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  • Max

    January 9, 2020 at 5:14 pm in reply to: Looking for information about this app?

    Yes jordan, makes all 5000 members a tailored individual plan for everyone with adjustments every week for the low price of 8.99, infact, all the videos you see of him on his instagram and on here are all old videos dating back 10 years, nowadays, all his time in the day is spent making new plans for his 5000 members. He’s now reached a higher state of mind and being, requiring only to eat 300g of rice a day and to sleep for only 30 minutes to sustain himslef.

  • Max

    January 5, 2020 at 10:41 am in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    Wow that’s a hefty dose mate!!! What else will you be running with this? I know you said nandrolone only but I’m sure you will run a low dose test with this too?[/quote]

    Dude, read, Jordan said nandrolone only, not nandrolone with a bit of test, or he would have said that, frustrating when everyone freaks their mind at the sight of nandrolone only, and then tags along test, because it conforms with their reasoning

  • Max

    January 3, 2020 at 2:56 pm in reply to: James joining Redcon

    If trainedbyjp was around and started 6-7 years ago, james would still be with them, the trouble is trainedbyjp brand is still in its infancy and hasnt buid up the global recognition redcon has currently. Yes the products are much better at trainedbyjp, and no doubt james still used much of his previous supplements for that reason, its just a simple fact of scalability and platform, and unfortunately redcon is more intwined with the american pro league and market. No doubt in 5 years time or so, trainedbyjp will have built up the recognition glabally, and all the pros will come flocking back

  • Max

    December 31, 2019 at 12:43 am in reply to: The Giants Log

    Hi jamie, its fair to say youve pushed gh more than most on here, do you feel that pushing the growth high during a large proportion of your off season, has has a profound effect on how conditioned youve managed to stay leading up to now?

    I think gh plays a role in staying leaner yes but do I think it’s down to the high dose, no not really.

    I think if you were to take less than half 4-6iu per day it would still haves similar  fat loss potential.

    I’ve taken 12iu daily for most of my off season but I am 325-330lb so I think that plays a role in how much you can handle also.

    I wouldn’t say I’ve noticed anything extra other than extra pains in my wrist from higher doses so I’d advise to other lower but as Jordan says start out low and work up with experience and years training.[/quote]
    awesome, cheers for the response!

  • Max

    December 31, 2019 at 12:43 am in reply to: The Giants Log

    Hi jamie, its fair to say youve pushed gh more than most on here, do you feel that pushing the growth high during a large proportion of your off season, has has a profound effect on how conditioned youve managed to stay leading up to now?

    I think gh plays a role in staying leaner yes but do I think it’s down to the high dose, no not really.

    I think if you were to take less than half 4-6iu per day it would still haves similar  fat loss potential.

    I’ve taken 12iu daily for most of my off season but I am 325-330lb so I think that plays a role in how much you can handle also.

    I wouldn’t say I’ve noticed anything extra other than extra pains in my wrist from higher doses so I’d advise to other lower but as Jordan says start out low and work up with experience and years training.[/quote]
    awesome, cheers for the response!

  • Max

    December 30, 2019 at 4:10 pm in reply to: The Giants Log

    Hi jamie, its fair to say youve pushed gh more than most on here, do you feel that pushing the growth high during a large proportion of your off season, has has a profound effect on how conditioned youve managed to stay leading up to now?

  • Max

    December 29, 2019 at 9:50 pm in reply to: Rhea Gayles Pro Figure Season

    hey Rhea, looks like youre improving considerably in all aspects with the trainedbyjp team! strength has skyrocketed and looks like youve made some strong improvements already in your weakpoints. whats your anabolic supplementation looking like? has it changed much since being with jp?

  • Max

    December 28, 2019 at 6:37 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS) is my go to now had good experiences and so have a few ohers

  • Max

    December 28, 2019 at 2:16 pm in reply to: Only DECA cycle

    Hey Max, do you think nandrolone only cycles are sustainable? Surely you would require some testosterone for things like cognitive function, etc.. Or do you run a small amount of DHT (mast/prov) alongside your cycles?

    Nandrolone converts to a less active metabolite called DHN, take enough deca, converts to enough dhn to satisfy the missing dht requirements

  • Max

    December 27, 2019 at 2:27 pm in reply to: Only DECA cycle

    Question stephan, you say you hate nandrolone, but having not tried it solo without the addition of other compounds, how can you be so sure you hate nandrolone, and just just hate nanroone alongside the addition of other compounds? nandrolone solo is very different! And in regards to using tstosterone as a replacement dosage as it “would make sense” androgen recptors dont care what hormone activates them any compound can replace the function of testoserone as long as it also aromatises adequately.

  • Max

    December 27, 2019 at 2:15 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    time for you to start using 4-6mg tb500 per week on the regular for next 2-3 months methinks

  • Max

    December 19, 2019 at 10:56 pm in reply to: Primo during female off season

    I feel though, unlike in males, the degree to which individualistic side effects varies hugely in females, so one might perfer anavar/tbol and another primo/npp, a degree of trial and error becomes somewhat necessary due to this

  • Max

    December 19, 2019 at 10:53 pm in reply to: Primo during female off season

    id recommend 10mg eod to start with npp

  • Max

    December 19, 2019 at 10:52 pm in reply to: Primo during female off season

    anavar and primo are dht derivatives, and dht as we know is very androgenic. in the many females I have spoken to and advised, npp yielded far better results in the offseason, with far less virilisation than primo or anavar. It simply yields far more results with less sides. Primo in prep tho is unparalleled for females

  • Max

    December 16, 2019 at 10:22 pm in reply to: Primo during female off season

    npp is a better option i have found for females in the offseason

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