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  • Max

    July 31, 2022 at 7:56 pm in reply to: PCT BLOOD WORK AND ED

    Very hard to accurately assess

    You’ve now started pct drugs after the bloods have been done, meaning they are essentially worthless.

    We need a new report, with ideally prolactin included in the testing

    Having said that, you’ve also only started this on the 19th, a full pct protocol is longer than 11 days

  • Max

    July 31, 2022 at 7:50 pm in reply to: TSH

    When taking exogenous thyroid hormones, the anterior pituitary will produce less TSH as the hypothalamus has detected that thyroid hormones are in circulation and output need not be as high

    So to answer question it would be below reference range

  • Max

    July 31, 2022 at 7:46 pm in reply to: Vegan whey

    The vegan protein powder does contain all amino acids required. Plenty have switched over, in many ways it’s superior imo

  • Max

    July 30, 2022 at 7:25 pm in reply to: How to get rid of the flu / cold FAST?

    On first symptoms

    Hydrogen peroxide in ears
    Supplement with lysine to reduce viral replication

  • Max

    July 30, 2022 at 5:36 pm in reply to: Finasteride.

    If still using testosterone then yes it will have some benefit for what you’re looking for. – won’t have any affect on the androgenicity of DHT compounds though

    If using nandrolone don’t use finasteride

  • Max

    July 29, 2022 at 10:48 pm in reply to: Size needles

    25g 5/8th is my go to

  • Max

    July 28, 2022 at 10:20 pm in reply to: HGH during growing phase

    Increases fatty acid mobilisation, definitely makes a noticeable difference to body composition in a gaining phase PROVIDED insulin sensitivity is maintained and blood glucose doesn’t skyrocket. – for the body composition benefits though 25min of cardio a day will be superior imo

  • Max

    July 27, 2022 at 3:46 pm in reply to: Dream sleep VS Diazepam

    If you’re going to compare like for like, no dream sleep will not feel like a strong pharmaceutical drug. However on diazepam you’re not getting a restful sleep the brain wave activity isn’t optimal.

    Going straight to dream sleep will feel like it isn’t working, you’ll have to Wean yourself off the diazepam old you’ve become reliant on it. And start to Switch to dream sleep

    Part of the issue here is dependency which needs to be fixed

  • Max

    July 27, 2022 at 3:43 pm in reply to: 4 days a week, am I cutting results short?

    Dorian Yates trained 3x PW, granted he’s a genetic specimen but still

  • Max

    July 25, 2022 at 8:27 pm in reply to: Acne

    E2 is high, let’s try to get a hold of that. Prolactin is low, indicating you’re using some caber probably?

    Re evaluate your cycle and ancillaries get the hormones in range

    That will help acne, but also need info on diet, what you’re doing to manage oxidative stress. Maybe supplement with some vitamin b5 to help cortisol levels and has good affect on acne

    Aside from that, reduce total androgen load, or use low dose acutane which comes with its own issues

  • Max

    July 25, 2022 at 8:18 pm in reply to: First cycle

    Have a search through the forum loads of top notch answers for a first cycle

  • Max

    July 24, 2022 at 9:56 pm in reply to: CPAP MACHINE

    Resmed air sense is exceptionally good, and had the ability to use an sd card and analysis your episodes that occur during the night and fine tune the machine

  • Max

    July 23, 2022 at 7:16 pm in reply to: SubQ vs IM for blast

    Don’t go more than 1ml sub q is the rule of thumb; but it varies for everyone. – based on that and your concentration per ml of your anabolics, see if its viable to do, if not go IM

  • Max

    July 23, 2022 at 4:03 pm in reply to: Macro split

    My question is why woudnt you want it high? I purposely keep protein levels often excessively high to ensure there is 0 chance at any time that I’m in a state where my body is needing it and not getting it

    Excess protein doesn’t get stored as fat – as studies have shown, and the body doesn’t treat calories from protein quite like they do carbs or fats. So keep it high to help satiate hunger in this rebound phase

  • Max

    July 23, 2022 at 4:00 pm in reply to: Insulin and beta cell preservation

    500/600g of carbs is when I start to implement 10iu of lantus and titrate up to 20-40iu at the peak of off-season consumption.

    The ideal scenario is to use a combination of long acting and fast acting with meals, to help level the sudden spikes in bg with meals.

    How much to give you, is very user dependent. Start small, monitor via bg meter and slowly increase. Lantus is generally quite safe, 10-20iu is common start point

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