Matthew Hewitson
Forum Replies Created
If I’m honest I don’t know what those are they weren’t tested for. What would be the outcome of the results for those hormones??
Calories weren’t low for either test and around 80g of fat per day again for both. I’ve always held bodyfat around my stomach and never been able to lose it of which is a symptom of low testosterone as well as tiredness and low energy levels all of which I have experienced and still suffer from to this day but GP just said stop training if I’m tired. Would like another opinion though.
The numbers I had first was 4.2l/nmol I think that’s the unit and when I had it done again it had climbed to around 8.2-8.5l/nmol I can’t remember exactly. Now I wouldn’t mind but when I’ve done the necessary steps to increase it and yet it’s low and a friend of mine has a horrendous diet and doesn’t exercise yet his came out at 21l/nmol which is at the high end of the range. My brother in law who has one testicle due to cancer his result came out at 4 similar to mine and they put him on testosterone therapy but he’s private not NHS. It is annoying as when I went to GP last time and told them my symptoms of which fits low testosterone I told them I trained and they were like rest more. It’s a bit of a slap in the face from an overweight GP I found.
I had my blood test results done a couple of times before I stopped going to the GP as they basically said they wouldn’t do anything due to my age. Thanks for the advice but I have been doing what you suggested for a while before I got the results that stated my low levels on different occasions. I’m just wondering if there are any other alternatives naturally as well and then what options there are if that isn’t an option. I’m interested in potentially taking something in the future but obviously ensuring health first and then performance. I’m going to see the GP again see if they would do anything but I highly doubt it.
Hello Jordan, quick post. In light of the issues that have arisen from a product as highly valued as Intra MD from one of the most respected names within the industry John Meadows how can we be sure of what we are buying is what’s actually on the label. How do we check products that we are buying. I’ve previously bought from genetic supplements and after your post before have questioned there quality. What about redcon, what guarantees are in place that we are buying a product that actually has what it says on the label in the product. I think this would help a lot of average joes who can spend a lot of money on supplements to see results (I know basics first) but never get anywhere due to not getting what they paid for. Any light on this matter would be great as I’m finding only a small handful of companies that I would buy from. Unfortunately True nutrition I’d like to buy from but it’s so expensive to ship.
JP can you recommend another good sleeping aid as phenibut is now discontinued so I’m looking for alternatives. Any help would be great.
Hello JP and Corinne. Would you be able to answer a previous post I made of which I made during your busy prep so totally understand why no response I am just intrigued as to your thoughts on the matter.
(Hello JP (and Corinne, I learnt my lesson from last time lol) so I finally saw a urologist(surgeon as specialist was busy) and got some more blood work done as he said testosterone fluctuates every 15 minutes to double check of which I got the results today. My testosterone level came back as 9nmol/l between the range of 8.4-28nmol/l of which the doctor has said is fine and doesn’t need addressing.
I argued the point that it should be higher due to the fact that I weight train (regularly and heavily) and eat healthily (as much as possible aka minimum 20-30g fibre a day) and my results aren’t that much higher than my previous results. Again she said it is not an issue (frustrated me).
Is there any advice you can give me that could help as I feel a little lost, what levels do you normally want your athletes to work at? Do you prescribe anything or would you Should I be taking anything as again the doctor said they wouldn’t recommend any testosterone therapy as it wasn’t below the spectrum.
I just feel lost and that I’m not getting the most out of my training. Any help would be great.
Loving the progress for Corinne and looking forward to you stepping on stage this year. (I am also trying hard to find some dates when I can come and train with youreslf as I would relish the experience)
Today = I got my test results back for a 3rd blood test and my levels are sitting around 8-11nmol/l.
Any reply to this would be great
Hello JP (and Corinne, I learnt my lesson from last time lol) so I finally saw a urologist(surgeon as specialist was busy) and got some more blood work done as he said testosterone fluctuates every 15 minutes to double check of which I got the results today. My testosterone level came back as 9nmol/l between the range of 8.4-28nmol/l of which the doctor has said is fine and doesn’t need addressing.
I argued the point that it should be higher due to the fact that I weight train (regularly and heavily) and eat healthily (as much as possible aka minimum 20-30g fibre a day) and my results aren’t that much higher than my previous results. Again she said it is not an issue (frustrated me).
Is there any advice you can give me that could help as I feel a little lost, what levels do you normally want your athletes to work at? Do you prescribe anything or would you Should I be taking anything as again the doctor said they wouldn’t recommend any testosterone therapy as it wasn’t below the spectrum.
I just feel lost and that I’m not getting the most out of my training. Any help would be great.
Loving the progress for Corinne and looking forward to you stepping on stage this year. (I am also trying hard to find some dates when I can come and train with youreslf as I would relish the experience)
Matthew Hewitson
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 3:53 pm in reply to: Intra workout carbs and PWO cardioI have just remembered another question I was going to ask, how do both of you have your ground rice and/or baby rice. How do you cook it if you do that is? How much do you have? and what do you have with it? I’ve had ground rice before but it tasted like sand no matter what I did to it and put in it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry corinne, it’s just a habit i’ll address you both next time as I have followed your journey and progress very closely and am extremely impressed of what you have achieved so far, (i’m a college sports teacher and reference you all the time to my female students who say if they lift weights they’ll become bulky when that isn’t true). I shall apply your principles and see what happens :), good luck with your competitions coming up soon.
Matthew Hewitson
MemberSeptember 7, 2015 at 3:46 pm in reply to: Intra workout carbs and PWO cardioBrilliant thank you for replying corinne, ok I shall bear that in mind. How much would you recommend. I am lifting with progressive overload and am getting stronger. but wondered how much would be needed for benefits of improved growth and recovery or is it best to play around and see what works best?
Matthew Hewitson
MemberSeptember 6, 2015 at 6:51 pm in reply to: Intra workout carbs and PWO cardioJP does Intraworkout carbs such as HBCD go towards your overall macronutrient intake for the day? I can’t for some reason get my head around this of which is frustrating.
Some people don’t train hard enough to warrant intraworkout feeding so when would you recommend that it is necessary to add intraworkout carbs and EAAS?
Loving the videos JP great work on your prep, keep it up.
So the supplements Curcumin and citrus bergamot came today JP how would you recommend to use them? With regards to my training and nutrition what is the best way to approach them both in this period of no mans land so to speak. I have finished with the coach I was with as I felt like I was wasting money until I sorted my problems out, I was thinking of going through a strength phase as opposed to hypertrophy and nutrition carry on what I was doing before trying to get rid of body fat whilst building muscle. How would you approach this if this was yourself, I had to take the weekend off training to get my mind focused on how I wanted to move forward but am still a little confused.
Hope you can help.
I am 24 years old JP so was shocked when I got the low testosterone results of which I think have been this way for a good few years and potentially one of the reasons why I have been a late developer and upon researching the symptoms of low Testosterone I have been experiencing them for a while and thought it was just normal.
But having hired a coach since January and been working hard for the last 4 months and not seeing great results I only went and got my blood tested on a hunch to see what was going on especially as like you said there mood, energy, libido and body composition are all relatively poor. The doctor has referred me to a urologist to get some more info but again from what I have researched testosterone replacement therapy may be a course of treatment.
I take fish oil supplements everyday, I use avocado oil when I cook but will get some coconut oil and put it in my green tea in the morning. I will buy some walnuts and avocados and get them in everyday.
Is there anywhere you can suggest to get the curcumin and citrus bergamot?
I will implement the changes and keep you up to date with treatment so that anyone else who sees this and experiences these symptoms can do what I plan to do to change it and be healthier and look better.
Thanks for your help JP its greatly appreciated I’ve felt a little lost with this for a while so now that I am addressing it I feel in a better place mentally. So thanks for what you do for all of us.
So I received the results today JP and I was slightly surprised by the areas the doctor was concerned about especially as I have lost weight in the last 3 months and weight train quite a lot.
My testosterone is low being 5.0 nmol/L between a range of 8.4-28.70nmol/L.
My Serum Urea level is really high being 8.90mmol/L between a range of 2.50-7.80mmol/L. I’ve been told this is an electrolyte by my partners mum who is a nurse so not sure if this of concern?
My cholesterol is high with Serum Cholesterol being 5.2mmol/L, Serum HDL Cholesterol being 1.17mmol/L, Serum Cholesterol/HDL ratio being 4.4 and finally Se non HDL cholesterol level is 4.40mmol/L. Not sure what these numbers mean again my partners mum told me that it is the cholesterol that is within the bloodstream that can lead to blockages of which I would rather avoid although the doctor only mentioned these were high for my age but didn’t seem too concerned and did not offer any advice towards reducing them.
So do these numbers mean anything to you? I have other results but these were the only ones highlighted as problematic let me know if you need any more information to be able to know the whole picture. Is their anything I need to be concerned of especially within relation to high cholesterol and low testosterone?
Hope you can help JP it will be good to track what changes you recommend and go back for another blood test in maybe 6-8 weeks? what do you think?
Hope prep is going well, I am following your journey closely and wish you all the best for your competition.