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  • Max

    June 10, 2022 at 5:02 pm in reply to: Polycythemia Vera

    Quite simply, reduce calories further. Track your intake more strictly. Whilst health issues can make things more difficult, the same rules still apply, you can’t be in a deficit if you’re not losing weight.

  • Max

    June 10, 2022 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Low Oestradiol + high prolactin

    More information needed, are you natural or enhanced? If natural, increase fats in diet to inc estrogen. Vit b6 for prolactin. If enhanced and on cycle then that’s a different story and need to analyse

  • Max

    June 10, 2022 at 4:57 pm in reply to: Prostate

    Keep your estrogen in check, it’s mainly estrogen that causes prostate enlargement not DHT

  • Max

    June 9, 2022 at 1:02 pm in reply to: fluffy nipples

    important to distinguish the difference between fat and fluid accumulation as opposed to glandular tissue being deposited. – The best drug for gyno is raloxifeine without a doubt. – however, you should not use these types of drugs unles you have to, Post your cycle here, we can analyse/modify it, so you dont have to use an Ai, or a serm, to combat gyno in the future

  • Max

    June 8, 2022 at 4:33 pm in reply to: Macro ratios and calorie surplus for lean bulking

    Hard to say without you first assessing what you’re maintenance level of Calories are, spend 2 weeks finding that out and come back to us

  • Max

    June 7, 2022 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Splitting TRT Injections

    Not seeing a difference how? Are you getting bloodwork to see the difference? Likely going by feel you won’t see any

  • Max

    June 7, 2022 at 4:21 pm in reply to: Best oestrogen levels to build muscle?

    Having it higher won’t do more for building muscle, but it may provide protective effects for cardiovascular health, neuroprotective if the cycle you are on is of particularly high total mg load

  • Max

    June 4, 2022 at 5:41 pm in reply to: Does HGH Build muscles are only water retention؟

    Study done using 27iu and not a single ounce of muscle was created. – what is does do, is like Jordan said, improve the conditions for muscle to be built, – keeping you at a potentially leaner set point year round.

  • Max

    June 4, 2022 at 5:32 pm in reply to: Sustainable anabolic approach

    Have an end goal in mind, a physique that you want to achieve at your peak. (Granted this is hard but get a rough idea)

    At the age you’re at now you have comfortably 5 years of being able to push hard using anabolics. Up until you’re 27. Remember main negative effects from steroid use come from duration rather than dosage. Get 90% of the progressing towards that’s end physique done in the first 5 years when you’re youngest and can mitigate the negative effects most readily, after that, significantly drop the dosage and slow the rate of progression or use just enough to maintain once you’ve reached that peak.

    In my opinion, which is quite a different to many people, if you know you’re going to be that guy who’s going to use for the next 10 years most likely (which most PED users are) there’s little to no point in going for the “use as little as possible approach” – if that will most likely mean prolonging the length of time you’ll be assisted for the get your ideal physique

    There is no right or wrong answer, just different viewpoints which have their merits

  • Max

    June 4, 2022 at 6:38 am in reply to: Anavar with TRT

    Firstly thats not even near a trt dosage. So think about long term sustainability. And although anavar is generally mild, at 60mg a day it still causes negative effects on the body, especially after 9-10 weeks of use.

    I’d think about coming off for sure, maybe next time think about adding in a mild dht such as primo or masteron on top of your trt if you’re wanting to run something alongside the trt for that length of time

  • Max

    June 3, 2022 at 2:53 pm in reply to: High masteron dosage

    More androgens = more potentiation, in terms of both fat loss (yes androgens do have an an effect)- muscle retention and synthesis and cosmetic effects. The key to this is finding ones that you can use whilst having minimal effects on blood work and other side effects. Masteron is quite a nice drug in that regard.

    Bit of trial and error is needed to see if that ratio is right for you.

  • Max

    June 2, 2022 at 5:39 pm in reply to: First cycle

    My go to cycle that I recommend a lot of guys go to is

    Baseline level of test – 250/300mg

    Primo or masteron start at 150mg and titrate up, as the weeks go on. 50mg eow. Top out at around 600mg peak androgen load

    My viewpoint is simple, whether you’re a first time steroid user or Advanced, use a cycle that will get you the best bang for your buck. Most muscle tissue gains for the least impact on health and bloodwork

    Very little thought in just using low dose test as a first time, when 1) you’re at you’re youngest in age and least susceptible to negative consequences.

    Get the higher androgen use out of the way when you’re young, ideally first 5 years of use, before then tapering down as you get older. – if you’re thinking of doing this long term

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 6:48 pm in reply to: Dieting/Prepping without T3

    If you’re against using it, increase your phosphorous in your diet when dieting. Massively prevents metabolic adaptation and thyroid down regulation

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 6:45 pm in reply to: Mk677 Elevated Blood Glucose Levels

    Get off that crap, legit awful drug

  • Max

    June 1, 2022 at 2:38 pm in reply to: Rapid fat loss to reset

    This was last year

    And I’d recommend having some degree of anabolics higher than a cruise just because there is so much fatty acid mobilisation going on, you want to ensure muscle retention is maximised

    And yes I’ve got them before running clen in particular, but palpitations are not always something to worry about and I wasn’t bothered

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