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Only thing I find with eq is my rbc goes sky high. So if your prone to that be aware of it. Otherwise its a reasonable cycle for someone who has run multiple Otherwise I would keep the dose lower
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
Probably a gluten intolerance. Get gluten free or use cream of rice instead.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
I assume its because your a large bodybuilder so it’s impacting your breathing at night. If this is the case then as they have suggested above.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
MemberOctober 17, 2024 at 9:36 pm in reply to: Cycle advise? Prolactin is it a problem for me?How long have you been running anabolics for? Have you come off at all? Have you come down in dose? When using b6p5p you will need a very high dose. 150mg up to 2 x daily. What have you been running?
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
MemberOctober 16, 2024 at 9:13 pm in reply to: Perma “sports trt” with 250mg Test and 125mg Mast?Hi Peter,
Dosage and compounds are dependent on the individuals blood work. TRT (roughly 150mg per week) is considered a long term solution to test replacement with minimal sides, however, even at low doses cholesterol, rbc, kidney and liver values etc can begin to skew. How much is dependent on the individual. 3 monthly blood work is recommended for those running long term cycles.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
MemberOctober 15, 2024 at 9:28 pm in reply to: Travelling abroad – how to pack supplements and follow dietAs Jordan said regarding supps and food, if your looking to relax then some time away from it all won’t harm you. If your in prep then take what you need, I’ve even travelled with a portable hot plate and purchased a pan to cook in the room, this was only when travelling for shows. If I was on holiday I would enjoy the break.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
You could have just nipped something on the way in, won’t be dangerous so you can still pin it.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
All of the above as recommended will help but I would also consider tracking your digestion after each meal to see if there’s anything you can improve there.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
If your still progressing keep it the same, when it stalls and food and training is perfect you could look at adding 300mg primo imo.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
Incredible weekend for British bodybuilding. The Sandow comes home with Samson. Congratulations to Rhea, Meg and Michaela who looked Incredible and represented team JP at the very highest level.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
Increase food and or decrease cardio. You need to get in a surplus and your currently in a deficit.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
Don’t do drastic cuts as you risk losing muscle alongside fat. Slowly remove carbs from foods furtherst from your training time. On non training days you can still have some carbs depending on what your goals are.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
Yes this is a standard full blood test
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10 -
Who have you seen using lo salt? Why do you think you need 6 turns a day? You want a high quality sea salt or hymilaylan salt. I wouldn’t do 6 turns a day unless you sweat alot.
Instagram: @primitivegymnasium
Coaching: primitiveperformance@yahoo.com
TBJP Discount Code: Ryan10