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  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 8:22 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    so the ‘disco back” as kuba likes to call it lol – has finally subsided – legs was a go today. And tbh, I just got angry and pissed off that ive been ill when everything was just going so smoothly, so I just slapped an extra plate a side on the hack more than what I was doing before and went for it. I find it hard to really get into the zone, – im naturally a VERY soft and friendly guy, and clicking the switch on – is not in my nature, – no matter what drugs I take, my mood and persona doesnt change at all.

    Session went excellent

    Gym shop squat machine
    Leg curl seated
    hamstring curl lying

    Plus biceps tag along at the end – as theyre. well…still shit

  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 8:12 pm in reply to: Glycin metabolic disorder

    Assuming this is from abnomaly high glycine levels from faulty enzyme

    Avoid connective tissue foods, – skin,bone, ligaments – stick to muscle meats.
    Avoid gelatin
    Avoid vegan proteins – pea ect

    Thankfully the western diet is generally massively devoid of glycine rich foods – its mainly asian cultures

  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 6:23 pm in reply to: Blood Work Review please

    Zero to be concerned about here, – cholesterol included – nothing some simple diet amendments into a cronometer and an additon of a supplement such as loveheart wont fix

  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 6:10 pm in reply to: Reasons to use EQ in a stack

    EQ offers nothing more, and leaves a huge proportion of people an anxiety ridden mess

  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 2:19 pm in reply to: Bloodwork – how does this look to you?

    ditch the aromasin

  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 8:58 am in reply to: Quad connection

    Im a firm believer that you can assess whether a piece of equipment is good or not, pretty instantly within first few reps. – and changing your foot stances and form ect wont change it massively. You should be able to connect with an exercise straight off the bat, without having to modify reps, tempo ect to achieve it. – doing these things should already improve on an already great connection, not be a pre-requisite of it.

    Stick to the exercises you feel, and run run with those – you mentioned a smith squat. – great! hammer that into the ground. Along with leg press youve mentioned also. Then modify your tempo/rep ranges and add intensifiers to take an already great connection to the next level.

  • Max

    January 13, 2022 at 8:40 am in reply to: Do I need PCT?

    these results indicate youve still got secondary hypogonadism, so yes still doing a pct is highly advised if thats the route you wish to take, to get full functionality back

  • Max

    January 12, 2022 at 6:27 pm in reply to: Insulin with breakfast on none training days

    Depends on a few factors:

    Fasted blood glucose readings / what are they

    Size of your breakfast meal

    Generally very high majority wouldn’t need it, when they wake up their blood sugar levels are low usually and you’re more insulin sensitive

    However Some people suffer from naturally higher blood sugar readings first thing in the morning (dawn phenomenon)

    And if your morning meal is especially large that it perhaps warrants insulin usage – then that’s another reason

    This is all very person specific, there is no right or wrong answer.

    I’d opt for some lantus in the am personally

  • Max

    January 12, 2022 at 6:44 am in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    First day ive felt back to normal-ish self, last week or so, ive been absolutely shot by flu or omnicron. Very rarely do I get something that puts me out like this, – massivle lethary, myalgia, headaches the lot. – first session back today and training pull.

  • Max

    January 12, 2022 at 6:41 am in reply to: Newbie Q: How bad is UGL vs Pharma? Keifei/Pharmacon

    Impossible to say as the ugl market varies to much from country to country. Only way you can tell is by hplc testing them – but thats not economicaly viable usually. – have you thought about getting a UK lab to ship to you, depending on how tight customs are i your home country this could be a very viable option, as many many UK labs have a large customer base internationally now

  • Max

    January 11, 2022 at 6:10 pm in reply to: Hamstring injury

    hamstring injuries that are a bugger to heal are usually at the insertion points. – first step go see a professional. But id highly recommend also employing some isometric holds with a barbell, or nordic curl – gradually increasing your time in the hold

  • Max

    January 11, 2022 at 6:21 am in reply to: Clomid

    would not recommend throwing random drugs in before bed with no reason behind it

  • You basically have to look at the machine when it’s in use. Have a look at what point the arm thats weights are connected to are most parallel to the ground from the Pivot point. – that’s where the weights exert the most force and so where the lift is the hardest. On an incline press for example that you mention, when you press the weight, the arm the weights are on rise and become more and more horizontal to ground – therefore it gets harder and harder to push – hence most force is required when you fully extend your arms/shortened position for the muscle

  • Max

    January 10, 2022 at 5:26 pm in reply to: Could someone help me interpret bloods please

    Medichecks uses ECLIA – deca shows as test false positive

  • Max

    January 10, 2022 at 5:18 pm in reply to: First PCT, what and how much ?

    So you’ve just done your 3rd cycle, – how long do you plan on staying off cycle for? Do you plan on going back on, – usually people don’t just stop at 3..

    If you’re going to go back on within the space of 6-8 months, then I’d suggest avoiding going down the pct route. The drugs come with their own host of side effects, and it’s best to utilise them when truly needed. Instead Simply cruise on 125mg-150mg test per week .

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