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  • Sasan Heirati

    February 12, 2022 at 2:54 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Current diet / split / anabolics setup


    3 whole eggs, 15 whites, 4 slice bread, 1 crumpet, 100g cottage cheese, kale

    Train- 1 sc sustain

    Post- 3 sc JP whey

    280g chicken or beef, 300g rice or pasta

    3 sc Jp whey, 4 sc (80 carbs) cream of rice

    280g chicken or beef, 300g rice or pasta

    2 sc JP whey, 150g oats, 20g nut butter

    500mg test weekly
    300mg deca weekly
    0.5mg adex every Monday

    1- back & abs
    2- chest & calves
    3- rest
    4- legs & abs
    5- delts traps & calves
    6- arms & calves
    7- rest

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 12, 2022 at 2:49 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Woke up a little lighter today. 247 down 2 lbs. So definitely adding some more carbs to the diet. I’ll likely add some oats to my last meal before bed.

    I’ll post my diet and everything later today : )

    Arms and calves today. Felt good considering the drop in weight still felt very full and strong

    Standing calf raises 6 x 8-15 triple drop

    Close grip smith press 4 x 6-12 double drop

    Rope extensions 4 x 10-15 triply drop

    Over head ez bar ext 4 x 8-12

    Bar bell curls 21’s 4 sets

    Rope hammers 4 x 8-15 double drop

    Single arm cable ext 4 x 6-12 double drop

    Db curls super set with close grip press-ups 3 x 8-12 (curls) BW failure on press-ups failed around 12-15 each time

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 11, 2022 at 6:07 pm in reply to: Self confidence issues

    You have to try remind yourself that these people are saying negative things usually to make themselves feel better about their own shitty lives. They have to bring others down to feel relevant because basically they aren’t happy with their own life, ever.

    Remember this is YOUR journey, you control your actions, mindset, outlook…

    One of the greatest things about bodybuilding is we are all different genetically, shape, size, strength, rate of progress and so on… so it literally means nothing what others think or do, it’s all about wether or not your enjoying the journey

    So just smile and nod at those morons, let them get back to their crappy day and you continue winning at yours buddy

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 11, 2022 at 6:03 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    No change in weight today. 249 and feeling good.

    Appetite is up a touch. So I might add some carbs in to the diet in the next day or 2. I don’t want to go hungry just yet.

    I’ll post an update of my diet , split , anabolics etc in next couple days so I’m keeping you up to date : )

    All in all, still feel great. I realise I’m not changing much these last few days, so profess has slowed, but soon I’ll drop into a deficit so that’ll see some more frequent changes and some more fun. Nearly time to get leaner, I’ve filled back out to a decent continuing 248-250 which is perfect for right now and I feel big and healthy

    Delts traps and calves today felt great. Short rest periods, strength was OK, pump insane

    Toe calf press 5 x 12-20

    Face pulls 3 x 8-12

    Reverse pec Dec 3 x 8-16 triple drop finish

    Side lateral machine 5 x 10-20 triple drop

    High incline machine press 4 x 8-15 Double drop

    Smith upright rows 3 x 6- 12

    Smith shrugs 4 x 10-15 triple drop

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 10, 2022 at 3:26 pm in reply to: Blood work! Any advice welcome

    How do you feel in yourself? During training, outside the gym, mood / energy / joint health etc etc… ?

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 10, 2022 at 3:23 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Perfect rest day yesterday

    Held weight just under 249, happy with that

    Leg day went really good, so to try keep my knees happy, I’m trying to alternate heavier leg days with higher rep / lighter leg days. Although my “heavy” isn’t as heavy as a lot of guys, I like to turn up the load, and if I do that every week I’ll end up in lot of knee pain and training will suffer

    So today was lighter, I kept all quad rep ranges at 20, hamstring work 6-15 as usual, rest times reduce to no more then 1 minute and as low as 30 seconds

    Results was ridiculous pump and fatigue, high volume, and minimal knee pain

    So next week I’ll likely lower volume a touch, lengthen rest times and go slightly heavier

    Legs & abs

    Abductors 3 x 20-25

    Adductors 3 x 15-20

    Laying curls 4 x 6-12

    Seated curls 3 x 8-12

    Standing curls 3 x 8-12

    Leg extensions 5 x 20

    Leg press 5 x 20-25

    Glute drive 2 x 10-15

    Rope crunches 5 x 12-20

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 10, 2022 at 10:33 am in reply to: Strength outpacing tendons

    Agree with Jordan and Clare definitely play with higher rep ranges.
    Maybe even shorter rest periods.
    Keep intensity high but lighter load to allow tendons to catch up.

    Couple extra rest days thrown in won’t hurt either

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 9, 2022 at 11:36 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Rest day today
    Still 249 and happy

    Regular diet, lots of work to do and maybe take my car to get cleaned so nothing exciting really

    I’ll take the dog out for a good long walk for some “cardio”.. hate calling a dog walk cardio because it’s much more fun then any regular cardio hah

    In fact when I do into a deficit to get very lean I’ll try and increase my output by way of outside dog walks much as I can. Because I just enjoy them a lot more then gym cardio. And it gets me just as lean

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 9, 2022 at 7:17 am in reply to: High incline smith press

    High incline is aimed more at front delts ideally. So as high as you need it to feel then working. Like Clare said 60 and up about 70-75 degrees is a good guess

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 9, 2022 at 7:14 am in reply to: Why is my sex drive so low?

    Jordan will have better advice for sure…

    Being in a maintenance should be ok but food seems low still no? And other then 3 yolks and a little salmon I’m not sure you’re getting enough of the right fats for hormone support

    At your age you’re still growing , hormone needs to thrive and be fed in my opinion. You could have slowed your body down without knowing it, maybe do need a deload / rest + more food… but I could be wrong. I know when I was 20 I was eating everything having fun and letting my body grow as much as it wanted

    Yes sas thanks for your reply bud, the only thing with me is I like to stay lean and conditioned, as soon as I go into a surplus and up my food and lose a bit of condition I think I look shit and wanna cut again lol. Maybe at my age I should be growing like crazy and eating a lot of food, would probably feel better and enjoy the process a bit more[/quote]
    You’d be surprised how lean you’ll stay at your age if you’re consistently training super hard and choosing tue right foods… I miss being 20 haha.
    Get growing and have some fun my man!!! Trust me you’ve got many years ahead of you to get shredded ; )

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 8, 2022 at 7:30 pm in reply to: Why is my sex drive so low?

    Jordan will have better advice for sure…

    Being in a maintenance should be ok but food seems low still no? And other then 3 yolks and a little salmon I’m not sure you’re getting enough of the right fats for hormone support

    At your age you’re still growing , hormone needs to thrive and be fed in my opinion. You could have slowed your body down without knowing it, maybe do need a deload / rest + more food… but I could be wrong. I know when I was 20 I was eating everything having fun and letting my body grow as much as it wanted

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 8, 2022 at 6:08 pm in reply to: Mindset

    Ultimately your bodybuilding and everything that comes along with it, should make YOU happy. No one else. It’s about your personal journey regardless of how you do it.

    Motivation can come from outside influence as mentioned above, but it’s the passion in YOU that is going to control how confidently you pursue your goals buddy.

    So enjoy it, the ups as well as the downs, this is meant to be fun as well as hard.

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 8, 2022 at 6:04 pm in reply to: Sas is Back!

    Chest training went so good. Went to my other usual gym I haven’t been for a while so it was good to mix the exercises up

    Made use of the hammer strength flat and incline instead of my usual smith flat and panatta incline. I do like mixing things up in this way sometimes, I’m always extra sore the next day

    Volume a touch higher again.

    Felt strong, energy was high, pump was insane, was in an out in 1 hour 15

    Standing calf raises 8 x 6-20

    Flat hammer press 4 x 6-10 triple drop

    Incline hammer 4 x 8-12 double drop

    Decline pin machine 3 x 10-15 double rest pause

    Cable fly decline 3 x 8-12

    Cable fly incline 3 x 6-10

    Seated pec Dec 3 x 15-20 double rest souvenir

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 8, 2022 at 9:52 am in reply to: Sas is Back!

    A touch lighter today, 1 lb

    Feel tighter, Sundays high day definitely has had a nice knock on effect.

    My guess is next couple days I’ll get leaner without a drop in food. Which I’m happy with.

    I’ll likely have a high calorie day again Wednesday or Thursday. Then again Sunday. This is working right now so I’ll ride it out. And fits well with family time

    This rhythm right now is perfect for what I want. 247-250 lbs, feeling stronger / fitter every week, getting leaner slowly and I feel big full.

    Still sticking to my plan of hovering around this weight till March then start to bring things down and get nice and lean. By then food intake will be at nice spot to start reducing.

    Chest and calves today

    Can’t wait

  • Sasan Heirati

    February 8, 2022 at 8:11 am in reply to: Yellow tongue

    The only things that I know of staining yellow are turmeric/ curcumin (powder form) abs DNP. But even those shouldn’t stain your tongue for long.
    Definitely get checked out bud. Or double check your anabolics are sourced well

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