Forum Replies Created

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  • Max

    September 3, 2022 at 9:40 pm in reply to: Canary Islands and training

    Ingle gym is the best you’re gonna get on fuertaventura buddy

  • Max

    September 2, 2022 at 9:43 pm in reply to: Correlation between trainingfrequency and tendon injuries

    Very inter individual, extremely hard to say as everyone has different leverages insertion points and how much force is actually being generated at the tendon for the same weight lifted. That’s why some people get away with very little tendon injuries and others have lots. We all have different rates of calcification also

    What we can say is that, tendons are extremely resilient. Maintaining fantastic form, sensible sustainable loading, ensuring there are no quick sudden changes in direction with the weights that the damage to the tendon is minimal, and can recover between sessions well

    It only takes one bad session to create micro trauma that will take a long time to heal with connective tissues due to lack of blood vessels in those tissues – you see it’s the lack of blood vessels (hollow
    Tubes) that make them strong, but slow to heal and the opposite for muscle fibres

  • Max

    September 1, 2022 at 11:05 pm in reply to: Accelerated hair loss, primo/anavar/prep related?

    Bit of everything tbh. As you’ve caught it early it is easy to stop, just takes a bit of effort

    Ketoconazole shampoo
    Derma rolling
    Emu oil
    Topical finasteride

    Getting it back when it’s gone is very very hard though

  • Max

    August 31, 2022 at 8:30 pm in reply to: Exogenous Insulin and water retention

    Insulin shuttles nutrients into both muscle AND fat cells – sub c contains fat cells. What is the way in which nutrients are transferred – facilitated diffusion, which requires WATER to do that. Hence for insulin to perform its role water has to enter the location

  • Max

    August 30, 2022 at 9:29 pm in reply to: preparing meals with bottled water?

    Comes purely down to what kind of financial position you’re in, if you have the money to use bottled without a whim, then do that, if not then simply don’t worry

  • Max

    August 30, 2022 at 12:15 am in reply to: Bulking with a low body fat vs high

    So in general it’s better to start from as lean a start point as possible

    However, the benefits to this are not the same for everyone. People have varying rates of insulin sensitivity to muscle and fat, some people skew vary heavily in favour of one or the other, so for one type of person it makes sense to start off a gaining phase very lean but for some, going to that extreme may not be as worthwhile, this is where inter individual characteristics play a big part

  • Max

    August 25, 2022 at 5:41 pm in reply to: Finasteride minimum dose.

    Why don’t you take topical instead?

  • Max

    August 24, 2022 at 9:35 pm in reply to: SHBG

    No not really but yes as an indirect

    Main causes

    Lack of electrolytes/hydration

    High estrogen

    Poor insulin sensitivity / you’re getting fat

    People who have more adipose tissue often have lower SHGB and higher estrogen – think is this you?

  • Max

    August 23, 2022 at 10:45 pm in reply to: Join in – back pain

    In my experience it works best with knees and elbows, as opposed to what you’re suggesting. That doesn’t mean to say it won’t help, just don’t expect to completely remedy that issue without posture, strengthening exercises ect

  • Max

    August 23, 2022 at 8:30 am in reply to: What to do during minicuts?

    Wouldn’t worry too much about muscle loss during a mini cut, training stimulus is the main thing that maintains muscle mass, keep your training performance/strength and you’ll suffer minimal muscle loss. Save the drugs for gaining phases, losing fat is easy gaining muscle less so

  • Max

    August 22, 2022 at 9:20 pm in reply to: Equipoise and hair loss

    Less than test primo, mast. More than nandrolone

  • Max

    August 22, 2022 at 8:07 pm in reply to: Tren in the off season

    More often than not, it’s not advisable to, as it severely hinders appetite for most which is what we do not want in the off-season. If you were to use it, there may be some merit to keeping it a very modest dosage of 100mg pw

  • Max

    August 21, 2022 at 10:37 pm in reply to: Blood test and gyno

    I’d start with some tamoxifen or raloxifeine, it’s worth a shot at getting rid of it before opting for surgery.

  • Max

    August 20, 2022 at 9:05 pm in reply to: MPS

    Thanks for the reply Jordan, where does this maximum effective dose it in terms of grams, or is it more variable from person to person?

    Varies, depending on if you’re on anabolics, your age, if you’re on a dieting phase, gender, also simply genetics as well.

    Generally though if your kidneys are normal and have no pressing issues, then between 240-300g a day is what I tend to recommend depending on the size of the person. Split equally in 5/6 meals

  • Max

    August 19, 2022 at 9:32 pm in reply to: Cod VS Alaska pollock

    Fish thins the skin, an age old bodybuilding rumour that’s floated about – is there any truth to it though? Well yes, but not as a direct cause of eating fish, but rather it’s fat make up – predominantly pufa in white fish. Which has shown to reduce skin fat thickness when increased in consumption.

    So it’s not fish, but rather the pufa fats in the fish, which you can mimic by eating other pufa fat sources

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