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Hey guys rest day for me today, Which consisted of :-
20 mins CV On the wattbike
5 rounds battle ropes
10 sets vaccums
2 rounds posingDeep tissue work with Big Jay from RNR
Then it’s been a full day of work on the laptop. New starter plans, getting all docs together to upgrade our coaching system with new welcome packs, information packs, check in sheets, nutrition and training sheets. A new questionnaire. A Complete revamp! So loads to do but I like being busy.
Took the dog out for a walk to break things up and get my 10k step knocked off! I’ll post my current diet set up tomorrow from training day and rest day!
Instagram – bignath_styles
http://www.TrainedByJP.comInstagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Looking forward to following along mate.
What’s the plans for 2022, anything set in yet?
Hey bud! Hope your well!
So plans for for 2022 are set.
September 16th regional qualifier 2bros
September 25th Arnold UK
Then international shows on the cards are Norway and Alicante Pro qualifiers.
Until then it’s make as much progress as possible.
Instagram – bignath_styles
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
There’s many different views on this. The main goal is to keep as healthy as possible (via bloodwork checks) whilst still progressing.
I wouldn’t suggest to start a cycle at your example 500mg test and 600mg deca and run that for 12-15 weeks
Start lower and titrate this in blocks of 4 weeks this way you can stay on cycle longer whilst progressing with your strength curve and food increases. Without stagnating. And keeping blood-work in a better place.
The reason people suggest you need to go higher in dosage next cycle is you are potentially bigger and heavier having gained muscle so you’re total load can increase.
My advise for a cycle design is titrate the dosage of that cycle to a peak load for your bodyweight (body comp and side affects depending) an example would be 15mg (total anabolics) per kg of lean BW.
Example 90kg x 15mg = 1350mg total peak load
You could start your test at 3mg per kg and titrate this up every 4 weeks. To a max of 5mg per kg
You would build your cycle design around either DHT compounds (primo or mast) and NOR-19 compounds (nandrolones/trenbolones) and titrate these up weekly until you have peak load of 1350mg (ish) run this for 4-8 weeks before returning to a maintenance or baseline dosage (cruise) then run bloodwork again.
Always get the most out of the minimal.
Hope this helps
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Hi Buddy, without seeing your current physique. And where current levels of body fat are I wouldn’t be able to give a definitive answer here.
For me personally I have always reduced my calories slightly on rest days 3-500 mainly carbohydrates down and fam fats are increased for satiety purposes.
Everyone is different but I try to keep my steps a touch higher this only benefits my recovery and also aids my digestion so I can keep increasing food when necessary if body composition is in a good place.
It is a very generalised question have you tried the JP diet planner? This would give you a nice example of what set up to go with
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
High Thomas video 29 in the education for beginners section is about anabolics for beginners. This could be helpful in regards setting up your first cycle. Anymore questions don’t hesitate to ask
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Hi guys first day back in the gym today after 4 days rest. Pull and hams which absolutely toasted me! SLDL’s are in and nasty ?
Session went as follows:-
Mobility 5-10 mins
Lying hip flexion 2 x 8 L/R (warm up)
Thoracic extension 2 x 8 (warm up)Prime lying ham curl (cam 3) 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15
SLDL from 2 DC blocks 1 x 5-8, 1 x 8-12
Nautilus glute drive 1 x 10-15, 1 x 15-20
Nitro SA pull down 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15
Atlantis SA row 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15
D handle cable shrugs 1 x 15-20
Calf press 1 x 10-15, 1 x 15-20
Great session rest day tomorrow!
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Hey ?? what’s your current split now?
Upper lower every other day [/quote]
Dependant On your recovery capabilities if your off lower training except rehab work. I would probably go with 1 on 1 off:-Push (chest focus)
Push (delt focus)
PullWhat’s your thoughts Kam?
You could do 2 on 1 off
Delts + arms
Pull 2
RestThis is going to be dependant on your volume, and the intensity you have the ability to train at due to your injury rehab buddy.
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Let’s go ?
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Hi Nathan, whats your current split like?
Hi Henry, my current split looks like this:-
Pull and hams (hip hinge SLDL)
Push and triceps
Back and biceps (no hip hinge)
Push and arms
RestInstagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
My last check in was Friday, pics attached weighing 310.8lbs AM fasted weight
I’ve since had 4 days rest as the body was smashed, and a trip to London for my birthday. Where I ate off plan twice a day (meals out) but also took food
Down with me 2 prepped meals and COR and whey.Love London. But it definitely doesn’t feel like a rest. I’m ready to get some proper sleep in my own bed and get back to work!
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
So guys just to keep you in the Loop….my last show of the season was October 15th so we are around 7 weeks post show now. I’ve had my bloods done twice
6 days post show. Which I was pretty happy with my results. Then 28th November (results attached) There never perfect, still Some things to work on but we are in a good spot for the next push.
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made
Hi Guys….
So where to start. It’s an honour to be logging my journey here as an athlete. And sharing everything on the way! I feel very proud and Privileged to be part of such a great team and community.
For those who don’t know me I’m an amateur super heavyweight bodybuilder looking to progress and take my IFBB pro card within the next couple of years. 1 goal. And I’m buzzing for you to be in along the way!
Any questions you may have please do not hesitate to fire away.
I just want to thank Jordan and Corinne for giving me such a great opportunity and hopefully I will do them proud.
I’ve kept in touch with Jordan since 2017 when I won the PCA JP classic novice class and got invited to the Pro/AM competing against some top top pros and amateurs which really lit the fire. I’ve been subscribed to the site since then and adopted many of the training systems we all have come to know and love.
Anyway enough waffling on to the good stuff
Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro
#showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made