Forum Replies Created

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  • Max

    March 2, 2022 at 8:56 am in reply to: Favorite Back Thickness Movements

    Seal rows for sure

  • Max

    March 2, 2022 at 4:30 am in reply to: Dropping gear 2 weeks out from Contest #whats proptest? Or something

    quite simply if youre in true contest condition, you shouldnt need to drop test

  • Max

    February 28, 2022 at 6:14 pm in reply to: Sleep

    I wouldnt worry, – reason why, its something out of your control, if you can only get 6 hours a sleep a night due to work ect, – then dont worry about it, the result is the same if you worry or not. just nail everything else as you are doing as thise are the things you can control

  • Max

    February 28, 2022 at 5:40 pm in reply to: Low sex drive – bloods attached

    definitely a combo of both –

    Switch to everyother day jabs – use insulin pin so it isnt a hassle and inject sub-c

    Im unsure what 1ml actually is, as doesnt tell us how much youre injecting, 300mg? 400mg? – whatever it is, calculate it to be so youre injecting 125/150mg pw split eod.

    In meantime supplement with vitamin b6 to help reduce that prolactin a bit

  • Max

    February 28, 2022 at 8:17 am in reply to: Equipoise cycle length

    no, you are more anabolic and the drug works right away as soon as you administer it

  • Max

    February 26, 2022 at 3:17 pm in reply to: CUTTING CYCLE – suggestions / comments ?

    Be specific, 1 what? 1/2 what? A vial?

    You’ve only wrote down Monday – Saturday – are you only running this cutting cycle for 6 days?

  • Max

    February 25, 2022 at 6:46 pm in reply to: Hack Squat Execution

    Yep easy, use squat shoes with a heel or stand on a wedge

  • Max

    February 25, 2022 at 8:14 am in reply to: V-Squat vs Barbell Squat

    It may feel good, but in terms of carry over to conventional squats which is what youre looking for, v squat is sub par. – but by all means continue if you enjoy it

  • Max

    February 25, 2022 at 6:05 am in reply to: V-Squat vs Barbell Squat

    dislike V squat – the degree of knee flexion you get is pretty crap

    Pendulum or a hack is the best, with a pause in the hole.

    For actual translation into a proper squat – something like a deadstop pin squat or anderson squat will very quickly help you build that confidence in the hole. – just be sure to use a much lighter weight

  • Max

    February 25, 2022 at 5:55 am in reply to: Primo + test2 E2 not so low?

    1) no need to take ralox if youve had gyno surgery – I assume theyve removed the mammary gland, which means its impossble to come back

    2) Adex is more effective at reducing estrogen levels, than primo, – so dont expect the same effect, – it doesnt mean your primo is fake, Ive seen peoples bloodwork where the anti-estrogen effects of primo dont really translate like youd expect

    3) reduce test to 300mg to compensate

  • Max

    February 24, 2022 at 6:56 pm in reply to: 2022 1st Show Countdown – Q&A

    Todays check in, – first week of the tidy up phase complete. A little over 2kg down. Nice easy first week, not pushing anything too hard

    80mcg clen
    100mcg t4
    200mg l-carnitine
    4iu gh ed

    100mg tren

  • Max

    February 24, 2022 at 4:34 pm in reply to: Squats triples

    Something is up, either recovery, mindset going into the set ect – because adding 5kg onto a barbell should feel pretty insignificant and definitely shouldn’t cause a 5 rep drop

    Id re-do the set in a few days, after you’ve properly recovered an all variables are locked in

  • Max

    February 22, 2022 at 5:52 pm in reply to: Best Nut Butter to add in my Cor/wheyiso mix

    For muscle growth I’d choose something higher in PUFA like sunflower – macadamia nuts health pros are based on misguided science – i.E. has much lower omega 6 but more mono-saturated fat

    PUFA namely omega 6 – improves insulin sensitivity where as monosaturated fats depending on the fatty acid leaves a negative impact, or neutral impact most times.

    Monounsatrated fats also show a higher body fat accumulation when calories are in excess compared to pufa omega 6 which shows more muscle growth in a calorie excess and almost no fat gain.

    omega 6 is promoted highly because of its immense health benefits when not reading misguided science, and monosaturated fats is to be eaten in balance and not focused on unless one wants immense fat gain.

  • Max

    February 22, 2022 at 6:40 am in reply to: Thoughts on my Off Season ("Bulking") Diet plan

    so currently youre at 15% bf, 2000 calories a day, and 50-60min cardio 5x a week – and you want to continue this diet for another 8-10 weeks. My worry is that is you havent got much more room to go, without really ending up in a place where calories are extremely low and cardio v high.

    Thyen off the back of that youll be going straight onto 3800 calories a day – this is a recipe to putting on uneccesary fat on very quickly.

    If you are to still go down the path of dieting, – at the end id bump calories up by 500-700 or so immediately in your transition, then increase by about 150calories per week thereafter

  • Max

    February 21, 2022 at 12:50 pm in reply to: Advice help needed

    perfectly valid substitute, – You wont notice a massive difference between the two

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