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  • Kamara

    March 9, 2020 at 10:29 pm in reply to: Post workout cardio

    Like a few others have said I’d try stay away from it round your training and get it in fasted or evening get a bike or something to have at home makes life easier ☺️

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 9, 2020 at 10:26 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Really busy day as usual on a Monday, had a full day of clients and trained push and did some posing practice

    Food has dropped a little can’t wait to see what difference this makes ????

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 9, 2020 at 10:25 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Smashing it Kam, so proud????

    Thankyou my girl ❤️

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 9, 2020 at 11:08 am in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    This morning is check in day so here’s my check in weighed 62.2 this morning!

    And just like that I’m 16 weeks out!! It’s flying by, been on prep now 4 weeks really slow and steady drops which is different from my usual preps where I’ve be down in 12 weeks! Looking forward to getting lean now ????

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 8, 2020 at 8:45 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Today was rest day and I definitely felt like I needed it after gymnastics and leg day I was feeling it ????

    So today I had a nice lay in, food shop, food prepped, walked Lola and been to the spa for the evening! Now a nice early night ready for a busy week ahead ☺️ x

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 7, 2020 at 10:25 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Hey Kam, really enjoying your log so far! What was your background to get you in the fitness category? I know a lot of the Americans are ex cheerleaders etc
    Molly x

    Hey molly, so I’ve done gymnastics since is was 6 and competed competitively in gymnastics till I was 18 I also did dance and trampolining through out my teens too! ???? x

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 7, 2020 at 10:22 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Today was a reasonably busy day for a Saturday, had 4 clients and then trained legs with Jamie!!

    Had a really good session hit a pb on hack squat and it felt very good and I’ll definitely be hitting 5pps very soon!

    Prep doesn’t really feel like prep yet cals still high but we’re still a way out yet ????

    Rest day tomorrow my body needs it ????????

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 6, 2020 at 9:18 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Forgot to add my check in pictures so here they are, slightly watery but come Monday I know it’ll be back to normal ????

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 6, 2020 at 8:56 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    So today was check in day, rest day but also my gymnastics day too!

    Check in this morning felt a bit bloated and watery but I know this is due to me being on

    Slight change to my diet dropped 40g of sustain out of my intra

    Gymnastics today was very good progressing nicely with all my new skills and tumbles- I know it’ll definitely get easier now I’m getting lighter ????

    Excited to train legs tomorrow! ????????x

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 5, 2020 at 9:13 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Today’s been a busy but good day! Worked 6-2pm also all my JP supps arrived ???????? then trained push with @megansylvester & @jade-kelsie which was filmed as our first video for the site super excited for it to drop and can’t wait to do more in the future for you guys!

    Rest day & gymnastics tomorrow ???????? x

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 4, 2020 at 9:43 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Had a really good day worked 6-2 in the gym and then trained pull with @megansylvester and Kiera – nice strong session!
    Just about to have my burgers then it’s bed time ☺️ x

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 3, 2020 at 8:41 pm in reply to: Where to buy cream of rice?

    Morrison’s, Sainsbury’s and Asda’s ????

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 3, 2020 at 8:38 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    Good evening,
    rest day today and I’ve been working, I opened the gym at 6am and finished at 2pm I than took my dog for a walk and then prepped my meals for the next 2 days I also sneaked in a little nap on the sofa with my dog! Pretty average rest day just getting in my meals and resting up!

    Excited for pull tomorrow with Megan and Kiera ????????????

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 2, 2020 at 10:42 pm in reply to: Kamaras 2020 Pro Debut Log

    So today was check in day and leg day ????????????

    Slight drop today from Friday down from 62.3 to 62kg – I’ve attached my check in pics at the bottom

    Food has been changed so my current diet is :
    Training day
    100g ground rice
    40g raisins
    30g whey
    3 whole eggs 3 slices toast 15g butter

    100g chicken
    100g jasmine rice
    2 cookie

    M3 pre workout meal
    100g chicken
    3 muffin + Krispy square
    200g fruit

    Intra workout
    20g eaa
    10g glutamine
    10g creatine
    5g glycerol
    3 g Himalayan salt
    100g cyclic dextrose

    50g jam approx
    40g whey
    200g rice crispies
    3 rice Krispy squares

    200g 5% mince
    250g garlic rice
    1 English muffin

    2 Sainsbury’s lean venison or beef burgers
    2 burger buns
    300g 5% oven chips

    Rest day
    120g ground rice
    30g whey
    20g almond butter
    45 carb, 20 protein

    150g salmon
    60g rice uncooked weight
    150g greens

    150g chicken 60g rice raw weight
    150g greens

    150g rump steak 200g low fat chips
    2 whole eggs

    200g 5% mince
    1 pack of jasmine rice or garlic rice ( 75g carb)
    200g fruit

    2 Sainsbury’s lean venison or beef burgers
    2 burger buns
    300g 5% oven chips

    So after my check in this morning I had 5 clients then trained legs, legs went really well had a really a good session with Laura & Ryan just missing my @megansylvester tonight ???? – I’ve attached my session

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Kamara

    March 2, 2020 at 9:45 pm in reply to: Lower back

    If it was me I’d probably swap it out for smith squats with elevated heels and make sure I wasn’t going too low, but pendulum and hack are also nice movements too

    Instagram @Whamkam_ifbbpro | TBJP Clothing - The best bodybuilding apparel! |
    TBJP Nutrition - The highest quality supplements on the market.

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