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  • Max

    December 30, 2021 at 6:23 am in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    Push day went down a treat,

    bench x 5 x 5 x 5

    lateral raise machine x8 x12

    prime shoulder press x10 x15

    Costal cuffed flys x8 x 8 x10 x10 x10

    dips x8 x12

    panatta decline chest press (not usually a fan of decline movements, – but ive never felt any machine feel quite as good as this one, this will forever be a staple now)

  • Max

    December 30, 2021 at 5:16 am in reply to: Keto opinions

    by doing keto, youre just masking the fact there is poor isnulin sensitivity by having no carbs. – carbs are pretty important for helping regulate metabolism. People think keto is great but the increase in weight loss they experience is merely just water weight.

  • Max

    December 28, 2021 at 6:20 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    last few training days have been excellent – definitely overindulged in food over xmas and boxing day, doubled up on the in-sure. – Progressed on all lifts, bodyweightyweight is up to 128kg currently.

  • Max

    December 28, 2021 at 4:34 pm in reply to: TRT +Primo

    The truth is, we dont know – this is an area where there is very high intervariability! – do I think it will be detrimental to health – most likley no. But I would get bloodwork frequently as well as making sure you getting your other more rigourous tests done, such as calcium scores, echocardiograms, cystatin C testing, ect. s well as staying on top of your health supplements, such as vital support, love heart ect.

  • Max

    December 28, 2021 at 7:18 am in reply to: Cold Showers

    Avoid 1-2 hours after intense exercise and training

  • Max

    December 26, 2021 at 7:51 am in reply to: Feedback on Women Figure/Physique Prep cycle

    so immediately heres the issue. Accurately dosing 2mg of test E is really really hard. Youre relying on the gear not being overdosed – unless you have a source that makes test E in ultra low concentrations specifically for females

    5mg primo ed is fine, – good starting dose, but id favour just titrating that up rather than adding in anavar. – especially if youve already got test in the mix. Thats then three variables that you have to hope are dosed correctly.

    clen, no need to cycle, – you dont desensitise from the effects that we want to achieve.

    T4 – is ok. keep at that

    T3, employ when needed, but 25mcg is likely below what she would even produce naturally – so 30mcg minimum

  • Max

    December 24, 2021 at 8:47 am in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    First few days back on cyle, and fully in routine with diet, cardio ect. inital fullness has returned and Im feeling more alive. Trained pushed yesterday


    Cuffed clavicual flies – something I will be hammering into the ground, – my pressing ability has always been very very strong, but this hasnt translated into great chest growth – therefore I will be taking a new approach and spending a lot of time doing cuffed clavicular flies – really spending a long time in the stretch 2/3 seconds and progressing this exercise to its maximum. If this doesnt work nothing will lol

    Prime Plate loaded shoulder press – Ill get 6 plates for 10 sson enough mark my words – deadstopped

    Hammer strength lateral raise machine – this really feel exceptional, duie toi my long arms 90% of the lateral raise machine feel crap – this one feel bang on.

    Dips – self explanatory – if you get really really strong at dips, you win at life

    Some rear delt work – cable

    Biceps – again my usual 3 sets a session, as they recover exceptionally fast

    Today we are in for pull.

  • Max

    December 24, 2021 at 5:21 am in reply to: Budget Foods

    chicken thighs
    Tomatoes tinned
    Rice or potato
    any green veg (green beans most cost effectve)
    Seeds in bulk from online store (sunflower, chia)
    bananas (if digestion ok)
    Some sort of whey

    – cream of rice comes next – if have spare funds

  • Max

    December 24, 2021 at 5:18 am in reply to: Carb Placement/Training after meal 1

    impossible to say as high individual, based on own digestion and assimilation rates. – you will have to have a play around and see what fits your personal energy demands and needs throughout he day. – you feel the last meal has too much, well quiten often a large carb heavy meal translates into better sleep for most, so this may be the case for you, similarly your training relatively early the nextday after meal one, so there might be greater benefit in keeping it higher the evening meal before. – Have a play around and see what feels better.

  • Max

    December 23, 2021 at 9:30 am in reply to: Prescribed telmisartan, what should I expect

    can vouch for the high potassium – try and get 10-12k mg a day – and the results are astounding. – also your blood pressure, – simply adding in seeds like jordan mentioned will do 2 things – 1) very nice source of poly fats, 2) massively increease your magnesium intake, which is key for blood pressure. – Id expect bp to drop just from including a few handfuls of seeds a day alone. – but id also like you to check if you used the correct cuff size to measure it., your systolic is hpertensive, but your diastolic is under. – this is usually a sign ive found of a cuff thats too tight when measuring

  • Max

    December 23, 2021 at 5:24 am in reply to: SLDL

    theres nothing wrong with that form or positioning, – pretty bang on. Just now focus on grooving the movment over and over, and getting stronger at it.

  • Max

    December 22, 2021 at 12:28 pm in reply to: TEST and EQ ratios

    High eq causes anxiety in 50% approx of people – defo want it the lower of the two androgens

  • Max

    December 22, 2021 at 7:14 am in reply to: Elbow wraps

    of course not. Some people like the feeling of having come compression around the joint from a mental aspect. – just make sure youre taxing the targeted muscle as much as you would without them – this will quite often mean compensating with more weight. – I would say dont make them super tight, so much as it really hinders mobility and ROM find a balance

  • Max

    December 22, 2021 at 7:11 am in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    in for legs today, cycle has just started 250 test/ 500 mast/100mg tren – will titrate the mast up from here. Time to get silly strong. 3 months to push the limits.

  • Max

    December 22, 2021 at 5:52 am in reply to: Stalled progress, no drive, low libido, blood work attached

    Sounds like high prolactin. But cant seem to find the reading for it on your test

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