alex mackie
alex mackie started the discussion Help me understand my body in the forum Diet 2 years ago
So I’ve been dieting for a while now. About to step on the gas and add t3-t4 in
My weight loss has stalled on the calories I’m on for the past 2 weeks. 2300 td 2100 ntd
The reason I haven’t dropped them yet is as the last couple of weekends I’ve had things on ( I’m not dieting for a show) and went off track with my diet. Not necessarily eating… Read more -
alex mackie started the discussion Yohimbine mid day timing in the forum Supplementation 2 years ago
I’d like to implement yohimbine in my current diet phase. But I train first thing in the morning. I cannot train fasted or without intra workout therefore cannot use yohimbine fasted in the morning.
I currently use it on non training days fasted pre cardio.
My question is would I be able to implement it in the middle of the day.
M1 45p… Read more
alex mackie started the discussion Helping my gf get lean in the forum Diet 2 years ago
As title says me and my gf are cutting. I’ve never helped a woman diet before. Only a few lads I’ve trained with. Obviously same principle applies move more eat less.
I have a few questions that I’d like your answers/ opinions on .
She’s43 68kg
on 1600cal training day 150p 160c 36f
Non training day 1450calories 150p 100c 50f
13k steps td 15… Read moreEleonora and Deleted User -
alex mackie replied to the discussion Fast insulin pre and post WO on a recomp/ diet phase in the forum Diet 3 years ago
alex mackie replied to the discussion Fast insulin pre and post WO on a recomp/ diet phase in the forum Diet 3 years ago
alex mackie started the discussion Fast acting insulin on a recomp and cut phase in the forum Cycle Builder 3 years ago
Fast acting insulin on a recomp and cut phase
As title says. What are your thoughts on this when carbs allow.
Would the insulin hinder fat loss at all ?Carbs allow for 5iu pre and post easily. Was thinking of adding this in for first month
I’ve had injuries this past year or so and diet has not been up to scratch so let myself slip.
alex mackie started the discussion Fast insulin pre and post WO on a recomp/ diet phase in the forum Diet 3 years ago
Fast insulin pre and post WO on a recomp/ diet phase
As title says.
Would it be worth adding fast slin pre and post workout when recomping after time off of trainjng properly and diet due to injury.Or will this add to fat gain ?
( obviously I wouldn’t be eating extra calories to allow for skin. I’d use 4-5 iu pre and post workout.Plan is to stay similar weight for first 3-4 weeks and… Read more
alex mackie replied to the discussion Hilly's Guide to Eating With IBS in the forum Educator Logs 3 years ago
Hilly's Guide to Eating With IBS
I have a few questions
1. Why werent you running gh everyday?
2. Whats the benefits of running lantus over nolva rapid. ? Is it to keep glucose levels in check for the 12 hours it’s active
3.why are you now running insulin post workout and not per workout ?
I’ve only ever done it pre workout.
Or pre and post. So I’d like to know your… Read more