Forum Replies Created

  • Luke Parry

    July 27, 2022 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Split advice!

    7 days per week if he can train he isn’t going to be doing much growing at all,


    Pull + hamstring


    Chest arms



    Best of both worlds, very high priority for laggin parts and Enough time to actually recover and grow

    6! Days on could work if it was someone who had no stress, no work and could live and breathe this plus volume would need to be very low

    7 days routine. 5 on 2 off man

  • Luke Parry

    July 27, 2022 at 5:46 pm in reply to: Split advice!

    Hugely appreciated of all these answers.
    TY all,
    I have plenty to go off here! ✌🏻

  • Luke Parry

    June 6, 2021 at 6:09 pm in reply to: Optimal GH Timing.

    Makes zero Diff , I take mine am / pm

    simple Q, simple A ha ha!! Thanks Jordan

  • Luke Parry

    December 12, 2020 at 9:19 pm in reply to: Jimmy Tonk Road to Classic Physique Pro

    Legs today and a good session in the books. Like I mentioned strength is in a very good place I’m just taking my time to standardise every movement and not rush things. If I can’t keep the tension in the muscle with a full ROM and good tempo then I’m simply not ready to progress that lift.
    That been said all numbers I hit today were good and felt nice too
    This is something that I’ve not spoke about and was waiting for the right time but now things are in place it seems as good a time as any.
    I have ceased working with Patrick. For a number of reasons that I don’t want to go into detail over but mainly a communication issue or lack of…but let’s just say I’m drawing a line under that and moving on and I genuinely believe this is the silver lining in the cloud as it’s lead me here
    For the last week and for the long term I am now very pleased to let you guys know that I will be working with Jordan and I already know I’ve made the correct and a very good decision which gets me very excited for the future for sure.
    People may have noticed a change in fullness from some updates over the last week and an increase in food has done the job.
    Once I receive my training plan I will update everything in full on my log
    I’ll post a picture from today’s check in with a comparison from last weeks check in


    Instagram: jimmytonk – the most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market!

    Brave move to even move across in the first place man but to recognise it wasn’t working as intended and to cut ties rather than waste more time shows how goal driven you are right now!! Excited to see the progress my man! Hope you’re well ????

  • Luke Parry

    November 11, 2020 at 6:36 pm in reply to: Kuba’s 20/21 Level up

    Is this a change for you Kuba? PRE looks like your smallest meal, is that what you prefer?

  • Luke Parry

    March 16, 2020 at 7:14 am in reply to: The Giants Log

    Jamie just watched your IG Story about reasons for moving to the stair master at this point in prep.
    Was it becoming a concern that you weren’t feeling any ‘suffering’ during this prep?
    And if so, do you think that because as you’ve mentioned before that since working with JP this is the first time you’ve structured your off season with the same precision you usually save for a prep thats the reason there was no huge mental transition or feeling any different to how you felt when in your gaining phase?
    Looking awesome as always Big Man, keep doing the do!!

  • Luke Parry

    February 22, 2020 at 9:58 am in reply to: Abscess :/

    Haider, yes mate it’s red AF and about the size of a squash ball now :/ gonna go walk in centre today as it’s getting more and more tender to touch!!
    Thanks for the reply my man ???????????????? hope prep is going well ⚒????

  • Luke Parry

    January 26, 2020 at 8:00 am in reply to: Knowledge seeking!!

    wow!! Thanks to each and all for the responses guys! Will start working my way through the videos on site and study the forums!!
    Thanks again to you all

  • Luke Parry

    December 8, 2019 at 9:57 am in reply to: James Hollingshead 2019 Off Season

    Hey guys just a quick question
    in regards to videos coming up I’d really like to know some subjects you would like to have covered
    please don’t be shy and post anything you would like to see or know about in more detail
    hope everyone has had a good day!
    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Fluid intake?
    Boring topic I know but i as a rule I don’t drink within an hour either side of food as I read it slowed down digestion.
    Is this a myth or something you know anything about?
    Keep up the awesome content brother. ????????????????[/quote]
    I’m like you .. I hate drinking with a meal.. only exception is a Capachino!!!
    water I keep away from meals, I try to drink 6 litres a day at current.. usually have 1 diet drink a day also

    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Awesome mate thanks for the reply as always ????????

  • Luke Parry

    December 7, 2019 at 9:46 pm in reply to: James Hollingshead 2019 Off Season

    Hey guys just a quick question
    in regards to videos coming up I’d really like to know some subjects you would like to have covered
    please don’t be shy and post anything you would like to see or know about in more detail

    hope everyone has had a good day!

    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Fluid intake?
    Boring topic I know but i as a rule I don’t drink within an hour either side of food as I read it slowed down digestion.
    Is this a myth or something you know anything about?
    Keep up the awesome content brother. ????????????????

  • Luke Parry

    November 5, 2019 at 12:40 pm in reply to: Where to make Kcal additions?

    Thanks each and all for the replies. Steps will come down to 10,000 and I think I’ll put subtle portions of carbs some more of my meals as Hilly recommended. Thanks again ????????

  • Luke Parry

    May 25, 2019 at 10:54 am in reply to: Low-NO Test!!

    Have you had sperm checked?

    FSH and LH checked?

    Need a lot more context to understand what the problem is but in most cases it is possible to help correct.

    As above hMG will aid in spermatogenesis.
    But need to undertaker full HPTA scenario before attempting anything.

    ____________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – The highest quality supplements on the market. |

    Instagram – @deanstm

    Supplement Needs Discount Code – DRDEAN or TRAINEDBYJP

    “When you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place”

    Sorry for my late response I’m going through phases of not wanting to even talk/think about it.

    Thanks so much for all responses.

    Which Youth Revisited test would you recommend I use to find out the necessary info? Would the Testosterone individual test suffice or do I need the full Male Hormone Profile?

    Thanks IA again [/quote]

    *no I haven’t had sperm checked. The doctors aren’t willing to go down that avenue as I already have conceived naturally in the past they said we’d have to be trying unsuccessfully for 2 years before they would look at a sperm test.

  • Luke Parry

    May 25, 2019 at 10:52 am in reply to: Low-NO Test!!

    Have you had sperm checked?

    FSH and LH checked?

    Need a lot more context to understand what the problem is but in most cases it is possible to help correct.

    As above hMG will aid in spermatogenesis.
    But need to undertaker full HPTA scenario before attempting anything.
    ____________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! | – The highest quality supplements on the market. |
    Instagram – @deanstm

    Supplement Needs Discount Code – DRDEAN or TRAINEDBYJP

    “When you feel like giving up, remember why you started in the first place”

    Sorry for my late response I’m going through phases of not wanting to even talk/think about it.
    Thanks so much for all responses.

    Which Youth Revisited test would you recommend I use to find out the necessary info? Would the Testosterone individual test suffice or do I need the full Male Hormone Profile?
    Thanks IA again

  • Luke Parry

    January 9, 2019 at 3:06 pm in reply to: James Hollingshead 2019 Off Season

    James based on 30-40g protein being the optimal dose for a single meal, once you’ve maxed out 40g in all of your meals, where would you start to add more? Any particular meal where it would most beneficial?