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  • Max

    November 12, 2021 at 7:50 am in reply to: Use of insulin? Thoughts? experiences?

    wont make much diffeence at all if your insulin sensitivity is already pretty good and your body is having no issue shuttling blood sugar efficiently. – Id only really recommend it if your intake of food is high enough that bg starts becoming an issue and to give pancreas a bit of a break. – besides fast acting isnt my first insulin of choice lantus would be as it fits in better with the continuous meal consumption of bodybuilders and also its igf affinity benefits.

  • Max

    November 6, 2021 at 2:30 pm in reply to: AI help with cruise after blast (got bloods)

    Been cruising on 180mg test E a week for over a month. NO ai – theres your issue, your cruising dosage is too high. Drop it to 120-150mg pw. – and increase your injection dosing frequency to as frequently as possible. – this will increase the stability of blood levels and in turn mean the aromatise enzyme cant act upon large surges of test administration from injecting infrequently. — less tes to act upon means less to aromatise. – in the meantime you could take a very small amount od adex 0.25 every 3rd/4th day for a couple of weeks until the effects of inproving your cruise dosages and dosing comes into affect

    Another thing – you said you didnt need an ai last cruise at some dosage, – likely a reason for this is you coud have more adipose tissue on you increasing aromatisation rates

  • Max

    November 2, 2021 at 10:15 am in reply to: Alternative to masteron

    350 test and hcg – its most definitely those that are causing the sky high estrogen readings. – finding an alternative to masteron isnt whats needed here, (primo would be the closest) – but that isnt going to modulate your estrogen levels adequately than whats happening already. Either reduce the dose of your aromatising compound test (my recommendation) or youll hve to use some aromatise inhibitors. – yes you could increase masteron dosage a bit to see if that will help, but theres only so much it will do to help a ‘sky high’ estrogen reading.

  • Max

    October 29, 2021 at 9:05 am in reply to: Off-season length

    from birth up until I was about 19

  • Max

    October 24, 2021 at 8:39 am in reply to: T3

    30mcg is average natural output, so 37.5mg would make sense as a starting point

  • Max

    October 23, 2021 at 8:05 am in reply to: How to sterilise an Old primo in a vial?

    boiling will denature the hormone, – best bet is to use a syringe filter to pass the fluid through into another sterilised vial

  • Max

    October 20, 2021 at 9:14 am in reply to: New split advice

    for push 2, and posterior, Id deffo have some sort of variation from the exercises you did in push 1 and pull 1. perhaps. for example in pull 1, potentially a SLDL or even conventional, then in posterior do an rdl. – legs you can keep 1 rotation and run it into the ground as its only being trained one per week. or even change it to a quad focused leg day. as likely youll be hitting hamstrings in some capacity in your pull + posterior days

  • Max

    October 19, 2021 at 9:00 am in reply to: First cycle so far

    Very successful first cycle, the dosages you have used will most likely mean your bloodwork will be back in order pretty promtly 5-6 weeks. so potentially can hop back on after 8. – now, your plan for a second cycle is 300mg, in my opinion, go straight for 250 test + 300-400 mast or primo. reason being – if youre training and diet is on point to a degree that it will make maximal use of the higher anabolic use, then take advantage of it. Masteron or primo wont oblitrate bloodwork nor put you in a particularly damaging position health wise either.

  • Max

    October 13, 2021 at 6:59 pm in reply to: JPs trt + log

    I believe daniel, Jordan favoured nandrolone when total mg useage pw was V high, as the side effects were more managable, than using other compounds. Now his goals have changed, and peak mg useage dropped considerably he can use test + primo. Plus he doesnt want to reach like 280/290lbs again, which nandrolone would be pushing him towards

  • Max

    October 13, 2021 at 8:09 am in reply to: Best gyms in Dubai

    used to be max and aegle, now binous has expanded and knocked through wall last 3 weeks. All the prime kit, loads of other stuff and gymshop kit is opening a branch out in dubai, and has already arranged to get a lot of their stuff in binous as well.

  • Max

    October 10, 2021 at 9:01 pm in reply to: Need to bring up legs!

    serious knee injuries over the years – means only one thing, find an exercise that fits your mechanics perfectly, and causes no discomfort at all, throughout the whole range of motion. And get as strong as possible, in my opinion the 12-20 rep range. That rep range is much safer and less likely to trigger past injuries or niggles.

  • Max

    September 9, 2021 at 7:13 pm in reply to: What lab do you use for primo?

    crown is the best ive used, 150g/ml

  • Max

    September 8, 2021 at 10:37 am in reply to: Does High estrogen stunt muscle growth on cycle?

    if its waay outside refernece range then yes that will hinder you, Ive found having it within but at the upper end of the range is most optimal for muscle gain

  • Max

    August 20, 2021 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Phil Viz or Stefan Kienzl

    Phil is shite, horrible person as well. Theres a reason he’s got the name “Phil the Spill” viz

  • Max

    August 17, 2021 at 6:58 pm in reply to: JPs trt + log

    Have a look at for a less invasive cure for sleep apnoea, its new new revolutionary thing thats come available that might be of interest to you

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