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  • Max

    July 11, 2022 at 6:44 pm in reply to: Can I inject BPC in my finger?

    I mean yeah you can do for sure, this is just a question of how much discomfort are you willing to put yourself in for relative to the increase in potential healing gains.

    Truth is, we don’t really know how effective it will be for fractures – studies do look promising. So I’d only suggest it if it doesn’t hurt like shit administering, as fingers heal quite quickly anyway

  • Max

    July 11, 2022 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Starting point for cut.

    I’d wait 3-4 weeks after this bulk to solidify your new gains. Then begin the tidy up. I like to first introduce some expenditure before making drastic cuts to calorie intake. 10k steps and maybe 3 20 min low intensity dedicated cardio sessions, along with some modest reductions to carb intake on rest days to begin with, – maybe like 4400 cals on rest days

    Add in some basal lipolytics.
    100mcg t4
    2iu GH
    40mcg clen

    Should be a nice start to a tidy up that will produce some steady results for a few weeks and elicit very little diet fatigue

  • Max

    July 11, 2022 at 9:52 am in reply to: Questions on growth hormone

    The only recommendation I say to people is if they’re doing fasted cardio to take it a bit before, as the science shows it’s more efficient then. However in the grand scheme of things the difference is marginal when you take it.

  • Max

    July 10, 2022 at 5:47 pm in reply to: Nautilus lock and load stacks

    Ignore the +5kg whatever switch aligns with the number on the right in green is what the total weight is

  • Max

    July 8, 2022 at 8:27 pm in reply to: T4 explanation

    Likely you’ll need a combination of t3 and t4, monotherapy in more recent times has been found to be sub optimal – but your doctor will see this and be able to make the right decision

  • Max

    July 7, 2022 at 9:06 pm in reply to: Insulin pre workout IM bilaterally

    Doesn’t work, unless it’s used in conjunction with a clamp around a specific body part and in a hyper amino acid environment. Just so much effort to do that

  • Max

    July 6, 2022 at 12:48 pm in reply to: Stopping hmg/hcg

    Being on hmg/hcg will mean you’re in a state of hyper spermagenesis . However coming off them doesn’t necessarily mean your chances are any less. – there is a tipping point where more doesn’t mean more chances. Lots of factors go into it such as quality of sperm, it’s motility and morphology. If your count is still reasonably good between 50-200m when off then you have a very good chance

  • Max

    July 4, 2022 at 7:17 pm in reply to: Finasteride while on dht drugs?

    finasteride effects the ability of 5ar to take action. DHT derivative compounds do not interact with 5ar

    finasteride will have no effect on DHT’s or reduce their impact on hair loss

  • Max

    July 4, 2022 at 7:15 pm in reply to: Cbum on growth?

    Ruin his physique how? GH isn’t some magic compound that suddenly turns your physique into some mutant unappealing mass. It takes a while for negative effects to take place and it’s primarily down to unmanaged insulin resistance

    Id say it’s almost a certainty he’s taking 2iu at least year round to support connective tissue as he’s had a few niggles in the past he’s mentioned, knees ect, as well as general body composition effects

  • Max

    July 4, 2022 at 7:08 pm in reply to: ED from Anavar?

    Jordan’s bang on, yup – precisely a reason why I don’t recommend anavar only cycles.

    You’ve got a few choices. Run 5-10mg dbol a day alongside the anavar for adequate e2

    Begin pct

    Or start administering test

  • Max

    July 3, 2022 at 8:00 pm in reply to: 12 weeks out from a show, can I start my first cycle now?

    So if you’ve made the decision to do a first cycle and are truly sure about it. Then I would do

    250/300 test
    100 masteron / primo

    Titrate the masteron/primo by 50mg every other week approx. Until total androgen load is at 600mg

    This would be very good risk/reward cycle, with minimal impact to bloodwork. And the dht’s would deliver some increased cosmetic effect to your physique running into a show

  • Max

    July 3, 2022 at 6:55 pm in reply to: Anavar only cycle for a male

    I personally am against taking anything solo that doesn’t aromatise into at least some estrogen. Anavar is a compound that doesn’t convert. So you’ll suppress your natural test production and end up in an estrogen deficient state.

    Legit just get some test, and dose it sub-c in your stomach with a very tiny insulin needle. Utterly painless if you want to dip your toes into this

  • Max

    July 3, 2022 at 9:39 am in reply to: What should I do?

    You’re pretty lean now, judging from
    The second pic. Losing 15-20 lbs more would likely mean at some point you’re going to reach the tipping point of muscle protein breakdown outweighing muscle protein synthesis.

    I’d up test to 150mg, and add in primo at 100mg pw. – enough to make a sizeable difference but not enough to impact bloodwork to any meaningful negative degree

  • Max

    July 2, 2022 at 3:15 pm in reply to: Insulin sensitivity

    Insulin sensitivity doesn’t just apply to muscle either, but fat cells. And both have varying rates of insulin sensitivities as well, and they can fluctuate depending on how metabolically active you are, your diet, drugs, age, gender and a whole host of other factors. Some people naturally have good insulin sensitivity for muscle cells and low sensitivity for fat and vice versa.

  • Max

    July 1, 2022 at 11:55 am in reply to: Thoughts on maingaining?

    Take a look at all the top athletes on here, – all of Kubas clients – do what youre describing. Their body composition from start to end of a gaining phase is VERY much in check or comparable. Time and Time again what we have learnt is insulin sensitivity is KING. A great example is Nathan styles, hes put on like 12-15lbs muscle tissue on, whilst staying in relatively stable condition from start to end of his gaining phase with calum.

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