Sasan Heirati
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Nothing wrong with warming up on a cardio kit. I like it when I can be bothered.
Maybe not 20 minutes though, 5-10 minutes super easy is perfect.
Post workout proper cardio is the go to if you want to do cardio with your weight sessions
So same weight today, 248. Feel pretty full most of the time now (muscle wise) so diet is in a good place
Legs today was GOOD. I went in with the intention of going a little easier due to fatigue and my lower back is giving me shit right now, but as I started doing hamstrings I just felt so good I kept going for it hard lol
Felt strong. Did the usual kept rest times short so I don’t build up strength fast, but I still ended up with a top set of 480kg leg press for 17 reps which is good for me right now
This strength right now is a side effect if everything else I’m, my focus isn’t progressing weight but it seems to be going up anyway. Win win
Legs & abs
Rope crunches 6 x 6-12
Laying leg curls 3 x 8-12
Standing leg curls 3 x 6-15
Leg press 5 x 17-30
Leg extensions 5 x 12-20 triple drop
Lunge walk, body weight 1 x 25 steps (failure)
Abductors 3 x 12-15
Adductors 3 x 8-12
Rest day today. Much needed too.
A little daily fatigue kicking in, not naturally waking up the time I usually do, Lower back starting to ache and so is my bad shoulder. Nothing crazy but these signs just mean I’ll have to be more mindful of volume / load for the next few training days to make sure I am recovering properly.
I’ve noticed These periods come up more often then they did say 10 years ago when I was in my mid 20’s
A combination of age, mileage in the gym, increase in muscle mass, general wear and tear etc… means my attention to recovery needs to be higher and I need to “pull back” more regularly. Otherwise I hit a wall quickly and won’t progress at all for weeks
If I was to go back 10 years, knowing what I know now, I’d probably set myself regular extended rest periods (days or a week) (maybe every 6-8 months) to make sure longevity is as good as it can be.
Deloads just don’t work for me
Anyway regular diet today minus the intra sustain and post workout whey.
I’ve added a small bowl of full fat yoghurt with blueberries and honey as a snack too. It’s homemade yoghurt so lots of quality protein and fat. And of course the extra calories
I’ll probably add 1 or 2 of these bowls daily. It’s about 250ml yoghurt, 100g blueberries, 20g honey
So 2 lb drop to 249. And I have a 1/2 cheese burger with 10 wings last night as a free meal. Good thing I had it
Loving my metabolism right now
Today was normal food. Same as stated above. Felt full and tighter today, so still in a great place
Chest and calves today was good, but I did feel my performance drop faster then usual, food is good, cycle is good, sleep is good, so this tells me I’m due a few extra rest days very soon otherwise I’ll go backwards or injuries will flare up
So tomorrow is rest day. Maybe even Thursday but I’ll see how I feel
Chest and calves
Toe press 7 x 8-15
Flat bench press (felt like throwing this is) 4 x 6-12
Incline panatta 4 x 8-12 triple drop
Dips , chained, 1 rest pause set x 2 pauses
High cable fly 3 x 8-12
Low cable fly 3 x 6-12
Pec Dec 4 x 15-20 triple drop
Great back session. High volume, high pace, decent strength, ridiculous fullness and pump from yesterday high day foods. Very happy with it
Appetite is absolutely raging today. I love it. Maybe even feed it with a burger and fries tonight on top of my clean food : D , my body wants it, I’m still getting tighter, so why not
Back and abs
Rope crunches 5 x 6-12
Straight arm pull downs 3 x 8-12
Face pulls 2 x 8-15
Wide grip pull downs 3 x 8-12
T bar row chest supported Panatta 3 x 6-10
One arm row panatta 3 x 8-12 double drop To finish
Neutral grip pull downs 3 x 8-12 double drop
Seated chest support rows 2 x 6-10 double rest pause
Seated row 4 x 10-15
loving these high volume sessions bro! with your work sets, do you just get straight into them or do build up sets until you cant get the desired reps?[/quote]
Thanks man : )So the rep range I state, for example let’s say 6-12 reps, are all to failure (not beyond) if I fail at rep 11 I’ll count that set and next set I’ll make it heavier so I fail lower down,if I rep till 12 and I haven’t failure, I don’t count that set I’ll make the weight heavier. If I fail below 6 I’ll lighten the load and keep going (called back off sets these days)
Prior to these work sets I’ll just warm up / get a feel for 1-2 sets
Hope this make sense
For me EQ felt great especially during training. Fulness and pump was always really good on it. That’s when I tan it with just test. I didn’t need more then 400mg to feel the benefits, off season only in my opinion, milder gains but a tighter look compared to deca
Thanks for your input Sas. ? I will try to notice that specifically next time. Maybe a low dose of test and medium dose of EQ is a good idea. [/quote]
Personally I always felt better keeping test higher in all my cycles but I know it’s popular to switch that up so what ever feels best for youAs always. Start low, get the most out of it and taper up as and when you need to so you keep gaining
Great back session. High volume, high pace, decent strength, ridiculous fullness and pump from yesterday high day foods. Very happy with it
Appetite is absolutely raging today. I love it. Maybe even feed it with a burger and fries tonight on top of my clean food : D , my body wants it, I’m still getting tighter, so why not
Back and abs
Rope crunches 5 x 6-12
Straight arm pull downs 3 x 8-12
Face pulls 2 x 8-15
Wide grip pull downs 3 x 8-12
T bar row chest supported Panatta 3 x 6-10
One arm row panatta 3 x 8-12 double drop To finish
Neutral grip pull downs 3 x 8-12 double drop
Seated chest support rows 2 x 6-10 double rest pause
Seated row 4 x 10-15
For me EQ felt great especially during training. Fulness and pump was always really good on it. That’s when I tan it with just test. I didn’t need more then 400mg to feel the benefits, off season only in my opinion, milder gains but a tighter look compared to deca
Keep good quality protein high. Good quality fats at a moderate levels, just add carbs to help you maintain energy and body weight but you won’t need it for recovery.
This is a good way of making sure you recover as fast as possible, retain muscle, stay healthy and not gain much unwanted fat
What are you doing in this 30-40 minutes buddy ?
Try to take weight straight out of bed. Nice and easy to remember. Yes going to the toilet can effect weight but I wouldn’t worry too much.
Like you said you take a weekly average, so small fluctuations shouldn’t matter
Up 3 lbs from high day / rest day yesterday to 251 today. I managed to all the food listed above, completely
Still not a huge gain considering how much I ate but it’s don’t the Job
Feel fuller , muscles feel harder / easier to contract, not bloated at all. Should do me nicely for next couple days. I could probably go higher next time
I’m really happy with this as it means when I’m in a good deficit I can keep high days big. Which will in turn help gym performance, energy, mood, muscle retention whilst getting as lean as possible
Back day shortly it’s going to be fun after yesterday : )
Yea keep water intake nice and steady all the time regardless of day
Like Clare said keep an eye on how you look / weigh tomorrow and day after. But generally a high day should either hold you stead or add a couple lbs (ideally) if you’re using it for dieting? I’d personally add more food to highs if you’re not feeling fuller tomorrow
Rest day + hiiiigh calorie day today
Woke up 248 lbs so holding weight nice and steady.
Appetite is very high so I’m feeding it today. Aiming for close 800+ carbs then a cheat meal on top (pizza wings and cheesecake again) so fats and and protein will be higher too.
Aim is to try hit around 7-8000 calories minimum.
I’m doing this to see how high I can push high days without feeling too bloated / watery the next day. That’ll let me know how to run high days when I’m dieting down.
I use high day in a hard diet as a very effective tool to swerve fat loss plateaus
Todays high food diet
150g smoked salmon, 6 eggs, 2 bagels, 4 crumpets, 30g butter
280g chicken mince, 450g rice, 2 nutrigrain bar
2 scoop JP whey, 4 scoops JP cream of rice, 4 slice bread 40g jam 30g almond butter
280g beef, 450g rice, 2 nutrigrain bars
1 large pepperoni pizza, 14 chicken wings, 2 slice cheese cake, 1 large salted popcorn
2 sc whey, 4 crumpets, 30g butter
Just because you don’t feel sides doesn’t mean it’s not working but especially at 20mcg. I actually don’t think it’s a good thing to get all shaky etc.
As long as your source is reliable then don’t worry start low and taper up very slowly