lowered my rest periods to add some intensity, and also to hold me back from lifting heavy.

    I threw some high rep leg press sets in. For my quads, these are king. My quads literally almost explode

    So quite high volume, fast pace, done in under an hour. These are the sessions my legs love for growing. Pump was ridiculously

    Legs & calves

    Donkey calf raise 5 x 15-20

    Abductors 3 x 20

    Laying curls 3 x 6-8 with triple drop

    Leg press, 5 sets, 20, 30, 45, 25, 20
    (Went up in weight so higher reps higher weight , last 3 sets were same weight I just failure lot sooner)

    Leg extensions 4 x 18-25

    Standing curls 3 x 8-10

    Adductors 3 x 8- 12

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 25, 2022 at 6:49 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hey buddy. I tried yohimbine once and couldn’t stand how it felt so I didn’t use it either. In terms of being legal, nothing other then caffeine and green tea extract in terms of fat numbers. I never found other stuff or over the counter fat burners to be effective to be honest. Stuff like t3 / Clen yes for sure but they aren’t legal either. Good old cardio, high intensity sessions and calorie deficit diet will get you as lean as you need. Hope this helps

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 25, 2022 at 5:07 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Diet currently

    It’s actually not quite the same. Few tweaks. More eggs whites in place of tie cottage cheese at meal 1. Last meal is also different

    Still 5 meals as it just suits my digestion / appetite better

    I will swap out foods depending on appetite and gym performance. Sometimes soup instead of carbs, fattier steak instead of lean beef, chicken thighs instead of breast and so on…

    So I do still auto regulate but this is a typical day


    3 whole eggs, 15 whites, 2 slice bread, kale

    Train JP stim + pump pre, 1 sc sustain intra

    280g chicken, 250g rice or pasta

    3 sc Jp whey, 4 sc (80 carbs) cream of rice

    280g beef, 250g rice or pasta

    1 sc whey 300g cottage cheese, 1 maveric bar (beef instead of whey if very hungry)

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 25, 2022 at 4:13 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    248 today and feeling really good again

    Hopefully no more set backs.

    I feel bigger overall, and definitely leaner

    I’ll post pics soon, soon as it’s something worth posting haha

    Rest day today, much needed. I did go to the gym just did 30 minutes easy cardio and lots of stretching just to stay on top of the routine and I’ve got legs tomorrow so staying a little more mobile today will help that also

    Food as still the same last night I was extra hungry to had beef, cottage cheese and greens. I’ll post diet below for an update

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 24, 2022 at 4:07 pm in reply to: Road to First Timers 2022

    Cool starting point buddy. Plan looks solid too. Be good to see how you get on : )

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 24, 2022 at 4:05 pm in reply to: Bringing up lagging arms – to arm day or not to arm day?

    Agree with Jordan for sure. Try it for a while and see how your arms respond.

    It definitely worked for me to really bring my arms up. But like with anything – trial & error

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 24, 2022 at 1:38 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Chest today. Back is soooore from yesterday, a good sore.

    Decided to have a bigger meal before bed so had huge bowl of. pasta, chicken wings, chicken strippers.

    Chest was good, throwing in more failure sets and intensifiers now. Time to step things up again

    Chest and calves

    Toe press 5 x 6-15

    Flat smith 3 x 8-15

    Incline neural panatta 3 x 8-12 triple drop last set

    Pec Dec 3 x 12-15

    Dip machine 3 x 15-20

    Cable fly 3 x 12-15

    Press-ups body weigh 2 x failure (24,12)

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 23, 2022 at 5:05 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Very good back session considering.

    Zero lower back work for a while for me. I don’t even think I’ll do light rdl… I’ll give it a few weeks then maybe add barbell rows / t bar rows, which is what gave me most of my back thickness over the years

    Fast paced session to keep pump high. Loads of volume.

    Not load focused at all I was just enjoying

    Back and abs

    Rope crunches 3 x 6-12

    Hanging leg raises 3 x 5-10

    Straight arm pull downs 3 x 6-12

    Face pulls 3 x 8-15

    Neutral grip pull down 3 x 8-12

    Close grip pull downs 2 x 8-12

    Seated chest supported row 3 x 6-10 with double drop

    Wide grip pull downs 3 x 10-15

    Reverse pec Dec 3 x 6-15

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 23, 2022 at 8:59 am in reply to: Using Dbol preworkout on weak body parts only

    Great “pre” tool in mu experience also. My go to is anadrol but dbol will be effective too.

    I usually take it 90-120 mins pre also before pre meal.

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 23, 2022 at 8:56 am in reply to: JPs trt + log

    This run right now is exciting!

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 23, 2022 at 8:34 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So a great few days in Kent. My back feels much better today although the 5 hour drive home last night didn’t help

    I’m going to get back in the gym today and actually train back, mainly to get it moving and get some blood pumped around. And also, so I’m back in mu usual routine split wise which I’ll put below as.

    I’m still constantly changed where delts / traps / arms goes but this is the split I once used to bring up my back and chest (arms and legs were stronger parts when I first turned pro)

    The main point of this split it to alternate hitting chest and back twice.

    So week 1, chest gets him twice, back one

    Week to back gets hit twice, chest once

    And repeat.

    So chest and back get trained 3 times every 2 weeks

    Legs arms and delt get trained once as usual

    Week 1
    – back, abs
    -chest, calves
    -legs, calves
    -delts, traps, arms
    -chest, calves

    Week 2
    -chest, calves
    -back, abs
    -legs, calves
    -delts traps arms
    -back, abs


    My chest and back have lost a lot of size / density so I’m hoping this split will help them come back up

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 22, 2022 at 1:42 pm in reply to: Deload

    I wouldn’t try progress any sets at all bud. Even back offs.

    It’s not just the load, you need to lower volume and intensity too so going to failure to beat sets won’t allow proper recovery if that’s your goal

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