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  • Sasan Heirati

    January 31, 2022 at 3:42 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So 2 off plan meals Saturday and Sunday, both similar, bucket full of chicken wings and fries but Sunday I added a Philly style cheese steak sub too.

    Today 248, same as 2 days ago. But I feel nice and full

    Moving forward I’ll add more calories so I’ll revise my plan today and post the changes later

    Chest and calves today

    Filmed for the site : )

    Great session, felt strong and pumped throughout.

    Standing calf raises 4 x 20 , triple drop finish

    Flat smith press 4 x 6-12

    Incline neutral panatta 4 x 6-12 triple drop finish

    Weighted dips 3 x 6-15 in a drop set fashion starting heaviest

    Cable low fly 3 x 10-15

    Cable high flys super set with body weight press-ups. 3 x 10-15 on flys, press-ups to failure, was around 8-11 press-ups each set

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 30, 2022 at 9:08 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So back up to 250 today. Threw in a big off plan meal last night. Bucket full of chicken wings and tons of fries. With popcorn afters.

    Feel full this morning and not bloated. And I’m starving so it was a good choice for a cheat

    Rest day today, family time, might wash and take my car out for a “spirited drive”, if don’t do that enough these days lol it’s my ZEN time

    so regular meals. I’ll possible throw in another high calorie meal in tonight, enjoy it with the family and since it’s chest day tomorrow it’ll get put to good use

    Definitely feeling the bump in test and the deca too… in the gym but also just day to day living I feel bigger and tighter, feels good.

    I’d stay at around 250 if I can continue to get leaner / and still fill out… but I’ll asses as I go. I just can’t be doing with getting heavy, for me it makes zero sense physique or stage goal wise

    If I was 220 trying to still get big then for sure I’d be trying to get as heavy as possible. But I’ve done that dance so now it’s not too necessary

    Hope you all have a great Sunday!

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 29, 2022 at 5:31 pm in reply to: Painful Spots on the hair follicles on my chest

    Yeah it’s just bacteria from sweat / hairs etc. it’ll pass but in the mean time get something called “Hibiscrub” it’s an anti bacterial wash, doctors use it before operations and vets use it on animal wounds etc to sterilise

    Use it like a shower gel

    And shower / wipe down the area as often as you can. Morning, post workout, nighttime etc etc

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 29, 2022 at 5:27 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Couple lbs down today to 248. Which is crazy cos I had 2 muffins last night before bed oops haha.

    So 248. I’ve gotten considerably leaner throughout this month. I’m very happy with that because I feel bigger too

    In the gym I feel full and pumped, out the gym I feel tighter and drier compared to the start of January. Win win

    I’ll likely push food this coming week to try keep my weight above 250. Just so I don’t drop anymore.

    Plan is to start dropping fat properly from March. Aim being very lean July

    Light / pump back day today

    Abs- rope crunches 4 x 12-15

    Hanging leg raises 3 x 5

    Straight arm pulls 3 x 8-12

    Face pulls 3 x 10-15

    Rev pec Dec 3 x 8-15

    Seated iso cable rows 3 x 8-12

    Chest supported rows 3 x 6-10

    Panatta pull downs neutral 3 x 10-15

    Single arm cable rows 2 x 10-15

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 28, 2022 at 8:06 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So change of plan when I got to the gym, whilst warming up my right lat into tricep insertion pulled quite bad. So decided to just do a light chest pump up. It’s happened before. My entire right shoulder area, front and back, is fucked up. But it’ll be fine by tomorrow I think as it’s not too sore tonight.

    So Im doing chest Monday, and didn’t want to do anything that would impede on that session, tried to keep reps above 10 with short rest periods between sets. Nice pump, felt super full, shouldn’t be very sore from it so I’ll be fully recovered by Monday

    Chest and calves

    Seated toe press 5 x 12-20

    Incline Panatta press neutral 4 x 10-12

    Decline hammer 4 x 10-12

    Cable fly upper chest 3 x 12-15

    Cable fly lower chest 3 x 12-15

    Pec Dec 4 x 15-20

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 28, 2022 at 7:24 pm in reply to: Side delt injection

    I’ve never used insulin pin for oil injections so can’t relate, but I could imagine thickened scar tissue can effect the flow.

    Try moving the needle upwards by 1-2cm. So you’ll angle them needle down a little. Try go into an area that does feel so hard. You don’t have move too far away from the Center

    If it’s scar tissue I’d suggest you start getting it ironed out because if it keeps building up it’ll look terrible when you’re lean

    You could also rotate injection sites more if you don’t already.

    I’m sure other will chime in here ?

    Yeah I’d defo agree and was hoping someone would say that tbf haha. Gotta be scar tissue. It’s just never happened To me before. Well it’s what I’d refer to as a slin pin, it’s basically a fixed short orange 1ml barrel that you back load. Shouldn’t have been more specific haha. I’ll try moving away from the center and see what that is like. I just re drew it up and used a 2 piece barrel and long orange and put it in my vetro glute. As for sites I use both delts and glutes as I’m a fucking nightmare baby with jabbing ? any suggestions and what else is super 3asy for someone that hates jabbing. Cheers for the reply pal appreciate it mate. [/quote]
    Haha I hate jabbing too. Especially if there’s no one to help. If you can get help, rear delts are amazing I think. Takes a lot to scar up.
    Triceps and lats are great too.
    I tend to stick with side delts but I go up the delt a good 2 inch now, and I like glutes. But I rarely ever do more then 2 shots weekly so scar tissue doesn’t build up much for me. And I use blues. Deep tissue will help a lot honestly

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 28, 2022 at 9:46 am in reply to: Side delt injection

    I’ve never used insulin pin for oil injections so can’t relate, but I could imagine thickened scar tissue can effect the flow.

    Try moving the needle upwards by 1-2cm. So you’ll angle them needle down a little. Try go into an area that does feel so hard. You don’t have move too far away from the Center

    If it’s scar tissue I’d suggest you start getting it ironed out because if it keeps building up it’ll look terrible when you’re lean

    You could also rotate injection sites more if you don’t already.

    I’m sure other will chime in here 🙂

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 28, 2022 at 9:43 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Still hovering around 250

    Body comp has improved a lot this month, I feel bigger and leaner.

    Difference in weight since start of January is only 5 lbs or so, but different in body comp is waaaay more

    If I can stay around or not go too far below 240 by July but almost fat free, that’s a huge huge win for me.

    Contemplating a rest day today, as I’ve train 4 days already this week. But I feel so good I’m just going to keep going.

    Probably just rest Sunday to spend with family, then Monday I am
    Filming for the site.

    Today is back (again) I don’t really do “width and thickness” days, but I’ll vary the volume / rest times / and how much I use my lower back in movements.

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 8:00 pm in reply to: Lean and dry bulk

    Being water isn’t always just the steroids, can he body fat / fluids etc… but cycke wise I like masteron alongside low-moderate test if trying to stay drier. Winsterol too sometimes

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 7:58 pm in reply to: Instability in push-exercises

    Hi Kristian. I’m guessing you’ve never injured your shoulders / rotators / tendons etc… otherwise I’m sure you’d have mentioned it

    Sounds like your rotators might be weak, so maybe worth start by looking up rotator strengthening exercises. Make sure they’re up to speed

    Core also needs sufficient strength, with most movements so address that too if you can, make its strong enough.

    Otherwise I’d say see a physio to try y the root of the issue

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 7:55 pm in reply to: Lower back pumps

    Great advice from both Kiera and Phoebe so definitely take note mate. I’d advise the same

    Also if you can, would be a good idea to get some deep tissue, foam roll pre and post workout too.

    Make sure glutes are worked / strengthened effectively on leg day also, so your lower back isn’t overworking

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 4:41 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Also remember guys I don’t think anyone “needs” tren unless getting on a serious stage. For me it has some extra value if I’m guest posing too, and I literally don’t need much more then 150-200mg weekly… but generally I think you can lean and nasty, or huuuge with milder much safer stuff

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 4:38 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    So still 250. Still feeling bigger and leaner consistently right now. Been nearly a week on the test and deca and my body is already LOVING it lol

    Arms and delts today.

    Very cool session, again I kept rest times short, volume high, and for the first time since November I felt big

    Remember I’m not trying to train heavy, so I use a lot of “feeder, pump” sets but final sets are usually to and beyond failure using drops / rest pauses. The short rest periods alone raise intense and fatigue really high. But I still go as heavy as I can for that day

    Face pulls 4 x 8-15

    Rev pec Dec 3 x 10-20 , triple drop finish

    Side raise machine 5 x 12-20 with triple drop

    High incline panatta press 4 x 6-10 double drop

    Smith shrugs 4 x 8-12

    Triceps rope ext 3 x 8-15 double drop

    Over head ez ext 3 x 8-12 rest pause finish

    Single arm underhand ext 3 x 8-12

    Rope hammer curls 3 x 10-15 double drop

    Ez bar curls 3 x 8-12 double drop

    Single cable curls 3 x 6-10 rest pause finish

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 4:28 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hi Sas,

    I’d like you ask you about leg development as yours have always been decent!

    Noticed you have no squat movements in, is this something you’ve done for a while? I find I get so much better “feel” from leg press but I have an emotional attachment to squats. Thinking of dropping them and running a 45 degree sled & hammer strength pendulum leg press as 2 main compounds. Want to hear some thoughts behind your development.


    decent? the mans legs are fucking fantastic haha sorry just had to say that.

    Haha thank Riz : )

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 27, 2022 at 4:27 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hi Sas,

    I’d like you ask you about leg development as yours have always been decent!

    Noticed you have no squat movements in, is this something you’ve done for a while? I find I get so much better “feel” from leg press but I have an emotional attachment to squats. Thinking of dropping them and running a 45 degree sled & hammer strength pendulum leg press as 2 main compounds. Want to hear some thoughts behind your development.


    Thanks mate : )

    I stopped bar bell squats over 10 years ago. I’m not made for them. They just ruined my lower back / knees. I used hacks and leg press to properly develop my legs and they literally blew up when I stopped bar squatting

    Now I rarely even hack squat and I still get just as much stimulus from just leg press variations.

    Your legs don’t know what exercise you’re doing, if you’re feeling it properly in your quads glutes hams, and you’re progressing your weights / volume / low – high rep ranges, then they’ll 100% grow

    I think any leg press along with pendulum squat is plenty if done as hard as you can with perfect form : )

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