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I love a potato cold – or sandwiches, pre cooked rice and wraps – I eat all my meals cold and enjoy all the above
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
So today –
I worked, food shopped, food prepped, dog walked and trained legs with Kuba Jimmy and AJ which was really nice – well hard but nice session is attached
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Would love to be able to eat so much food and hold my weight!!!!
You can if you build it up slowly lovely – make sure all. Your sessions need to be super intense too ❤️
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Rest day today
I dog walked x 3, had a posing lesson to master the figure poses, massage, had a couple girls in for posing, the ive food prepped and been to the cinema ❤️
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Digest Gold
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Pull Day
So today I dog walked x 2, food prepped, saw my family, 2 x posing lessons and then trained density – great session some numbers beaten and finally starting to move some weight on deadlifts after my back niggle. Can’t wait for rest day tomorrow
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
I go for 10-15 but this shouldn’t be an easier set obviously slightly lighter but should still be HARD
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Push day
Today I dog walked, worked, went to a funeral, food shopped, food prepped and trained push…
Session was really good – got 6 clean reps on 90kg shoulder press – I’m going to add an extra 5kg next time round. Chest press is weak for me and felt hard today but still got more numbers than last time so a positive! Good session in all – ready for pull tomorrow ❤️
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Like the guys say if you drop cals you should drop weight – I’d always opt to do more than drop too low. But reduce cals first see where that takes you for a couple weeks then re evaluate
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Check in day ????
Weight was 62.7kg this morning so a 0.9 increase from last week. Still think I look right which is great as I’ve literally never been this weight before in my life. Pics are below!
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
We all have days where we aren’t firing on all cylinders, I’d say see how you feel over the next week or so if your feeling super tired, workouts aren’t so good and appetite is low then I’d deload
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Rest day again for me and I needed it after that leg session last night
I worked from 7 – 1 then I dog walked, food shopped, food prepped, did a full house clean and now finally time to sit and chill!
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Soon to be ultra flex
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
Hey All!
Great day today – dog walked x 3, worked all day, had my nails done, trained legs I forgot to take a pic of my log book but hit some good numbers feel strong and feel like progress is being made so I’m happy (ish hahaha)
Tonight I food prepped and chilled ❤️Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO
I’d take a little a deload – give your body a rest – stick to rest day/lowered foods and you should come back refreshed and eating should get better
Meg Sylvester IFBBPRO