Forum Replies Created

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  • Max

    May 3, 2022 at 6:15 pm in reply to: Low test 18 yo any opinion?

    Ensure diet is spot on
    Body fat is optimal level
    Exercise regularly
    What’s your SHBG levels btw?

    Id be tempted in doing a clomid/arimidex shunt of HPTA – quite a lot of people have had v good results with that Before going down trt route

  • Max

    May 3, 2022 at 3:52 am in reply to: DHT

    Raise it in what way? Which metric are we talking about?

  • Max

    May 2, 2022 at 2:49 pm in reply to: Querie

    If you feel fine and no sides, just ride the cycle out until the end, you’ve already done 10 weeks. – drop down to a cruise, get body back to full Health, get blood work before next cycle and begin the next one with the new found knowledge

  • Max

    May 2, 2022 at 7:46 am in reply to: First time trying Primo

    minimal effect on bloodwork, side effect friendly – makes sense to run it at a reasonable dosage as to get a decent return on your cycle. – so yeah id start at 250-300mg

  • Max

    May 1, 2022 at 2:46 pm in reply to: igf-1

    unless its recombinant igf 1 aka increlex/mecasermin then pretty useless – and I highly doubt you’ll be using increlex

  • Max

    April 30, 2022 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Cycle design + hcg

    wouldnt use it during the cycle or trt personally, causing estrogen to be quite skewed and offers very little benefit

  • Max

    April 30, 2022 at 7:27 am in reply to: Tren worth it Off-Season

    I use a low dose of 100mg pw – mainly for its anti – catabolic properties which are quite special compared to other anabolics. – this dosage also has the benefit on not being high enough to affect appetite

  • Max

    April 28, 2022 at 10:13 am in reply to: Gynecomastia surgery – tips

    Buy a really tight rugby skins top – like 2-3 sizes too small – much better than that tacky vest they give you!

  • Max

    April 28, 2022 at 10:12 am in reply to: Sex drive after pct

    Need full bloods to make accurate assessment

  • Max

    April 27, 2022 at 12:31 pm in reply to: Anavar stack?

    Oral only route – dbol or ment to be used as a base as these are the only ones that aromatise

    – 5mg approx of dbol is enough to satisfy estro needs

    – add in your anavar or winstrol on top

    – do I recommend it? – no, but im just giving you the scenareo to make this route viable, id rather you do an oral only route this way – than just take anavar or winstrol solo

  • Max

    April 25, 2022 at 9:58 am in reply to: Checking macros are good

    Taking calories away from protein to add into carb allowance is actually not as straight forward as you think. As calories from protein don’t really count towards energy balance as such like carbs would. Studies have shown that extra calorie consumption from protein doesn’t lead to more fat gain. – keep protein Stable and just modulate carbs and fats. – if youre feeling crap, raise the carbs a bit, slow down the rate of fat loss a little – Or increase expenditure to compensate for that

  • Max

    April 25, 2022 at 9:51 am in reply to: In/`sure

    2 caps 10-15 min before meal 3/4/5 – assuming fasted BG is in optimal level before meal 1

  • Max

    April 25, 2022 at 7:27 am in reply to: Semaglutide initial review

    Class ? another way to cheat a prep.

    Dnp is already rife now throw this in ?

    I cant lie, this is the equivalent of having your smart asian friend sit the exam for you – ?

  • Max

    April 25, 2022 at 6:34 am in reply to: Cut to Bulk transition – how aggressive?

    the slow ramp back up isn’t working for me the slow ramp back up isn’t working for me – no it is working for you, its just you cant control the mental hunger.

    There is really no easy way to do this stage – its always the hardest part of this whole process, – the more managed your rebound is – the better.

    If youre really struggling, use some semaglutide/ozempic to control hunger – its a perfect fit for the reverse diet phase

  • Max

    April 24, 2022 at 2:53 pm in reply to: Supplement timing

    All the Trainedbyjp products have optimal instructions on the back of when to take – just follow that

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