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firstly a bit more info, what is your current cycle and compounds – then we can give a better idea of whether you need arimidex in the first place
Nighmare day, trying to sort out banking and phone contracts and apartment contracts. – the whole of duabi needs a very big financial overhaul, – its 20 years out of date and still runs on cheques. – red tape gone mad. – alas we got there in the end. – but meant there was zero time to train today.
Get bloods, likely a combo of high estrogen and prolactin. – your response to combat this, now comes down to personal preference, either change stack design and lower test, but add in a non-aromatising compound to make up for the reduced total anabolics. Or take some aromatise inhibitors and what other ancilliaries you might need and retain using 600mg of test. Personally Id opt for option 1 – but add in some aromasin/armidex the first week, to bridge the gap until the effects of reducing the amount of test used takes effect
Ninja dual air fryer is the most useful – however the ninja foodie pressure cooker is also extremely good and versatile – for a bodybuilder who wants quick meals, cooked to a decent standard – the air fryer is the best option
Very good day today – by chance our emirates ID arrived, so we are signing for our apartment tomorrow. And hopefully will be moved in by weeks end! Im incredibly eager to get back into routine, I really start to suffer when rouine takes a hit.
Training today was excellent, – pull session went down, was pretty surreal seeing big ramy training next to you, even though he was covered up you could see how 3d he was, – hes most definitely staying in shape, could tell by his face and lines
I have 2 pull sesions per week, one session has SLDL in, which is great atm, as the degree im progressing it at leaves me needing 1 weeks recovery from it. rest of the session has some glutes it via nautilus glute drive, and some lat top up. the other session is primarily lat and upper back. – I also tag biceps at the start of almost every session. – I genetically have pretty shite biceps, so theres one thing left for me to do – get big shit shaped biceps. My exercise selection for biceps is pretty much nailed to one excerise – a preacher curl either cable or stack driven – where my upper arm is fixed. – one thing ive learnt is my biceps recover extremely fast, so 3 sets 5x per week I can handle no fuss. – and is no effort to add into a session
re-do pct or start basal level of trt. – your pct failed, – can you outline what you did for it?
so yes it will return, to what degree its unclear. – with a proper prolonged pct, the outlook is good, infact many people have regained their levels to beyond what it was before they started anabolics just by clomid alone. – you are your own test subject
I find a lot of people who say theyre misterable on cycle, its more to do with external factors. Recovery, sleep, stress, routine, – people think its the cycle, and then because they think that they stop paying attention to everything else and then it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy – of course it could genuinely be the cycle youre on, – especially if the changes were very quick to develop as soon as you started it
Its ability to modulate estrogen varies, in some people Ive seen it tank estrogen, in others the effect is much more limiting. On the whole for most, ive found when you get above 400mg of test, estrogen gets wacky even when using masteron or primo. – now for most, when they use masteron to help modulate estrogen, – they feel fine even if circulating levels of estrogen is above the reference range – reason being, its a really good at balancing the androgen/estrogen ratio in a way thats favourable – and that really is the thing that makes people feel like shit when that ratio goes awol.
Thanks kris!
So today was a pretty manic day, – weve just emigrated to Dubai a month ago, and its safe to say that the first month being here is massively inconvenient. We are currently awaiting our emirates ID, to prove residency, after going through, blood tests. xrays. biometric scans, covid tests, ect ect/ And our passports have been taken last week for stamping. – over a national holiday – paying for large purchases atm, is proving difficult without a UAE bank account, so having to western union everything lol. – today consisted of going to different branches trying to get my cash out, but many of the branches have either closed or have maintenance issues so finding a working branch was a task. We are due to get our ID next week and move into our permanant residence – so routine and settling in can begin
Traning is going very well, – currently at a maintenance phase, until routine can be established in the next couple of weeks. – bodyweight is hovering at 126kg ish.
youre treating your body as if its a computer here with a direct memory function and only one calculation to complete to come out with a solution. – the body doesnt work that way, it works via a signalling process. – how many different hypertrophic signals can we initiate in a session. top set – maximal mechanical tension. back off sets, help stimualte other signals, lactic acid pooling, calcium ion, ect ect. – by the end of the day, your body just looks at microfibre damage and hormones/chemicals caused by resistance training and sends more growth factors to the muscles affected
Okay so prety big misconception – re thyroid suprression.
Check out the graphs below. , T3 level decreases to baseline at almost exactly the same rate as TSH increases to baseline.
T3 only suppresses natural thyroid hormone production while you’re using it, and TSH returns to natural levels at the same rate that T3 leaves your system. This means that there is no such phenomenon as “thyroid shutdown”, there is no recovery period, and there is no requirement to taper T3 down when ceasing use. – negative feedback loop is extremely fast
So Id like to introduce myself, i’m Max, and im extremely excited to be an educator on this site. Bodybuilding is a massive passion of mine, and i bury my head in pubmed studies, but also like to base my knowledge on anecdotal and practical example rather than just studies. You may have seen me around on some of the popular facebook groups. I will be helping to answer a lot of your questions on the site.
So, regarding my personal log and my plans. Curently im coached by joe jeffrey, and to be completely truthful my journey of taking this sport wth any real effort began last year. I was 144kg, unhealthy and the effects of the first lockdown hit me hard. – I needed a change. A clean slate. A rapid fatloss protocol was initiated – and in the space of 8-9 weeks I lost 36kg. all the way back to 108kg. From there we began the rebound, which was quite sucessfull. and then the potential of a first classic physique show was put on the table, which we began prepping for. Prep went well, and I got decently lean, but my drive for competing in a first timers show diminshed. – And my sights were now to an ifbb amateur classic stage- which we have begun buiding a pro card worthy physique. And I will be logging me journey on here
Below is my 9 month transformation
motor unit recruitment vs muscle fibre bond breakdown. – powerlifters get strong from neural connections and the increasing ability to recruit dormant fibres and have them fire simultaeously. – this doesnt require getting much bigger in the process, but rather the groving of an exercise over and over. Recently a study was released that pointed towards the breakdown and rebuilding of muscle fibres to come from the increased concentration of calcium ions in the muscle after exercise chemically breaking the bonds. – how do we get the most calcium ion concentration? the prolonged forced opening of calcium ion channels in the muscle, brought about mostly by eccentric loading and controlling the weight with good form and tempo, – something bodybuilds are better at than powerlifters who just want to move weight from A-B