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  • Sasan Heirati

    November 29, 2021 at 9:33 am in reply to: Keep Pushing or Pull Back?

    Hi bud, I think there’s a big mental component to coming off / onto trt, so you will definitely flatten out and soften up slightly but probably more so in your head. If straight away start thinking that you’re weaker then you will lose strength, stay positive and know that you’re still strong. Don’t let the mind games tell you to other wise. Just go in and train hard

    As for this trt phase, if you’re already thinking you’re gaining fat, then just maintain till next cycle. You’ve got a long one cycle / prep coming up so use this period to get as healthy as possible, and not get fat. At 21 weeks you can hit it hard in a very good place without being tired or sloppy. You’ll just respond much better to everything

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 28, 2021 at 6:26 pm in reply to: Workout plan need suggestions

    It really depends on how you feel / and how you’ve been progressing with this current setup. Just like diet, there’s more then one way to set up workouts as long you are recovering, progressing and also enjoying them, then you’re on the right track

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 28, 2021 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Increasing appetite via supplements

    Totally agree with Jordan. For me if my meals digest well (body always always tells you if it does) and I somewhat enjoy my food, then usually appetite stays in a good spot

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 28, 2021 at 6:21 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Completely written off today and last night I think thanks to my son and a stomach bug. All I’ve had in the last 24 hours is 2 small bowls of chicken soup and water. So I’m dreading jumping on the scales or looking in the mirror tomorrow haha

    I used to get use it stressed when I get sick, and I rarely get sick, but I’m recent years my thought is just “let it run its coarse” everyone gets sick and we never lose any muscle just fulness which comes back fast 🙂

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Hopefully it’s just a 24-48 hours bug and back on track tomorrow

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 28, 2021 at 6:18 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Hi there, been reading ur log since u started it back up again and i like it ?just wondering when u did anadrol and winstrol for ur diet did you only use it pre workout and not on rest days?

    Thank you ?

    Yes I used both pre workout and nothing on rest days. But as I got very lean the last 2 weeks I would throw a 2nd dose of winny for a more hardening effect also[/quote]

    Okok ?i always tought u would have more sides if u dont take em every day coz ur levels of it go up and down all the time.

    No most of the time I use orals as a pre workout type, and I’m always ok with it.

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 26, 2021 at 6:32 pm in reply to: Pre & Post workout carbs

    I don’t think you need a sugary carb pre. If you’re eating a good solid meal within 2 hours pre.
    But during and after training it really does help to throw in some carbs for sure , for both recovery and growth

    Like Hilly said maybe start sipping on way to the gym

    BUT I think end of the day you still grow without. So what ever suits your needs best

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 26, 2021 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    255 and comfortable. I actually dipped in blood sugar yesterday after my post workout meal which was odd but that’s down to me lowering my carbs a little.

    So to rectify this I had a burger and fries meal last night with cookies for desert 🙂

    As a result today’s leg session was INSANELY good. Best one I’ve had for a while. I told Jordan if go for 20-40 rep leg press work sets and I could feel him watching me in spirit hahaha

    Legs and abs –

    Adductors 3 sets 20 reps

    Abductors 3 sets 20 reps

    Laying ham curls, 10, 9, 15

    Leg press, 30 reps at 400kg, 20 reps at 300kg, 42 reps at 200kg

    Glute drive 8, 12, 10

    Leg extensions 12, 10, 15

    Standing leg curls 8, 8, 5

    Rope crunches abs 3 x 12-15

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 26, 2021 at 6:21 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    245 lbs today.

    I pretty much hold this weight comfortably even if I under eat.

    I’m not very lean but not fat.

    I’m not full freaky round or at my strongest. It’s just “comfortable and effortless” I guess

    Cycle has been

    250mg test weekly (sus)

    Since start of august

    Since then training and food have been subpar.

    I ran a pretty hard diet May June and July. But my deficit was waaay too big so I essentially overdieted. Joints were shot.

    No reason other then I had zero appetite (lost my dog)and just wanted to lose a ton of body fat i had accumulated over the last 3 years.

    For this diet I ran

    400 test

    50mg anadrol pre

    50mg winny pre

    0.5mg adex 2 x weekly

    1 hour cardio daily

    Diet was

    450p, 100-200c, trace fats

    High calorie days every 4-6 days depending on how I looked

    Carbs varied when I was very lean I needed makes.

    This lasted a good 10 weeks

    Looked pretty damn good. I actually grew, most likely muscle I had lost.

    So last few month I’ve been recovering from that. Lost size in the process. But but that’s it keeps me feeling good when I’m light.

    I’m going to run 250mg test only till end of this month then possibly add another compound to try add some more mass and get my strength back up over winter

    Yep i love a winter bulk haha

    Come January I’ll likely add cardio back in, start to tighten / harden up without losing a ton of weight

    I’ll post my diet later today along with training

    I auto regulate everything

    Diet, training, cycle

    23 years lifting weights, 17 of those years without a coach, I can listen to my body really well. And I know what it prefers.

    Plus I have crappy joint genetics so I have a lot pretty bad chronic pain

    From past injuries / wear and tear

    That’s me up to date now regarding plan moving forward.

    Any questions just fire ?

    Hi there, been reading ur log since u started it back up again and i like it ?just wondering when u did anadrol and winstrol for ur diet did you only use it pre workout and not on rest days?

    Thank you 🙂
    Yes I used both pre workout and nothing on rest days. But as I got very lean the last 2 weeks I would throw a 2nd dose of winny for a more hardening effect also

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 25, 2021 at 6:04 pm in reply to: Motivation

    Micheal makes a great point. It’s clearly no fun for you anymore so you need to dig out WHY you loved it in the first place. Sometimes though even that drive can change, so if I lose motivation I try switching things up completely, so do something that makes you have fun, wether that’s in the gym or maybe even not…

    One thing you shouldn’t do is force it, don’t be harsh on yourself either, most things work themselves out don’t worry. Just remember this is meant to be fun so if there’s something you change to make it fun again do it. No rules, forget others, just look within and it’ll come to you.

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 25, 2021 at 9:49 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Cardio wise-

    I’ve added 10-15 minute stair master before I do weights. I like this way because it gets me very warm, pumped, and buzzing for the session. Compared to post workout when I’m just so tired and spent I just want to eat lol.

    It’s quite hard so I do-

    5 mins at speed 5… then every minute after i up 1 speed, so minute 6 speed 6, 7 speed 7 and so on till I’m struggling up the stairs which is around minute 12 level 12. Heart rate goes to around 170 also so it’s high intensity at that point.

    Aim to get minute 15 speed 15 before I fall off haha

    It doesn’t effect my strength or endurance for weights what so ever, if anything it makes me train harder.

    So I’ll continue this moving forward on most / all training days

    Maybe switch to cross trainer sometimes if I’m extra tired that day

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 25, 2021 at 9:45 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    255 yesterday and today. Holding this well right now I feel very comfortable here so I’m happy right now.

    Feel big full and not too sloppy

    PED’s- 300 test weekly (I’ll stay here I think we I’m feeling good, strong, energy, libido etc all perfect)

    Great day yesterday. , work, Back training then family day out

    Back session was OK, day before I was very active and busy compared to my usual day so I think effected my performance but that’s ok as I adjusted my volume / load to accommodate

    Used slow reps, lower rep range. I find this stops me wanted to load heavier but keep intensity very high and I’m always always sore after these sessions

    Abs – rope crunches 5 x 15

    Reverse pec Dec 12, 8, 8, 5

    Cable pull overs 8, 6, 6, 5

    Cable low face pulls 8, 8

    Smith barbell rows 4 x 5 reps

    Seated chest support machine row 7, 6, 4

    Pull downs neutral grip 8, 8

    Seated cable row single arm 3 x 8 each side

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 25, 2021 at 9:27 am in reply to: Front delt training.

    I agree a little with all above. I don’t think front delts need a ton of direct work BUT everyone I do give them some extra attention I do notice they “pop” a little more day to day. So I think working them is a good idea but don’t spend lots of time / volume on them

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 25, 2021 at 9:20 am in reply to: Pre work out Mobilisation routines

    I will let others chime in specific mobility work but I will say I think using a cardio machine like cross trainer is very very underused as a warm up.

    Just 5-10 minutes easy get arms and legs moving pumping blood around goes a looooong way in terms of getting joints loose / warm, gets muscles and heart pumping. Try it.

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 24, 2021 at 1:55 pm in reply to: Fat or carbs

    Agree with Clare I think if fats were rock bottom then bring them up to healthier level then I’d go with carbs from there for a good while as your body will use them so so well post show so make use of it

  • Sasan Heirati

    November 23, 2021 at 9:44 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Rest days as I had a few things to sort out for my car (bad addiction)

    That’s ok because delts arms and traps were very sore and my knees are still tender from last leg day.
    So rest day warranted and muuuch appreciated

    Usual meals without the post workout shake i’d usually have

    Feel quite full and round today. So that’s a win

    I’m still on antibiotics but stomachs seems a lot more settled. I actually re added veggie might back in as someone said pro biotics helps digestion with on antibiotics and it actually has with me so there you go. Hopefully it’s not a fluke

    So back day tomorrow and I’m quite looking forward to it 🙂

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