Forum Replies Created

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  • Rich Williams

    March 30, 2021 at 7:55 am in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    BB Mid Incline Bench Press – 1
    DB Low Incline Unilateral Bench Press – 1
    BB Rear Delt Row – 2
    52.5kgx10 / 47.5kgx15
    +2.5kg / +2.5kg
    BB Landmine Row – 2
    20kgx15 / 25kgx12
    BB Single Arm Meadows Row – 2
    32.5kgx10 / 25kgx15
    +2.5kg /
    BB T Bar Row – 1
    DB Shrug – Rest Pause ser
    36kgx20/15/12 20 sec rest
    DB Side Laterals

  • Rich Williams

    March 28, 2021 at 2:36 pm in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    S – Lower B1
    Banded SL Curl – 2
    RYX30 / RYGx25 3 sec pauses
    BB Side Squat – 2
    32.5kgx12 / 37.5kgx10
    +2.5kg / +2.5kg
    Banded SL Extensions – 2
    RYGx35 / RYGBBx20 3 sex pauses
    DB Bulgarian Split Squat – 2
    12kgx15 / 16kgx12
    BB Front Squat – 2
    40kgx20 / 50kgx15
    BB Hip Thrust – 2
    67.5kgx20 / 80kgx15
    +2.5kg / +10kg
    Banded SL Curl – 1
    +5 reps
    Weighted Stairs Calf Raise – Cluster
    +3 reps
    DB Preacher Bench Curls – 2
    16kg – 2×8
    +2 reps
    DB Wrist/Reverse Curls – 2
    16kgx19 / 8kgx20
    +1 rep / +2 reps

  • Rich Williams

    March 28, 2021 at 11:53 am in reply to: JPs trt + log

    Do you think you will still follow a BBing split when you do start jiu jitsu or more a strength and conditioning style? I’ve done BJJ for years (obvs not at the moment) and find the recovery when doing a full BB split quite tough so will be watching with keen interest how you find adapt weights to compliment it. Jumping a bit far ahead I know, sorry lol.

  • Rich Williams

    March 28, 2021 at 10:57 am in reply to: JPs trt + log

    Sounds like the right decision for you and think it will have a positive impact on other peoples choices too. Look forward to following as always

  • Rich Williams

    March 27, 2021 at 2:58 pm in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    S – Upper B2
    BB Low Incline Bench Press – 3
    75kgx4 (Dead Stop) / 65kgx8 / 60kgx10
    Banded Lat Row – 2
    RYGBB x 16, 17
    DB High Incline Bench Press – L / BO
    30kgx5 / 26kgx9
    DB Rear Delt Row- L / BO
    18kgx12 / 16kgx15
    Weighted Dips – L / BO
    22.5kgx8 / 13.25kgx11
    T Bar Row – 1
    DB Banded Side Laterals – 1
    +2 reps
    DB Shrug – Cluster
    36kgx12/12/12/12 20s rest
    Weighted Neck Curl – Cluster
    3.75kg – 30/30/30/30

  • Rich Williams

    March 25, 2021 at 8:19 am in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    T – Lower A2
    Banded SL Curl – 2
    RYx25 / RYGx20
    Banded SL Adductor 2
    RYGBB – 2×20
    BB RDL – L/ BO
    125kgx7 / 110kgx12
    Banded Leg Extensions – 2
    RYGx35 (3 sec pause) /
    RYGBx25 (5 sec pause)
    Banded Fire Hydrants – 2
    Medium Bandx25 / Heavy Bandx20
    BW Stairs Calf Raise – Cluster
    +6 reps
    KB Split Squat

  • Rich Williams

    March 24, 2021 at 6:59 pm in reply to: Natural Test Boosters

    Thanks Gents

  • Rich Williams

    March 24, 2021 at 2:47 pm in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    W – Arms / Neck
    EZ Bar Curl – 1
    +1 rep
    EZ Bar Skull Crushers / CGBP – 1
    +1 rep / 3 reps
    EZ Bar Reverse Partials – 2
    22.5kgx20(Top) / 25 (Bottom)
    DB Incline Curls – 1
    +1 rep
    DB French Press – 1
    +2kg -2 reps
    Banded Extensions – 1
    Red Yellow Green Bands x 18
    +3 reps
    Weighted Neck Curl – Cluster

  • Rich Williams

    March 23, 2021 at 8:37 am in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    T – Upper A2
    DB Low Incline Bench Press – L / BO
    36kgx7 / 30kgx10 – 1 second pauses
    DB Seated Overhead Press – L / BO
    30kgx4 / 24kgx13
    BB Rear Delt Row – L / BO
    50kgx10 / 45kgx15
    BB Shrug – L/BO
    112.5kgx9 / 102.5kgx
    +2.5kg +2 reps /
    BB Single Arm Meadows Row – 1
    BB T Bar Row – 1
    DB Mid Incline Fly – 1
    DB Side Laterals – 1

  • Rich Williams

    March 21, 2021 at 6:57 pm in reply to: Failed set.

    If it’s just one rep off personally I would try to build it up to 5 next week then 6 or however many to failure the next rotation until you are at the top of the desired rep range then add 1.25/2.5kg to the load.

    Goes without saying to evaluate your hydration levels, sleep, stress, nutrition, rest etc to ensure they are optimal to put you in the best position to make progress.

  • Rich Williams

    March 21, 2021 at 6:21 pm in reply to: Hip abduction/adductor alternatives

    Found these really difficult to hit properly since the gyms have been closed.
    Personally have been doing single leg banded adductors with the band fixed to an open cuff across my thigh and driving it towards the other sat on a bench. Not ideal but doing high reps and pauses bits them a bit at least. Barbell side squats
    and Kettlebell or DB Goblets are ok too

  • Rich Williams

    March 21, 2021 at 3:09 pm in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    S – Lower B1
    Banded SL Curl – 1
    RYGx20 3 sec pause
    BB Side Squat – 2
    30kgx12 / 35kgx10
    +2 reps
    BB Heels Elevated Squat – L/BO
    100kgx7 / 90kgx12
    +1 rep / +1 rep
    BB Hip Thrust – 2
    65kgx20 / 70kgx15
    Banded SL Hamstring Curl – 1
    Weighted Stairs Calf Raise – Cluster
    +3 reps
    DB Bench Preacher Curl – 2 High
    14kgx14, 14
    DB Wrist/Reverse Curl – 2 High
    14kgx20 / 6kgx25

  • Rich Williams

    March 20, 2021 at 3:02 pm in reply to: 2021 Accountability Log

    S – Upper B1
    BB Floor Press – L / BO
    90kgx5 / 75kgx13
    -1 rep / 2.5kg -1 rep
    Banded Lat Pull – 3
    RYGx20 / RYGBx20 / RYGBBx15
    DB Single Arm Overhead Press – 2
    28kgx7 / 24kgx14
    1 rep / 2kg es
    DB Helms Row – 2
    36kgx11 / 34kgx11
    2 reps / 2 reps
    Weighted Dips – L / BO
    21.25kgx9 / 12.5kgx12
    1.25kg / 1.25kg
    BB Rear Delt Row – 1
    Plate Shrug – Cluster
    20kg – 15/15/15/15 20s rest
    4 reps
    DB Banded Side Laterals – 1
    1 rep
    Weighted Neck Curl – Cluster
    1.25kg – 50/50/50/50 20 sec rest

  • Rich Williams

    March 20, 2021 at 10:29 am in reply to: trapezius training

    Something else to throw in would be Farmers Walk and Max holds for time. The Alpha Density YouTube channel is decent for trap/neck specialised training to supplement everything mentioned above

  • Rich Williams

    March 19, 2021 at 7:16 pm in reply to: Counting Complete Protein/ Fat sources

    I count them as it’s just easier from an app tracking perspective but ensure that 30-40g comes from direct sources in each meal to ensure MPS stimulation is covered

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