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  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 5:19 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Legs was great. Felt strong and lots of energy throughout. Knees also behaved themselves and so did my back. I did leg press only as my main big movement but did a few extra work sets. And I went quite heavy for me

    Legs and Calves

    Standing calf raises 5 x 8-12

    Laying ham curls 3 x 8-12

    Standing single ham curls 3 x 6-15

    Leg press 5 x 15-25 (first work set was 480kg for 15 then dropped 100kg at each set for 4 more straight sets all to failure)

    Leg extensions hammer strength 4 x 12-20

    Adductors 3 x 8-15

    Abductors 3 x 12-20

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 11:10 am in reply to: Dosage for masteron

    Don’t need to run mast as high as prep.

    I run it from 200mg to as high as 400 (near a show)

    I’d suggest you start with 200 and see how you progress then adjust if you need to

    You would obviously run test higher? [/quote]
    Yes, I like 400 rest 200 primo to start and taper both up when I need to

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 10:22 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    252 today so creeping up at last

    That extra piece of toast and whey shake did the trick haha

    Also I swapped my rice for pasta yesterday for a change. Tasted great so I’ll stick with that

    Leg today and I’m seriously up for a good session. My quads are pumped doing my emails haha

    I’ll have an off plan meal
    At some point post legs today. So I’ll post todays “higher food” diet later

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 10:20 am in reply to: Dosage for masteron

    Don’t need to run mast as high as prep.
    I run it from 200mg to as high as 400 (near a show)

    I’d suggest you start with 200 and see how you progress then adjust if you need to

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 10:19 am in reply to: Test e tren ace primo

    Don’t ^need tren

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 10:19 am in reply to: Test e tren ace primo

    Test E and primo yes.
    Don’t been tren ace off season I’m my opinion.
    Unless you’re 260+ lbs trying to get to 280-300

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 3, 2022 at 10:19 am in reply to: Calve pain!

    Did this happen all of a sudden or come on over time?
    I’d stay clear of stretching / massaging etc till you know for sure you’ve not torn any muscle fibres.
    And is in the belly of the muscle or below ?

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 2, 2022 at 5:23 pm in reply to: Injection sites/ injections on prep/ 2weeks out

    Hi bud.
    When moving to more frequent shots definitely try rotate sites more. Gluts, side delts, rear delts if you have help, triceps… all good sites to go to. Needle wise just now bigger then blues and you should be fine. If you notice one site building up more scar tissue then others, lumps up, gets harder then leave that site for a couple weeks.

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 2, 2022 at 9:19 am in reply to: Resting Heart Rate

    Answers covered well above for sure I agree with them

    Drugs definitely effect it majorly. But otherwise I do think it’s more of an “insurance” to try keep RHR below 80 if you can. At 230 and your height that shouldn’t be an issue.

    Unless someone is 270-280+ then 80-90 is expected I think.

    I’d suggest properly CV work , interval cardio that spikes your HR up over 155-160 multiple times. 2 times weekly even helps

    For reference Mines usually 65-70 and I’m 250 at 176 cm. On 700mg anabolics total right now. If it starts to creep up I add hard interval cardio and it comes down fast

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 2, 2022 at 9:11 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Up a couple lbs today to 250

    Rest day today. Work most of the day, plus a spirited drive out to get my eyes tested lol.

    Feel GOOD this week so far. No complaints. Sleep perfect, recovery is great, performance in gym is great, appetite is good, feel bigger and leaner. Usual aches and pains are manageable.

    Lower back is behaving itself, I’ve done zero lower back loading for couple weeks and it’s helping. I don’t see why I’d need to add any back in, back feels thicker and wider

    I’ve made more effort to not slouch when I sit anywhere now too which seems to help my lower too . Small and simple but works

    So diet for rest days similar to training day minus one whey shake

    Unless my appetite decide to go crazy in which case I’ll add more food and feed it.

    Legs tomorrow. I’ll like have an off plan meal post legs to make sure I stay full rest of the week since leg days seem to really drain me more lately

    I’ll post today diet later if anything is added : )

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 1, 2022 at 4:39 pm in reply to: Safe to cruise? After changing mindset to do PCT?

    How come you’ve waiting 5 weeks before starting pct?

    If your goal is to recover natural hormone levels (which is the smarter option) then I would stay off.

    Once you start cruising it’ll become harder and harder to recover you test levels. And there’s already risk of fertility damage if you do this long term

    So it depends what you end goal from this journey is…

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 1, 2022 at 4:36 pm in reply to: Stretch marks

    Yeah like Adam said bio oil helps a lot.

    Cocoa butter helped me a lot too. But you have to apply then twice daily at least

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 1, 2022 at 4:35 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Current diet. All I’ve done this week is add a whey shake straight after training to bump up the protein. And also added more carbs to meal 1, nothing crazy just to fuel the training better, I feel like there’s definitely demand for that now that my training intensity and volume is on the up

    And as I said, I’ll likely throw in a higher food day either Wednesday rest day or Thursday leg day.

    This is because last Friday I noticed a slight dip in performance even though it still felt great, so I think a moderate high day mid week will keep me firing nicely all week in the gym

    3 whole eggs, 15 whites, 3 slice bread, kale

    Train- 1 sc sustain

    Post- 3 sc JP whey

    280g beef, 250g rice or pasta

    3 sc Jp whey, 4 sc (80 carbs) cream of rice

    280g chicken breast, 250g rice or pasta

    1 sc whey 300g cottage cheese, cucumber, 1 maveric bar (beef instead of whey if very hungry)

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 1, 2022 at 4:28 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    248 again today seems to be the magic number lol feel leaner again, the fact I’m holding weight means I’m also growing or at least regaining lost muscle

    I’m not quite lean enough to push up properly so I’ll hold off this week also, then maybe next week if I’m leaner again I’ll bump up the calories to try grow some more

    Usually, for myself, I don’t really care if I’m soft I’ll still grow if I need to, but right now I want to feel good too hence why I’m staying at this weight / food intake

    But I might throw in a mid week high food days. As the last 2 didn’t touch the sides

    Feed that metabolism : )

    BACK and ABS today. Felt so good!

    Rope crunches 4 x 15-20

    Hanging leg raises 4 x 5-7

    Straight arm pull downs 3 x 8-12 – triple drop finish

    Face pulls 3 x 8-12 – triple rest pause finish

    Chest supported bent over row 3 x 8-12

    Single arm rows same machine 3 x 10-12

    Wide grip pull downs 4 x 8-12 – double drop finish

    Seated cable row close grip 4 x 8-10

    Seated cable single arm rows 2 x 12-15

  • Sasan Heirati

    January 31, 2022 at 3:44 pm in reply to: Thinking of reducing weight load on pressing

    Great idea. It’ll help your pressing in the long run for sure. When I was trying press heavy, I’d often hit a wall, I’d usually light load increase reps or lower rest periods and also throw in something before pressing, I’d do this for 2-3 weeks then go back

    Try it see how it feels.

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