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  • Johan Hansson

    July 8, 2020 at 7:53 am in reply to: Synthetine – carnitine inject

    Yes me and my friend used it back in 2016. I don’t remember now but I would aspirate, I mean why not? 🙂

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:23 pm in reply to: Fulmen Pharma

    They r pretty big here in Sweden, I know a few guys using their stuff and their GH and they seem to be happy with the results, got good reviews on forums to. How much GH are you using?

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:18 pm in reply to: Most ml you can pin in one area?

    Im with hilly on this one! When i was young and stupid i would put 4-5ml in delts, not doing that shit anymore?

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:10 pm in reply to: JP insure

    Im using it with meal 1, pre and post. Also with every refeed.

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:08 pm in reply to: How much arimidex on this cycle

    Yeah without bloods i agree with hilly, should be enough

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:07 pm in reply to: Test + Tren + Deca

    Yes done it many times without any problems and great results, you simply need to try it for urself buddy 🙂

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:04 pm in reply to: Introducing new compound for next push EQ vs Deca

    Go with nandrolone, most bang for the buck here, npp or deca is up to ur preference.

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:03 pm in reply to: Best orals to support fat loss?

    They wont help. Get leaner first then you can look at adding clen or mabey t3

  • Johan Hansson

    July 7, 2020 at 7:01 pm in reply to: Where to buy in EU

    Can name alot in Sweden if that helps?

  • Johan Hansson

    July 5, 2020 at 7:39 am in reply to: Stefans Q&A Log

    Love the education content Stefan✊????

  • Johan Hansson

    July 4, 2020 at 6:40 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    Yes we ship worldwide buddy, we send packages to Brazil every month at the moment ????

    Johan I will get a plan in place with Corinne tonight and make a post tomorrow on insta about what we will do, the shipping is expensive so we defo want to help keep that cost down for you , so we would be happy to lose some of our profit , to make it more affordable on the bigger orders

    _________________________________________ | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    Man that’s really good news! Very impressed with how you run your business✊????

  • Johan Hansson

    July 4, 2020 at 2:38 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    It will just be clothing for now , as clothing packages aren’t really heavy , so we would be happy to cover the cost of delivery , so international customers can enjoy the clothes and not have to worry about the shipping ontop ???? . Supps we are discussing that at a certain amount , we would be happy to charge lower shipping and we will cover maybe half of it . This will help people a lot I think ????

    _________________________________________ | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    That’s fucking awesome news!! I’m like 20 orders deep now all the way to Sweden. And I can’t really justify spending money on any other supps than urs, ever???? but the shipping adds up.

  • Johan Hansson

    July 4, 2020 at 7:19 am in reply to: Jimmy Tonk Road to Classic Physique Pro

    Hey Jimmy! I saw that u were using Megalan before from Syntholan. How did u like it? ????

    Hey Johan. I really liked it mate. I was cautious of it in an off season setting as it could ruin appetite but when micro dosing everyday it didn’t have an impact on digestion at all. Good strength gains and gives a nice full look too.


    Instagram: jimmytonk – the most anabolic clothing ever! | – highest quality supplements on the market!

    Thanks man!

  • Johan Hansson

    July 3, 2020 at 10:27 am in reply to: Jimmy Tonk Road to Classic Physique Pro

    Hey Jimmy! I saw that u were using Megalan before from Syntholan. How did u like it? 🙂

  • Johan Hansson

    June 29, 2020 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    If the price isn’t crazy , I’m happy to give it a shot , I have chronic tendinitis in the left knee , I can dual leg press again now and it’s ok but I can’t do any single leg work or any leg extension work at all .
    Update time, so last Thursday I was 275 after a training day ( I’m always lighter after training ) , yday I was 270. This is common for me when training efficiency kicks in , plus tren doing its thing . So yday just added 200g carbs to
    Top back up , and added 30mg test prop / day .
    Cycle now
    150 tren
    30 prop
    50 t3
    100 t4
    10iu gh
    Goal will be to get 1-2 pounds back on from the prop this week and let the tren keep doing its thing , prop may need to go up some more , will monitor as I go.
    My post rest day weight is always heavier , and I was 274 today. So like I mentioned before once I get sub 270 again I will start working in more test , more gh and
    Find that balance of fullness that is spot on

    _________________________________________ | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    You using tren ace for this cycle or Enth? As that’s a lot of tren if it’s Ace ???? You never fail to amaze me with you crazy cycles ????




    Can name alot of amateurs using more, it’s nothing crazy at all and the total mg per week is pretty “low” imo????

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