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Make it easy for yourself and do EOD 100mg of each. And just think of your total mg being 400mg of each over and 8 day period rather than worrying about it being 3 injections one week and 4 the other
primo has no interaction with any enzymes to convert it into DHT, – it differs in structure to DHT however it is a derivative of DHT. – so it can bind to common receptors
The beginnings of a diet is always shit – you feel and look worse long before you start to see something you like in the mirror. – First thing to go is fullness from glycogen and triglycerides – hence you feeling smaller and looking fatter. – But rest assured you are getting leaner no ifs or buts to it
I do think you need to get bloods done. – One sign of high estrogen in a low T enviroment is impared bile flow – reduced digestion of fats and symptoms youre experiencing
Overall keep on what youre doing, – get some bloods done just for piece of mind
Will it work yes
Is it optimal what you’re doing far from it. We have come a long way last 5 years in cycle design. What you’ve got there is a cycle that will feel like it’s working, – but in reality will leave you plagued with side effects you’ll have to manage. You’ve just thrown random drugs and dosages together. What’s you’re previous cycle history, your current physique. Age? Goals ect?
Studies have been done with 700mcg a day for 12 weeks. – with no long term side effects
In reality, this is very much a individual tolerance thing. Some can tolerate 200mcg easily, others crippled at 20. Assess side effects, titrate up.
Wouldn’t worry unless it’s a reoccurring thing. One off episodes like this happen. If it’s a reoccurring theme then we can look into contributing factors to remedy it
This bloodwork will improve on its own with the continued lifestyle changes you’ve already started to implement.
Revisit in 6-8 weeks when you’ve lost even more weight, improved cardio vascular fitness further And remained on a cleaner diet – and the next blood test you do will paint a much better picture
I’d do a 5/6 day refeed, bring cals up to maintenance and drop cardio down to 30 min as opposed to 1 hour for the 5 days
Wear a tight Rugby skins Top. Depending on whether you had liposuction during the surgery as well will impact how much blood pooling there will be after.
Recovery is insanely fast, you’ll be back to training pretty much everything within 7–10 days. Just use some common sense when training
Igf can vary on alot of factors, carb intake, e2 levels etc, poor convertion to igf1 because of e2 levels – however gh serum test is accurate
MPS is stimulated anyway after meals for circa 1.5hrs – no need to have EAA’s. Just focus on having consistent high quality meals during the day
So basically gallbladder has been removed so there’s a small constant stream of bile into the digestive system continuously. (By the way anyone reading this, do not get your gall bladder removed, doctors do it as a quick fix, but 99% of the time can be solved with dietary changes the issues)
Removal of diet will now mean, too little bile is present when needed and too much when not. Supplementing with oxbile and tudca with heavy fat meals would be something to consider
You did nandrolone and mast last time and got on well with no ai’s, why feel the need to now use test next tine and have to add in ancillaries?
Nothing is going to really combat the effects of nearly 2grams of androgens a week if your mental health prone. Very simple solution that I honestly think is the only solution – reduce the dosage