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Are you eating enough to warrant insulin useage? – usually around 4000 cal, is about the point where potentially adding it in might be of some sense, to help mitigate beta cell stress. Im not too concerned with you taking insulin, as the analog youve chosen – insulin glargine, is pretty safe, it being a basal insulin with no sudden peaks, It does have some pretty cool benefits of it having high igf affinity. in all honesty theres very little risk taking it, but from a necessity and money standpoint – potentially might be wasted unless your consumption warrants it
one of the best anabolics in my opinion for females, – 10mg eod is a good starting dosage and with females 6 weeks is the sweet spot for cycle lengths
if youre consuming enough food that beta cells will be strained trying to overcompensate pushing bg levels up, then insulin has a use even when not taking gh
just be weary, it breaks down collagen and can give some people who use it a weird, bumpy, vascualar look on the area they apply it for extended use
lots of inter-personal possibilities, weed can downregulate dopamine, which in turn increases prolactin. – also can increase estrogen in some people. – no idea how much you’re using, and hard to determine the degree to which pulling it will cause an effect. – prob not much tbh
wonder how many high profile coaches have actually said the words “I was wrong” – I can tell you not a lot! shows a lot about someones character if theyre willing to accept that their previous train of thought was incorrect. Those types of people make the most progress.
typically, when I see people with systolic so much out of range than dyastolic this indicates they are using a bp cuff that is too small. but another thing your dyastolic is actually classed as low in the normal range. I think thats down to the cialis as it lowers diastolic pressure more than systolic pressure, and may be causing isolated diastolic hypotension. drop the cialis, and try with a cuff that you know fits
I woud argue tha the narrower grip is much more inefficient as youre forced to use a more unnatural and shorter range of motion
Firstly really well done, for maintaining that level of calories and getting in that shape, a lot of poeple drop them too low. If youre struggling for energy, id start to have a play around with your macro ratio, particularly your fats/carbs. youre at 86g fats and 419 carb. play around with having a bit less fats and more carb. With fats having 9cals per gram and carbs 4, this means youll be able to have much more carbs than fats whislt still maintaining the same total calories.
likely whats happened if youve had a hormone test already is, theyve seen your out of range gh levels as youve been taking growth. instructed an mri to see if theres a possible pituitary tumour. Another possible thing is theyre looking for a thyroid tumour, if youre presenting with tsh abnormalities plus feeling tired ect. But also youve now got another issue, youve stopped test 3 weeks ago, and theyre now going to do another test you say? – youre going to present with low fsh, low lh, and low free and total test as well as other hormones as youre now shutdown, so please mention that to them
your reasonings and evidence is unbelievably poor that you had to resort to using the OP’s childhood trauma as a valid excuse of why to go through with this very poor decision. Rather than simply say, ” just dont do it altogether, youre instead saying yeah go ahead even though it will intentionally put your body through unecessary stress”
Big red flags when a person cant admit theyre wrong, and what baffles me even more is that you had to have recongnised it was an issue, as there was no way you could have missed me commenting first and yet you proceeded to recommend a 10 week cycle at 50mg.
Similarly I too have seen countless bloodwork of anavar only and the impact they have had of crashed estrogen. And also yes long term, almost any acute cycle will result in zero long term issues, but that still does not negate the really shitty short term sides, and what kind of precident that sets if youre allowing someones first cycle to come off a basis of “Well if theres no long term sides then fine go ahead” yeah you might have zero sex drive, brain fog, hot flushes, impacted digestion, ect, but 10 years from now youll be fine.
Get real
off course it was harmful advice, youre knowingly putting the guy into a crashed estrogen scenareo. which is 100% going to happen if he does this. furthermore youre youre saying for him to do 8-10 weeks of it at 50mg pw. Shutdown happens extrmely quickly even at 10mg on anavar, so youre pretty much going to make him estrogen deficient for nearly the whole 10 weeks. Which quickly becomes a shit situation. bone heath, insulin sensitivity, heart health, neuroprotctive, sexual health, this list goes on as to why having some estrogen is vital. This was bad advice from you, there is no rebuttal. No amount of loveheart will offset crashed estrogen, – being afraid of needles is ABSOLUTELY NOT a valid reason to run a cycle such as this, where having crashed estrogen can be avoided. Multiple cycles or not, we should always point people in the right direction, especially when a side effect such as this is so easily avoided. Come on Hilly, youre an educator on this site.
I suppose we should add for Max
He is correct – anavar doesn’t aromatise – this is why some choose to use it
Making it not suitable for long term use – certainly correct
However this just not mean it’s not suitable for short term use
Nor does it mean your Estrogen will crash
You already know there are better options potentially
I’m just about to post a video this week on insta on my thoughts regarding first cycles – which I’m sure I’ll get some flack for ha
But the fact still remains in reality using Var as above will yield positive results on your physique and performance
With little to 0 long lasting impact on health
Short term – some neg impact on cholesterol- TrainedByJP love heart for this
Supplements I recommend already tho
Agreed it will cause a positive effect upon what the physique looks like, but just to clarify, I don’t want the guy then thinking its okay to do multiple anavar only cycles throughout the year because he’s afraid of needles. Because being deprived of estrogen for a good proportion of a whole year if he does multiple cycles, will cause issues. – he needs to find a long term solution
Please dont listen to the advice of those who posted below me, its harmful and irresponsible, if you value your health
stupid, you’ll shut down your natural endogenous test levels leaving nothing to aromatise into estrogen, as anavar doesn’t aromatise, leaving you estrogen deficient