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  • Johan Hansson

    December 26, 2020 at 10:26 pm in reply to: GDA and MPS/IGF-1

    Ok, thx, i’ll take insure, so the gda effect won’t completly rely on berberine, so the berberine dosage will be lower so hopefully the mps lowering effect too.But you’re right 2g i shouldn’t worry about igf-1.Thx for your answers.

    No not at all buddy?

  • Johan Hansson

    December 25, 2020 at 9:25 pm in reply to: GDA and MPS/IGF-1

    I wouldn’t worry at all about any lowering in igf-1 when ur on about 2gs of drugs

  • That’s sucks man, its hard not to get fucked over in sweden and norway. I don’t even trust my mom when it comes to gh?

  • Johan Hansson

    December 24, 2020 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Recovery and fertility help

    Do you know if ur ferility is bad? Have u tried getting pregnant for a while and failed?

  • Johan Hansson

    December 24, 2020 at 8:54 pm in reply to: Primo

    Are u in europe?

  • Johan Hansson

    December 24, 2020 at 8:52 pm in reply to: Cycle advice when on prescription Nebido

    I would just drop the nebido, do a cycle and never touch the nebido again?

  • Johan Hansson

    December 23, 2020 at 10:48 pm in reply to: Finally PCT or stay TRT?

    I would go on trt

  • Johan Hansson

    December 23, 2020 at 10:46 pm in reply to: Masteron all year?

    Haha yeah buddy that’s not a good idea. How long can we do coke? It’s all up to you, your goals and ur bloodwork if u care abt health?

  • @hilly @jordan-peters Just what I thought, thanks for the input guys!

  • Johan Hansson

    December 12, 2020 at 11:50 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    A few tweaks to food , drugs I will do my usual thing and juggle around the compounds based on feel as I have mentioned a lot nandrolone feels great , test I can run when I’m lean like now , I won’t bother with any primo in this first phase as will try to push the test harder .

    So my legs are still down from being hurt , because I haven’t gone back up in weight , I’m sitting around 260 now and the max I will go to in this phase is 270 as I just am not getting fat , basically I heed my legs at full size again with just that wiggle room to play with , I feel it’s doable.

    We are looking at circa 3.5g total drugs for this push , anything less for me now at this point will do fuck all, as I haven’t gained much new muscle in a while. One thing I haven’t done is been able to run test hard for a long time , so I’m thinking test will be at around 2g nandrolone 1.5g or vice Versa , depending how I feel , my appetite Is super high so if that takes a hit , good lol! Will help me not clock watch for meals like I have done for the last 6 weeks non stop lol.

    Gh 15/day , I take this however really , usually 5/5/5 , but sometimes 5/10 , no real reason, it doesn’t make a diff . My BG is fine on this without insulin, I have played with some lantus and fast insulin a little over the last few weeks , just to see if there was potential use but I’m going hypo between meals ! So no need for that.

    I predict taking about 16 weeks to slowly push up 10 pounds , i don’t think I have ever gone that slow before , but it will be a very tidy start point and once I have the legs back over 30.5 , i will be happy.

    I will update as I go with cycle changes , but they will be regular, but just basically I will take 3.5g from whatever – it’s all the same in the end , just depends what causes more sides for some

    At 2g test I will need to use aromasin / adex , not fussed which , whatever I know is real

    I have ramipril / telmisartan to hand incase my BP takes a hit but genuinely love heart and vital support combo is insane for covering this , I will say if i need pharma intervention though to help

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    Very nice an insightful Jordan, love reading updates like this. Been a while since ur test was at that dose right? Gonna be interesting to see how u feel on that now, I know how in tune u are with ur body and how everything feels. And IMO ur not pushing the drugs that hard, seeing way higher numbers on 80-90kg amateurs here in sweden? and “high” nandro can never feel bad if u ask me, I wonder how high someone actually could push it and still feel fucking great?

    The love heart and Vital support combo r doing wonders for my bloodwork and clients to. Thank you for making those!

  • Johan Hansson

    December 10, 2020 at 12:07 pm in reply to: Tennis / Golfers elbow

    I don’t know if its just me or if this even makes sense but since i started doing pretty aggressive dc stretches about 2 years ago all my elbow and shoulder problems went away

  • Johan Hansson

    December 10, 2020 at 11:57 am in reply to: Primobolan 1400mg a week

    Been on a gram primo with around 500 test, no problem for me but I prefer nandro cycles nowdays.

  • Johan Hansson

    December 10, 2020 at 11:52 am in reply to: Orals pre or daily

    Like Hilly said it depends on why u r taking them. For example r u in offseason and using them to enhance performance or are you on a diet/pre contest and using them for “looks”?

  • Thanks alot for the input guys, this is not my first nandro based cycle. I always feel fucking awesome when using it, like Hilly said sex drive, strenght, feel, digestion, sleep is all super good. So I don’t really know what a blood test even could tell me at this point. Even if my test in theory would be zero I don’t really care? I’m curious if primo would make sense here tho. Not that im going to but I feel and think that I could push nandro to 3g with great results and “minmal sides” ??‍♀️

  • Johan Hansson

    December 8, 2020 at 4:57 pm in reply to: Creatine dosage

    I always do 5g pre 5g intra, just to make sure I guess and its such a cheap product aaand I think I need a little bit more than your typical 80-100kg guy

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