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  • Max

    December 13, 2019 at 7:17 pm in reply to: Social Media Growth

    I know the instagram game very well, gf has over 400k on instagram and I have become swept into it helping her grow it along the way.

    No.1 Its far easier for females than males to grow on average
    No.2 Instagram is now prioritising videos and IG TV to push peoples pages to the explore page in an effort to keep people engaged longer on the site
    No.3 People want to see extreme posts, whether thats crazy weight and strenth feats or pictures of you when you are shredded – the more out of the ordinary the content is the more people are drawen to it, – so start stockpiling photos of when you are shredded
    No.4 Hashtags work! – but use hashtags that are viewed by 100k-250k people dont use hashtags that are in the millions range cause you wont rank!
    No.5 Shadowbanning is real, and almost makes it impossible for your account to grow! Be authentic with your engagement, instagram has introduced actions blocks where if you perform too mancy axctions in a set time period theyll block you
    No.6 Use the follow/unfollow technique to start your account going, again each follow/unfollow is counted as an action, limit it to only 25-30 folows an hour or else youll get blocked
    No.6 – paid shoutouts work! but vary from $100 – $3000 for a single post, ensure the account you are paying to shout you out fits your niche or youll waste your money

  • Max

    December 12, 2019 at 12:15 pm in reply to: dunnings lab still about?

    Tommy, has just started back up, after leaving the game for a bit

  • Max

    December 11, 2019 at 11:06 am in reply to: Dnp and neuropathy

    Take ALA and nac, it is protective to some degree to the Myelin Sheath around the nerves which gets damaged from dnp

  • Max

    November 21, 2019 at 1:06 pm in reply to: Most important for Hypertrohy

    Ask 100 different trainers and they all will have a different view on whats best, all program rely on the premise of progressively overloading and subjecting the muscle to new stumulus, they just have a different approach to doing it

  • Max

    November 18, 2019 at 3:02 pm in reply to: is 12 weeks or 16 weeks better for first cycle

    no one can tell you that, you go until the rate of muscle mass that you gain diminishes to a point where it doesnt warrant being on a blast any longer. For some people that can be even less than 12 weeks where the drawbacks of being on for any longer outweigh the returns

  • Max

    November 5, 2019 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Dnp crystal vs powder

    powder is stronger as crystal has sodium mixed in with it so its not as pure

  • Max

    October 29, 2019 at 11:08 pm in reply to: Suicidal with these spots

    On another note. Right now there are millions of people battling with cancer and suffering horrible side effects from chemo and/or radiation therapy. Many of them will have to continue treatment for the rest of their few remaining years. And you seriously talk about having to “bite the bullet and crack on” and whine about how hard it’s gonna be to take a pill a day for a couple of months, stay on TRT, and to follow basic rules of personal hygiene? Get a fucking grip.

    Bit of a cuntish comment there, not needed

  • Max

    October 28, 2019 at 9:04 pm in reply to: Suicidal with these spots

    don’t fret, you simply didnt take enough accutane for a long enoughg time frame consistantly. Aside from all other methods, if you are having suicidal thoughts, then I do suggest startign with 50-60mg accutane a day and report back in 2 months. Yes some may say resorting to accutane is extreme, but they prescribe 80mg a day to 55kg females with severe acne so its the lesser of two evils if you are really affected mentally and need a fix as soon as possible

  • Max

    October 27, 2019 at 8:54 pm in reply to: Tidying up at beginning or end of blast?

    They are one and the same, because if you chose option one, thats techically tidying up after the previous blast before that

  • Max

    October 19, 2019 at 8:10 pm in reply to: Best types of Gear for ‘Endomorphs’

    No merit to the idea, just ensure your eating and recovering adequately, whilst ensuring insulin sensitivity remains high. Do your cardio, ensure youre training hard, and don’t become a complete fat mess in the off season causing detrimental health effects and no matter what body type you have you cant go wrong. Ensure your anabolics favour a positive androgen to estrogen ratio, and are dosed enough to elicit an optimal anabolic response and at the same time dosed sensibiby to a degree that you are not plagued with side effects and thats all there is to it.

  • Max

    October 19, 2019 at 12:52 pm in reply to: Anavar only cycle (First Cycle)

    So let me get this straight, youre thinking of doing anavar only, which will shut down endogenous testosterone producton, leaving nothing to aromatise into estrogen.

    Very poor idea, estrogenb is vital for a variety of bodily functions, having none is detrimental to health, not to mention it also plays a verry important part in the building of muscle tissue

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