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  • Nathan

    December 12, 2021 at 11:34 pm in reply to: The Journey

    Another busy day today guys with client work and getting set ups ready for our new system to go live!

    Went for a nice walk with my dad and the dogs S it was his birthday yesterday

    Then leg day went down! Very successful session! I will have some exciting news coming soon that I’ll keep you updated on!

    Session went as follows

    Adductors 1 x 10-15
    Prime lying ham 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15
    Prime seated ham 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15
    45* hyper 1 x 8-10
    Prime leg extension 1 x 10-15, 1 x 15-20
    Banded leg press 1 x 10-15 1 x 15-20
    Seated calves 3 x 15-20

    Any questions please ask guys

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 11, 2021 at 10:29 pm in reply to: The Journey

    Signing out after a long but very enjoyable day!

    We were up at 4:30am for cardio, vacuums, posing as usual. Home for M1 before taking the dog out for some steps

    Then got my second meal in and made a cream of rice and whey meal up for after the church ceremony.

    Such a nice wedding Megs looked stunning and Kuba didn’t scrub up too bad either.

    The food was fantastic and the venue did a great job. Awesome to catch up with so many like minded people in a relaxed environment for a special occasion.

    Now to hit the sack and rest up for leg day with the boys tomorrow

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 11, 2021 at 8:46 pm in reply to: URGENT GYNO ADVICE PLEASE!

    What’s your current Bodyweight buddy? And your body composition.

    I think you should be ok without the tamoxifen if your dropping back to TRT, you could even keep a small amount of DHT in there to help with E2 levels. But blood-work would show where your at.

    I would favour a higher DHT compound to test approach personally

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 11, 2021 at 4:38 am in reply to: Fatty Liver at 22

    Hi Samuel,

    Again I am no doctor here but my advice would be. (Not to do a 50g per day carbohydrate diet) you’ll feel like death after 12 weeks. But 18% although not dangerously unhealthy I would prefer to see around 12%

    So reducing Bodyfat levels would be great start. Also regular cardio vascular exercise. Do you smoke? If so try to stop.

    Increase fruit and veg intake and reduce processed food and refined sugars.

    Add in supplementation to help support your cholesterol, blood pressure and organ support. as this can be a cause to fatty liver disease.

    omega 3
    love heart
    vital support

    would be a great addition. Any more questions fire away.

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 10, 2021 at 5:30 pm in reply to: The Journey

    Yo bud glad to See

    Hey buddy hope your good man

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 10, 2021 at 4:10 pm in reply to: The Journey

    Check in day today 314.2lbs – The looks improved as I have dropped a little water from the trip to London last weekend.

    An increase in food today 50g carbs to training day…

    No changes to anabolics as yet will post my cycle soon. Any questions welcome

    Best session of the week today back and biceps really like the connection across all movements here.

    Vulkan grip pulldown 3 x 15

    Gym shop SA pulldown 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15

    Prime SA plate row 1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15

    Cable upper back/rear delt row 1 x 8-12, 1 x 10-15

    Prime rear delt fly 1 x 8-12, 1 x 12-15

    Prim SA bicep curl 2 x 10-15

    Concentration curls 2 x 8-10 + Dropset

    Rest day tomorrow. For Kuba and megs wedding which I’m really looking forward to! Get some good food in me….ready for leg day!

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 9, 2021 at 5:54 pm in reply to: The Journey

    First push session back in today after the rest! Up on all main pressing movements with an increase in volume from an extra set of decline smith + 2 sets assisted dips. Really solid session.

    Prime pec Dec 1 x 8-13, 1 x 12-15

    Prime incline press 75% top 25% middle
    1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15

    Decline dead stop smith (Rev banded)
    1 x 6-10, 1 x 10-15

    Assisted dips 2 x 8-10

    SA cable side delts 3 x 15

    SA restrained tricep extension 3 x 8-12

    Any questions please ask!!

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 9, 2021 at 5:49 pm in reply to: Taper down on blast and cruise?

    Agree with the above no need to taper as your clearance will gradually decrease over the weeks and you will still more than likely be just outside physiological range on 200mg so should still feel good ??

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 9, 2021 at 6:00 am in reply to: The Journey

    Current nutrition set up:-


    125g COR
    150g frozen berries
    4 whole eggs
    150g chicken

    M2 Pre
    150g COR
    20g 85% dark choc
    1 Banana
    60g whey iso as paste

    Pre workout – pre pump/pre stim + 5g creatine

    40g carbs from sustain
    2g pink salt

    60 mins into session 1 scoop EAA’s

    M3 PWO
    170g carbs from low fat cereal
    60g whey iso

    275g king prawns
    100g jasmine rice
    Mixed veggies

    300g 5% beef mince
    100g jasmine rice
    Green veggies

    250g salmon fillet
    75g jasmine rice
    Green veggies

    Carbs 690g
    Fats 70g
    Protein 320g
    Kcals 4670


    4 whole eggs
    150g chicken
    2 bagels

    250g salmon fillet
    100g jasmine rice
    Green veggies

    275g white fish
    100g jasmine rice
    15ml EV olive oil
    Green veggies

    275g king prawns
    100g jasmine rice
    Green veggies

    250g 5% lean beef
    400g potatoes
    Green veggies

    100g oats
    150g frozen berries
    20g 85% dark choc
    20g almond butter
    60g whey iso

    Carbs 490g
    Fats 130g
    Protein 270g
    Kcals 4250
    Instagram – bignath_styles

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 8, 2021 at 10:12 pm in reply to: How to go forward with my cycle and muscle building?

    That sounds crap to live with… Have you thought about dropping down to legit TRT dose, losing some weight, getting fitter, cleaning up your diets, taking some high-quality healthy supps, and getting your bloods in order?

    Exactly Tim

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 8, 2021 at 10:11 pm in reply to: How to go forward with my cycle and muscle building?

    This is a very difficult question to answer in it’s entirety buddy. But my advice would be to get your health in order before doing anymore cycles. Especially on those doses.

    You mention bloodwork but only your hormone panel. No mention of bloods, liver, kidney, cholesterol, thyroid etc which is going to vital to your well being.

    If you haven’t felt well for years there’s definitely an underlying issue. Or it could be your lifestyle. Your digestion isn’t in a good place this could be down to high toxicity in the body. Serious inflammation from poor nutrition, lack of sleep or
    It could be an intolerance to something your eating?

    I would be coming back down to a maintenance/cruise dose potentially 150-200mg testosterone with maybe the addition of a DHT compound masteron/primo at 100-200mg maximum. to control some of the E2 sides.

    Sorting out your lifestyle. Focus on:-

    Quality Nutrtion
    Cardiovascular activity

    Then have blood-work retested when you’ve had some consistency. I don’t think anyone should be advising you cycles with the feedback You have just given buddy. There’s plenty of more things you need to work on before looking at a cycle.

    Hope this helps

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 8, 2021 at 5:48 pm in reply to: The Journey

    Hey guys rest day for me today, Which consisted of :-

    20 mins CV On the wattbike
    5 rounds battle ropes
    10 sets vaccums
    2 rounds posing

    Deep tissue work with Big Jay from RNR

    Then it’s been a full day of work on the laptop. New starter plans, getting all docs together to upgrade our coaching system with new welcome packs, information packs, check in sheets, nutrition and training sheets. A new questionnaire. A Complete revamp! So loads to do but I like being busy.

    Took the dog out for a walk to break things up and get my 10k step knocked off! I’ll post my current diet set up tomorrow from training day and rest day!
    Instagram – bignath_styles

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 8, 2021 at 11:02 am in reply to: The Journey

    Looking forward to following along mate.

    What’s the plans for 2022, anything set in yet?

    Hey bud! Hope your well!

    So plans for for 2022 are set.

    September 16th regional qualifier 2bros

    September 25th Arnold UK

    Then international shows on the cards are Norway and Alicante Pro qualifiers.

    Until then it’s make as much progress as possible.


    Instagram – bignath_styles

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 7, 2021 at 9:14 pm in reply to: Dosage question

    There’s many different views on this. The main goal is to keep as healthy as possible (via bloodwork checks) whilst still progressing.

    I wouldn’t suggest to start a cycle at your example 500mg test and 600mg deca and run that for 12-15 weeks

    Start lower and titrate this in blocks of 4 weeks this way you can stay on cycle longer whilst progressing with your strength curve and food increases. Without stagnating. And keeping blood-work in a better place.

    The reason people suggest you need to go higher in dosage next cycle is you are potentially bigger and heavier having gained muscle so you’re total load can increase.

    My advise for a cycle design is titrate the dosage of that cycle to a peak load for your bodyweight (body comp and side affects depending) an example would be 15mg (total anabolics) per kg of lean BW.

    Example 90kg x 15mg = 1350mg total peak load

    You could start your test at 3mg per kg and titrate this up every 4 weeks. To a max of 5mg per kg

    You would build your cycle design around either DHT compounds (primo or mast) and NOR-19 compounds (nandrolones/trenbolones) and titrate these up weekly until you have peak load of 1350mg (ish) run this for 4-8 weeks before returning to a maintenance or baseline dosage (cruise) then run bloodwork again.

    Always get the most out of the minimal.

    Hope this helps

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

  • Nathan

    December 7, 2021 at 7:27 pm in reply to: Bulking

    Hi Buddy, without seeing your current physique. And where current levels of body fat are I wouldn’t be able to give a definitive answer here.

    For me personally I have always reduced my calories slightly on rest days 3-500 mainly carbohydrates down and fam fats are increased for satiety purposes.

    Everyone is different but I try to keep my steps a touch higher this only benefits my recovery and also aids my digestion so I can keep increasing food when necessary if body composition is in a good place.

    It is a very generalised question have you tried the JP diet planner? This would give you a nice example of what set up to go with

    Instagram - bignath_styles_ifbbpro

    #showthem – The highest quality supps on the market – The most anabolic clothing ever made

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