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transplated hair is less affected by miniturisation, and is more resistant to dht. – however it is still affected by other causes of hairloss such as blood circulation reduction.
my advice – get used to wearing one now, a youre only delaying the inevitable.
armidex/aromasin has a high chance of it not working whilst on hcg. Around half of the body’s estrogen not on exogenous aromatiasing compounds – is made in the testicles – which ai’s cannot touch. ai’s can only influence estorgen thats created peripherally. Hcg increaes the amount of estrgen created in the testicles pretty dramaticaslly so ai’s wont be of any effect in that regard
provided bloods are in a tidy place before cycle commences, 16 weeks will most likely be fine, provided youre on top of your healths supps whilst on cycle
In in the boat of, if youre going to do a cycle and put your body under stress – then do the one that will have the best yield ratio. – i.e. rinse as much out of it as you can. This will mean 250-300mg test and titrating a dht derivative like primo or masteron from 200mg-500mg. This comes with the assumption that your training and diet is on point to warrant the increase in androgen use. – from a health perspective this isnt that negatively affected compared to just 250/300 mg test on its own – but the increase in potential muscle tissue accrual is significant.
This applies to first time users of steroids or advanced
Legs today, – was very eventful. Had a decent talk with andrew jacked, – I cant begin to decreibe what he looks like in person, – easily the most 3d looking guy ive ever seen, incredibly impressive. Then it began to rain HARD outside, which caused a lot of issues, loads of leaks and floods ect around dubai. Gym was half wet half dry and midwaythrough session the lights tripped. – I can confirm the gymshop kit, squat machine performs very well in the dark. After that, hastily finshed session and left a few exercises out as didnt know wether that part of the gym was going to be shut again from the rest as it was yesterday
immediately drop the load and switch to high rep 30 reps ect on exercises that would aggrivate it. – dont completely rest it, even JP, whos torn it badly went on to do light pump work a few days after with bands ect.
used to have this in my packed lunch in primary school – maybe that was the reason why I was bigger than all the other kids
unfortunately aside from completely removing anabolics from use, this type of acne and this degree of it will require accutane imo. – accutane is a long burner though and works effectively over a length of time – so 2 months isnt nearly enough time. Similalrly accutane is still extremely effective at low dosages, so id first try something like 10-15mg a day as opposed to starting at 40mg. Also using something alongaside it such as join-in will help mitigate joint pain.
depends on whether the blood test is done via ECLIA or LC-MS analysis methods.
up to about 0.5ml volume I find is easily manageable sub c – you can do it anywhere where there is fat, so stomach is fine. – this would be my prefered way of doing ed test administration. Sub c can be done for all compounds
strained my back on SLDL – nothing serious but something im incredibly annoyed about, as I forsaw it coming as my strength was rising too quickly and the jumps I was taking in weight were a bit large. Immediately after the set, 240 x10 – I felt it feel a bit tender. – wokeu up this morning and its v stiff – today was meant to be legs but thats not happening, will turn it into wildcard day, muscle groups I know recover fast, and wont impact recovery / need a top up, – so medial/rear delts, biceps, calves, – tomorrow ill hit legs and shift everything back by one day
up the arimidex to keep hairloss at bay? – arimidex and hair shedding go hand in hand for a LOT of people