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  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 12:13 pm in reply to: TRT and Platelets Aggregation


  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 10:05 am in reply to: Rapid fat loss to reset

    I can say with quite some certainty that this is an area that I’m very well accustomed to. Just so we are clear are adverse to using any specific fat loss agents? Are you after the most efficient rapid fat loss approach?

    The most efficient, get in get out ideally, pretty much used everything over the last number of years other than DNP which I’d rather not use. How would you approach ?[/quote]
    Here was my rapid fat loss diet after the covid shutdown – where I lost 76lb in a little over 8 weeks

    300 test
    200 primo
    100mg tren

    80mcg clen
    100mcg t4
    37.5mg t3
    20mg yohimbe
    100mg dnp ed
    250mcg injectable L-carnitine
    3iu GH ed
    20mg cardarine
    40mg micardis
    500mg metformin

    Diet was low carb, to ensure dnp worked most efficiently

    Modify that how you will, – but this takes a bit of every lipolysis pathway for maximal effect, whilst keeping side effects to a minimum. End result was outstanding

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 9:04 am in reply to: Best Hack Squat

    You’d also have to define excellent execution and form because I see people claim this a lot and I disagree on that. All a shallower angle allows is more weight to be added for equivalent effort levels. Flexion at the knee doesn’t change. I use the cybex hack every single week and I’ve never had to stop using it because of knee issues. But I’m not here to argue. This post is about hacks with small footprints. So let’s just agree to disagree ?

    Yes, haha lets agree to disagree

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 8:57 am in reply to: Supps and cardio for longetivity in bodybuilding

    Pretty impossible for 15-25 min of interval work to mess up gains long term. What I’ve noticed is that, those who don’t do interval training see a slight drop in performance in workouts initially, but only because they aren’t used to interval training and haven’t developed the recovery capabilities.

    Those who leave it in for months, soon adapt and it leaves no negative impact on their ability to progress in their sessions. It’s only when they add it in too late

    You adapt to what you do long term. Personally the bike is the best for interval training.

    Doing it after pull would seem logical as you have a direct rest day after

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 8:48 am in reply to: Best Hack Squat

    Cybex is good, but without fail, everyone has to ditch it out at some point as it causes knee issues. It simply isnt a good machine for long term joint health.

    The best hacks are the ones with a much shallower angle, – this then means that footprint is obviously increased as more horizontal length.

    Atlantis, gym shop kit, star trak. I find are the best. It’s worth loading a few more plates due to decreased resistance, to ensure longer term progression

    Only people that load it up beyond their capabilities end up with knee issues. [/quote]
    Define capabilities? Because I’ve seen countless people who are more than strong enough to move the weight they’ve put on the cybex hack, with excellent execution, tempo, form, and still come out with issues. So this I strongly disagree with. And so do many others who have had to drop the exercise out of rotation time and time again due to this issue

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 8:37 am in reply to: Best Hack Squat

    Cybex is good, but without fail, everyone has to ditch it out at some point as it causes knee issues. It simply isnt a good machine for long term joint health.

    The best hacks are the ones with a much shallower angle, – this then means that footprint is obviously increased as more horizontal length.

    Atlantis, gym shop kit, star trak. I find are the best. It’s worth loading a few more plates due to decreased resistance, to ensure longer term progression

  • Max

    May 31, 2022 at 7:19 pm in reply to: Rapid fat loss to reset

    I can say with quite some certainty that this is an area that I’m very well accustomed to. Just so we are clear are adverse to using any specific fat loss agents? Are you after the most efficient rapid fat loss approach?

  • Max

    May 31, 2022 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Womans first time user

    First off all asses your aim and goals. There are loads of pathways available to you to explore and rise first that will take you quite far without the risk or massively reduced risk of virilization

    Hard training
    Everything else down to a T

    Once those have been explored, I’ve found the most friendly female aas time and time Again to be npp. 10mg eod is a very good starting dose. – primo also decent provided its genuine

    The key is to ensure you are strict with the length of time you are on these virilizing drugs for. 6 weeks is usually my preference. 8 weeks if there is enough reward on the line to warrant so

    Spend plenty of time off between cycles. Ideally you want to stick to around 3 per year

  • Max

    May 30, 2022 at 9:57 am in reply to: Adapting training whilst in a calorie deficit

    Reduce volume in the session. Reduce any intensifiers. Do what you have to, to ensure strength is maintained.

    Strength retention and ensuring those sets are of a high calibre is key. Simply doing sub standard filler sets is a waste of time

  • Max

    May 30, 2022 at 9:53 am in reply to: Janoshik testing

    Send in samples, with no branding on. No mention of the lab. Just a plain sticker with the Compound in.

  • Max

    May 30, 2022 at 9:51 am in reply to: AI’s

    Ai’s can negatively affect

    Cardiovascular health
    Digestive health
    Hair loss

    The list goes on.

    All drugs have side effects, some more than others. If you can get the same results without having to use a drug to counteract side effects. Then do that.

    Similarly, yes they are used in medical settings, they do serve a purpose. But we have other avenues available to us, people who have medical conditions and illnesses may not.

  • Max

    May 29, 2022 at 8:34 pm in reply to: Nipple Sensitivity

    So 65% of men between ages 27 and 92 have experienced some form of gynocomastia – what does this tell you when the reference ranges of the hormones in the blood tests we go off are based on the averages of the general population?

    It means that staying within those reference ranges means bugger all that you’re going to be safe from developing gyno/nipple sensitivity.

    It is highly individualistic.

    In regards to you that cycle design simply tips you over the edge in some way. Either in unbalanced androgen estrogen ratio or via prolactin stimulation.

    I’d say your coach’s approach is sensible, in that trying the vitamin b6 route is a good first port of call. 300-600mg (find your optimal dosage)

    You also have the option of reducing test down a bit as well or even increasing your dht derivative – masteron to produce a more favourable ratio. Few options

  • Max

    May 29, 2022 at 9:07 am in reply to: Halotestin

    What’s your goal, what are you needing to use it for? This is a highly specialised drug made for select purposes

  • Max

    May 28, 2022 at 8:27 pm in reply to: Flat on cycle. No pump

    High cardio, lots of lipolytics – it’s only inevitable you’ll get flat, it’s simply a process of getting lean and losing body fat

  • Max

    May 28, 2022 at 8:25 pm in reply to: Receptor sensitivity

    So there is strong evidence that receptors up-regulate in the presence of androgens. Anecdotally however, this is the same as the fasted cardio debate. Science tells us not much difference, however in real life I see time and time again taking time on reduced androgens leads to a greater response when going back on

    You’re just gonna have to do some experimentation and see for yourself

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