Forum Replies Created

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  • Max

    December 22, 2021 at 5:40 am in reply to: Rate of gain for productive off season

    0.6-1% of bw per week. – this is a very arbitary figure though, as quite often it will swing, looking at health markers such as blood glucose and visual cues in check ins will be needed alongside to make judgement

  • Max

    December 22, 2021 at 5:35 am in reply to: SLDL

    The truth is, stiff legs when you first do them, expose your weaknesses hugely in your posterior. It really feels quite uncomfortable as youre purposefully stressing your erectors and that whole lower back musculature – something that youve most likely been avoiding all your life. What youre feeling is the sensation of vulnerabilty. I was the exact as I neglected my pulls and when first doing them again, it took about 6 weeks to really get to a Point where it started to feel confortable. – if youre tall this will make it harder to get into positon especially if hips and hamstrings are quite tight. – take a video or a picture next time so we can see

  • Max

    December 21, 2021 at 5:20 am in reply to: All rep ranges on hypetrophy?

    the term jordan uses is “touching new weights” – he sometimes uses very heavy weights in the 1-3 rep range in order to condition the nervous system to them. Because one you feel the 1-3 reppers, suddenly the 5-6 ones or higher rep range weights feel massively lighter. its a form of Post Activation Potentiation. He is priming himself to eventually take those 1-3 reps and turn them into 5-6 over the coming weeks. – this is how it inevitably unlocks hypertrophy. Not in the moment but what it is gearing up for down the line

  • Max

    December 20, 2021 at 7:13 am in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    So my macros currently ate

    600 C
    60 f

    They are outlined by joe jeffrey and then he gives me free reign to base my diet around that with my own food choices

    My diet is very simple, there is minimal gluten, wheat and dairy – indeed before using trained by jp whey, I discarded its use – but the jp stuff is heavily purified, so GI distress is minimised

    Everything is inputed into cronometer to track my micronutrient intake – which to most might sound quite OTT, but I cannot even begin to explain just how well your body performs when diet is accurately formulated. – dont kid yourselves bagels and muffins do impact your digestion and have very little in the way of nutrition.

    My shopping basket:

    chicken – thigh usually
    Pork – incredibly high micronutrient pool – plus phophorous

    Jasmin rice – with tumeric, garlic powder, curmin
    White potato – potassium loaded
    Cream of rice

    Spinach – mainly for its potassium
    Tomatoes – more potassium
    Tomato puree conc – even more potassium

    Darc chocolate – for its flavonoids
    Pufa fats – seed based, pumpkin, sunflower, chia – pufs fats are extrordinary, increases insulin sensitivity and reduced visceral fat

    What is my biggest suggestion to start with? – optimise your potasium intake im talking 10-12,000 milligrams a day, from food sources not supplement, thats a very easy first adjustment which makes a HUGE difference – then move onto full crono tracking your micronutrients.

  • Max

    December 19, 2021 at 7:57 pm in reply to: Deadlift plateau

    this is where some microplates/fractional plates could come in handy! – 0.25-1kg increments. where even matching the reps using these plates will stil mean progression.

    Also assessing you sticking point on deadlifts. And then switching to a variation that addresses – deficits, block pull, banded ect – so when you revet back to standard you will be able to get more reps

  • Max

    December 19, 2021 at 6:59 am in reply to: Oxygen Gym

    theres actually no secret protocol or methods. Quite simply, they have little to no distractions when they go over. Their entire existance is focused on the task of bodybuilding. Multiple naps a day, people loading and unloading the plates for you, people making all their food for them. People making them train twice a day.

    Coupled with what I can imagine will be cycles with no real thought behind them, just very high androgen load – which obv will work for the sole purpose of adding muscle mass. – they blow up, but you can see clearly its not really quiality tissue just a load of glycogen and water and gh giving a 3d bubbly look.

    They also only accept genetic prodigys, who will respond to anything – hence why the training isnt really that meticulous or well thought out, – just go on every machine till failure, and do loads of drop sets – which for genetic prodigys works

  • Max

    December 18, 2021 at 5:58 am in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    Was a very fun day, Ive been hounded by larry wheels manager for weeks, trying to get me to arm wrestle. Naturally i was a bit apprehensive as it has a bad reputation for causing injuriues ect. First go and I got floored, – they only went and put me against the UAE national champ ffs. – ego destroyed. After a few technique pointers I dramatically improved. Not sure if ill continue this, but it was fun

  • Max

    December 18, 2021 at 5:48 am in reply to: In-sure

    best time to take it is around 30 min before your biggest carbohydrate heavy meals of the day

  • Max

    December 17, 2021 at 7:21 pm in reply to: Sensations around heart after pin

    Its anxiety my man – everytime you pin youre becoming anxious becasue youre worried about last time and now its a self fulfilling prophecy

  • Max

    December 17, 2021 at 7:16 pm in reply to: which cycle to choose

    you will always be able to leverage more muscle tissue growth from a cycle that favours higher androgens – this is provided appetite and digestion isnt affected. – this doesnt mean its the most optimal path for body composition however

  • Max

    December 17, 2021 at 7:11 pm in reply to: Higher frequency side delts and biceps

    the two muscle groups ive found recover extremely fast for the majorty – they also are ones where they are really easy to tag onto any session really, without impacting your performance. –

  • Max

    December 16, 2021 at 9:01 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    Rest day today, which was handy as the few last pieces for the apartment arrived. Feeling very fresh, joints feel excellent, – sleep and recovery is at an all time high, I can’t stress how much getting a high quality mattress makes a difference.

    From Monday, I will begin the push up phase. Which I will document on here. The goal is 290 lbs in okay-Nick

  • Max

    December 15, 2021 at 9:18 am in reply to: Volume – weak body part

    too much vague info – if currently youre doing 1 set per week on that bodypart then yes Id for sure say that increasing volume during the week would result in more hypertrophy. If youre currently doing 30 sets a week – then yeah increasing volume would lead to irrecoverable fatigue. Without knowing how many sets youre doing currently or your indiviudual reovery rate for that bodypart we cant say

  • Max

    December 14, 2021 at 8:40 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    Really good day today, bed arived and sofa. apartment almost done. – then we went to the gym as kiera had a session with larry wheels for squats. She is looking V good this early on 9 weeks out. 225kg squat went up quite nicely, – which will only improve quite dramatically till her meet day. we can add another 25kg at least to it. I just improvised training today as it was a strongman/powerlifitng type of gym with not much equipment bar the basics

    This evening went to global village, quite spectacular, literally every cuisine and things from a huge variety of countries.

  • Max

    December 14, 2021 at 4:15 am in reply to: Controlling binge and food anxiety

    The problem is that discipline isnt something that can be solved by forums, you already know the issue, you know what needs to be done, and there isnt an easy way to say it over message. – cheat meals are not meant to fill you up, they likely wont fill you up, thats just the hard part about post show – insatiable hunger. – it will get better though, that feeling does go away, – post show is often the hardest part

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