Forum Replies Created

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  • Johan Hansson

    August 28, 2020 at 9:53 pm in reply to: Jordan’s 2019 Log ( NO OFF TOPIC POSTS)

    Very good leg devolume session , I feel decent :). The new pump formula ( available possibly next week) is superb!! And then I combined that with dial in and I am very very happy . Dial in will be maybe 6 weeks until launch. ( it has 800mg alpha size in, focus is incredible )
    Db curl x 6

    Seated ham x 8

    Adductor x 19

    Leg press x 16 , x 10

    Paused pendulum x 9

    Glute drive one and half’s x 6

    Leg raise 26-12 minute rest

    Dc calf x 8

    _________________________________________ | – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the market.

    That’s awesome news! Can’t wait to try them out✊?

  • Johan Hansson

    August 26, 2020 at 11:21 pm in reply to: Meg Sylvester Transition to Figure

    Mabey a little to personal question, but asking for my gf. She’s a huge fan of yours?
    Does the anavar affect ur menstrual cycle, if so what’s ur thoughts on that?

    Hey Johan.

    It’s never affected mine – only prep affects my cycle once low in body fat I tend to loose if but I have always gained it back quickly post show ? [/quote]


  • Johan Hansson

    August 26, 2020 at 7:24 pm in reply to: Joe’s Classic to Open Class Bodybuilder

    Final leg session today in Spain. Been so good here but I’m ready to get home and focus on the last few weeks of prep from home.
    Couple more cycle changes today.
    Test 180 – 1260mg/week
    Mast 100 – 700mg/week
    Tren 100 – 700mg/week
    Trestalone – half a ml / day
    Clen 120/day
    Proviron 50mg/day
    50 winny / day
    50 anadrol / day
    40mg Tamox daily
    Adex 0.5 ED
    Caber 0.5 x 3 a week
    GH 10iu/day
    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the mInstagram – @Joeballingerfitness

    That’s a nice cycle, did u find a legit GH source in spain? And hows the trest feeling so far??[/quote]
    Got it sent out to me bud – good gh out there is £50 for 10iu LOL I’m doing that a day ?
    Hard to pinpoint what’s what tbf but overall feeling great bud. Strength holding well so trest and anadrol deffo helping … plus the tren lok
    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the mInstagram – @Joeballingerfitness
    Haha good for you!?? That’s what we pay here in Sweden to, and the laws are just awful… Think that’s a big reason Sam is there![/quote]

    Yeah Sam told me all about it. Literally you get picked on by the police for having some muscle ? fuck that man lol

    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the mInstagram – @Joeballingerfitness


    Yeah I lost my driver license twice because of that and payed a huge fine both times, yeeei?

  • Johan Hansson

    August 26, 2020 at 1:27 pm in reply to: Meg Sylvester Transition to Figure

    Mabey a little to personal question, but asking for my gf. She’s a huge fan of yours?

    Does the anavar affect ur menstrual cycle, if so what’s ur thoughts on that?

  • Johan Hansson

    August 25, 2020 at 11:20 pm in reply to: Joe’s Classic to Open Class Bodybuilder

    Final leg session today in Spain. Been so good here but I’m ready to get home and focus on the last few weeks of prep from home.
    Couple more cycle changes today.
    Test 180 – 1260mg/week
    Mast 100 – 700mg/week
    Tren 100 – 700mg/week
    Trestalone – half a ml / day
    Clen 120/day
    Proviron 50mg/day
    50 winny / day
    50 anadrol / day
    40mg Tamox daily
    Adex 0.5 ED
    Caber 0.5 x 3 a week
    GH 10iu/day
    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the mInstagram – @Joeballingerfitness

    That’s a nice cycle, did u find a legit GH source in spain? And hows the trest feeling so far??[/quote]

    Got it sent out to me bud – good gh out there is £50 for 10iu LOL I’m doing that a day ?

    Hard to pinpoint what’s what tbf but overall feeling great bud. Strength holding well so trest and anadrol deffo helping … plus the tren lok

    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the mInstagram – @Joeballingerfitness


    Haha good for you!?? That’s what we pay here in Sweden to, and the laws are just awful… Think that’s a big reason Sam is there!

  • Johan Hansson

    August 25, 2020 at 4:55 pm in reply to: The Giants Log

    Went to strength asylum today to train arms with the Viking and big Si
    Great session – the more I train arms the more I feel they should be a staple in your split not just an add on for many people
    Reasons why – this makes more sense when you are very strong!! So if your weak this might not apply
    When you’re strong you create a great recovery demand so hitting things more frequently won’t make sense unless session volume is way down to accommodate
    The arm day in a 2 on one off split not only gives the arms more attention and they WILL grow but it acts as an extra day of more food with less output which aids recovery also
    End of the day frequency means nothing without application ??

    How does a typical arm day look for u Jamie? You got some really good arms for ur height[/quote]

    3 bicep exercises

    3 triceps exercises

    2 sets per ex

    12 sets total

    I perform the bicep and tricep exercises as a superset and take 1 min rest between the bicep and tricep ex so my tricep set doesn’t suffer

    Typical workout

    Bicep preacher single arm

    Tricep single arm rope push down

    High incline bench seated DB

    French press

    EZ bar cable

    Straight bar PD[/quote]

    Thanks alot man! ?

  • Johan Hansson

    August 24, 2020 at 1:08 pm in reply to: Joe’s Classic to Open Class Bodybuilder

    Final leg session today in Spain. Been so good here but I’m ready to get home and focus on the last few weeks of prep from home.

    Couple more cycle changes today.

    Test 180 – 1260mg/week

    Mast 100 – 700mg/week

    Tren 100 – 700mg/week

    Trestalone – half a ml / day

    Clen 120/day

    Proviron 50mg/day

    50 winny / day

    50 anadrol / day

    40mg Tamox daily

    Adex 0.5 ED

    Caber 0.5 x 3 a week

    GH 10iu/day

    _________________________________________ – The most anabolic clothing ever! |  – highest quality supplements on the mInstagram – @Joeballingerfitness

    That’s a nice cycle, did u find a legit GH source in spain? And hows the trest feeling so far??

  • Johan Hansson

    August 24, 2020 at 12:52 pm in reply to: Meg Sylvester Transition to Figure

    Whats the reason behind dark choc? ?

  • Johan Hansson

    August 24, 2020 at 10:37 am in reply to: Jimmy Tonk Road to Classic Physique Pro

    Looking great dude!

  • Johan Hansson

    August 24, 2020 at 10:36 am in reply to: The Giants Log

    Went to strength asylum today to train arms with the Viking and big Si

    Great session – the more I train arms the more I feel they should be a staple in your split not just an add on for many people

    Reasons why – this makes more sense when you are very strong!! So if your weak this might not apply

    When you’re strong you create a great recovery demand so hitting things more frequently won’t make sense unless session volume is way down to accommodate

    The arm day in a 2 on one off split not only gives the arms more attention and they WILL grow but it acts as an extra day of more food with less output which aids recovery also

    End of the day frequency means nothing without application ??

    How does a typical arm day look for u Jamie? You got some really good arms for ur height

  • Johan Hansson

    August 22, 2020 at 4:08 pm in reply to: anadrol pre Contests

    You can combine anything with anything buddy, no rules to this??‍♀️

  • Johan Hansson

    August 21, 2020 at 5:08 pm in reply to: Advocates of lower testosterone doses/ higher anabolics

    You really have to try for yourself. I like that approach, especially when im heavier. Last cycle like that was 500 test 2000 nandro, 500 is low for me. I felt fucking awesome on that. If I would have done 1250 test 1250 nandro I wouldn’t feel so good.

    Minimal ai use to wich is great??

  • Johan Hansson

    August 21, 2020 at 5:02 pm in reply to: Tamoxifen usage and dosage test only

    Yea you can! Not even sure u need the tamox tho? anyways is such a low dose, wouldn’t overthink it to much.

  • Johan Hansson

    August 21, 2020 at 4:59 pm in reply to: Couple of first cycle concerns

    Wierd, sounds like bad gear. Some ppl react pretty bad to test tho, good ol test flue. Try another brand

  • Johan Hansson

    August 21, 2020 at 4:56 pm in reply to: HGH without anabolics

    I wouldn’t bother buddy.

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