Forum Replies Created

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  • Johan Hansson

    November 5, 2020 at 5:27 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    _________________________________________ | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Corinne is such a freak and machine, awesome voice note btw. Keep it up guys, love following this✊?

  • Johan Hansson

    November 2, 2020 at 6:34 pm in reply to: Thoughts on Cycle

    No clue what Test Hept is and as Haider said I wouldn’t use caber “randomly”

    Rest looks good to me!

  • Johan Hansson

    November 2, 2020 at 6:31 pm in reply to: Dimension tren

    Got tren cough every single jab last time I used it, and I used it everyday. Fucking horrible?

  • Johan Hansson

    October 31, 2020 at 12:53 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    Right right right that went fucking well!

    Cable curl rest pause 7-2-1

    Cable curl drop set 4-7

    Seated leg curl – set 1 2 second squeeze in the short x 6 , set 2 – 1 second squeeze in the short x 5 , set 3 – no squeeze x 9 –

    20 seconds x 3 – drop x 4 each rep with forced eccentrics on the final 4 . Best sequence of ham iso work I have ever done . They were so pumped and so fucked !

    Adductor rest pause 10-5-4

    Leg extension – now this was good

    Set 1 – crazy heavy band tension + 25

    On the stack ( 100 is the max ) , 2 second squeeze at the short x 7

    Set 2 – slightly less band tension but 40 on the stack , 1 second squeeze x 8

    Set 3 – less band tension , but 50 on the stack , no squeeze x 10

    Set 4 – no band, no squeeze , 80 on the shack 11 + 1 forced.
    ( best ever leg ext sequence I have ever done )
    Very low foot placement , heel raised pendulum . 3 second pauses in the hole , I stayed out of any danger zones , didn’t go too heavy , just felt some weight for reps but I was very pleased . 3 sets

    Weighted hyper : x 10 , x 10 x 10

    Leg raise superset band crunch 15/17 , 11/13

    Toe press rest pause 12-4-2

    Highlight of the session , got shouted at by an old woman for making too much noise , she stormed across the room to give me shit, honestly it was hilarious , it was so

    Funny that I didn’t get remotely triggered , I calmly told her not to start as I will just ignore her like she doesn’t exist , and then turned my back on her , she wasn’t happy so kept going off on one , I refused to engage until she waddled off and stuck her fingers up at us, so so fucking funny , legit made my day. I have learnt you can’t engage with strange old women, best way to defuse the situation is legit pretend like they aren’t even there , makes them even angrier and makes it even funnier haha

    _________________________________________ | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    HAHAHA dying reading this?

  • Johan Hansson

    October 27, 2020 at 5:03 pm in reply to: Corinnes 2019 Competitive Season

    Such a fucking cool look u got now Corinne! I’m getting excited for this?

  • Johan Hansson

    October 13, 2020 at 2:47 pm in reply to: Adding in NPP for first time

    If ur about to take 300 npp i wouldn’t bother with caber, but always good to have on hand. Control e2 as usual.

  • Johan Hansson

    October 13, 2020 at 2:45 pm in reply to: GDA

    What Clare said! Save that for when food is super high.

  • Johan Hansson

    October 13, 2020 at 2:43 pm in reply to: Advice cycle on NPP

    Impossible to answer, what is enough of anything? Whatever brings u the results u like. If you can grow on 50mg, great! Some need 1000mg. 200mg wouldn’t do shit for me?

  • Johan Hansson

    October 13, 2020 at 2:40 pm in reply to: 2nd Compound


  • Johan Hansson

    October 13, 2020 at 2:36 pm in reply to: Nandrolone only cycle dosage

    Hard to say buddy, I have a total that I want to reach based on previous cycles. IF I were you I would go for 1200-1400mg. But hey, might be wiser to start at 800 and build up? Im not that wise tho ?

  • Johan Hansson

    October 11, 2020 at 12:00 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    Speedy recovery buddy! That fucking sucks to hear… I never ever make mistakes like that either untill i blew my whole fucking back out 7 months ago, still suuuper fucked. Shit happens I guess xD

  • Johan Hansson

    October 7, 2020 at 7:16 am in reply to: Back pump

    Water retention, high blood pressure, tight glutes may be the cause, or simply lower drugs. It’s hard to not get a low back pump on gear imo.

  • Johan Hansson

    October 4, 2020 at 9:48 am in reply to: DHB experience

    Too much pip, don’t bother buddy

  • Johan Hansson

    October 4, 2020 at 9:36 am in reply to: Kuba Pro Debut Preparation Log

    Hey Kuba are you using any sleep aids?

  • Johan Hansson

    October 2, 2020 at 11:57 am in reply to: Supersupps “ratio” in a gaining phase

    Feeling good and healthy, check.

    Sleeping well, even though I’m currently on Tren, check.

    Digesting food well again – thanks to JP forum tips ? – check.

    Training well too, cutting since almost 20 weeks now, still getting stronger – tren is king, nectar of gods – check.

    Decided to go the following route :

    750 mg Test    E EW

    600 mg Bolde C EW

    600 mg Tren   E EW

    25 mcg T3           ED

    Never had any problems w/ Tren plus I don’t do steroids to be healthy,  I do them to may some day become as big as Jordan, James or Illia ‘Golem’ Yefimchyk (which is my ultimate goal in life, lol.) – which I doubt I ever will become.

    Thanks for everyone’s responses tho ! Really appreciate your answers and your efforts to keep everyone on reasonable/low doses of hormones – really rational and kind of you guys.


    A man can have anything, if he is willing to sacrifice everything.

    Good to hear brother! Need more mass monsters in todays era, im with you?

    Looks all good to me![/quote]

    Happy to hear there are still people who are realistic and know that moderate doses are needed to get “huge” ?

    Thanks for your input brother !

    Have a nice weekend :))


    A man can have anything, if he is willing to sacrifice everything.


    Yep! 1000mg totalt of drugs wont get me past 130kg, not a fucking chance??‍♀️?

    Have a nice weekend brother!?

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