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  • Max

    January 21, 2022 at 4:15 pm in reply to: Barbell Row form

    Both are good, but depends on a few factors. – the most parallel your torso is to the ground, the more your lower back is taxed. – for some that might be a limiting factor in how much weight they are able to use, if their lower back get fatigued quicker than their upper musculature

    Whatever you choose – keep it standardised, so you can accurately see progression overtime in your numbers litfted.

  • Max

    January 21, 2022 at 7:06 am in reply to: Using Dbol preworkout on weak body parts only

    this question has just been answered recently search “Anadrol as a Offseason tool” in this sub forum

  • Max

    January 20, 2022 at 8:02 am in reply to: Density day?

    Density day has a tendancy to not fit in the standard PPL, it spills over into each other. Essentially its a day targeting the muscle groups that add a lot of thickness, im talking, erectors, whole posterior chain, bit of quad thrown in there as well and some upper back. Essentailly rep ranges are the same, top set back off in simple terms, just move some weight, with good form, using the big muscle groups and come out of the gym ruined

    How would you set this up?
    Push, pull, rest, legs, rest, push, density day, rest?[/quote]

    that could work well, theres no hard or fast method of adding it in.

  • Max

    January 20, 2022 at 8:01 am in reply to: Adjusting Adex and nolva dosage

    300mg of test e21d? – can you clarify how thats split.

    You dont want to be taking any ai’s or nolva whilst cruising, you need to be using a dosage of test that allows you to be free from useage of those drugs – else youll be using them year round which isnt healthy in the slightest

  • Max

    January 20, 2022 at 6:22 am in reply to: Density day?

    Density day has a tendancy to not fit in the standard PPL, it spills over into each other. Essentially its a day targeting the muscle groups that add a lot of thickness, im talking, erectors, whole posterior chain, bit of quad thrown in there as well and some upper back. Essentailly rep ranges are the same, top set back off

    in simple terms, just move some weight, with good form, using the big muscle groups and come out of the gym ruined

  • Max

    January 18, 2022 at 8:36 am in reply to: First cycle length

    So lets break this down into something simpler – what dictates a cycle to stop? Why do we come off cycle? – and the answer to that, that most people tend to use – is when bloodwork shows health markers getting whack beyong acceptable measures.

    So based of that, – theoretically a first cycle can continue for quite a while if bloodwork at specified intervals – say every 6-8 weeks still shows health markers as being in an acceptable impact. Furthermore, a first cycle generally is with dosages that are much lower than someone who is an experienced user – this has the potential to make that cycle last longer as bloodowrk is less impacted.

    I do however feel that there is a maximum timescale that you should be “on” for, – even though the studies do show androgen receptors upregulating in the presence of androgens, in reality ive found that the muscle building potential does drop off and you do become – desensitised, this is anecdotal – and you do require some periods of extended downtime

  • Max

    January 17, 2022 at 7:57 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    In 4 pull today

    Was a decent session, Lower back still not 100% so went easy on it

    Rest of the session was superb, – the tbjp pre pump is something else! Never fails to give me a remarkable pump

  • Max

    January 17, 2022 at 6:44 pm in reply to: Anadrol as a Offseason tool

    pointless for what you are trying to do, – does not work like that, the strength gain from administering an oral pre-workout once, is pretty shit, and certianly not going to be the diffference in bringing up a lagging bodypart

    other factors are what need to be addressed, exercise selection, recovery, increasing bodypart specific volume throughout the week. – even that only goes so far

  • Max

    January 16, 2022 at 5:17 pm in reply to: Lat Training

    Chest supported iliac pull down – popularised by coach Kassem

  • Max

    January 15, 2022 at 8:41 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    Push day today, and was a fantastic session. –

    Hammer strength lateral
    Cuffed clavicular fly
    Prime shoulder press
    Rear delt
    Panatta Decline machine

    nothing exciting in terms of numbers, still recovering slighlty from illness – I can tell because my appetite is still affected.

  • Max

    January 15, 2022 at 8:32 pm in reply to: Nandralone only advice

    Agree completely there. – infact it still remains my favourite stack of all time

  • Max

    January 15, 2022 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Nandralone only advice

    I call this the Mike Mentzer look.

    Nandrolone base really does work. And works fantastically for building muscle with minimal sides. Add dbol on top and it’s a great full look with strength.

    I can fight for both sides of the playing field easily on potential issues and siting studies ect on the pros cons of not having test in the stack.

    But that’s another story…this is a fierce battle that isn’t clear cut, no matter which educator who is currently trending is saying

  • Max

    January 14, 2022 at 6:16 pm in reply to: Going off bloodwork for First Cloopycle

    Dont do this. In truth you have no way of accurately predicting what mg of test administration will translate into your free test levels based off your natural bloodwork. – Reason being – exogenous hormone administrating often messes with SHGB levels, and ester clearing rates dont align like natural secretion levels do. – stick to a ballpark figure, 250-300mg and then get bloodwork done after a few weeks to see what the true readings are

  • Max

    January 14, 2022 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Blood work post bulk and 4 weeks later

    so reason why your cholestrol levels are taking a while to bounce back or have even regressed – even though youre on supplementation is because the last 4 weeks you still had high risidual androgen levels circulating. You only incorporated the supplements during these last 4 weeks. Its monunentally harder to get your cholestrol from a position of bad to good, than it is to hold them at a good resonable place from the beginning. – add on top of that, the drugs still in your system dragging down your hdl/ldl ratios- youre giving the supps a hard time.

    Rest assured from here on out they will start to improve, now its been 4 weeks off cycle. – provided your diet also plays a role and bodyweight further drops

  • Max

    January 14, 2022 at 6:52 am in reply to: Arm day?

    Relatively small muscles that act around a simple hinge joint (in this case the elbow joint) for bicep and tricep subsequently need only simple exercises that inevitably don’t take a lot of time to set up for or take away from your energy. – I’d say that you only need one very good bicep movement whereby the upper arm is fixed against a pad or something, and 2 triceps at the most, potentially a dip and a cross body tricep extension.

    I don’t think it warrants a whole arm day, I’d rather spread volume out across the rest of the week. I don’t think it’s possible to be “too worn out” to be able to tag on some decent working sets of any of those exercises onto a session personally. And they take maximum maybe 5-8 minutes of working time to do.

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