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  • Jordan Peters

    August 26, 2014 at 8:18 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    254 this am, so at pre refeed weight, should be on for 3 or so pounds this week | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 26, 2014 at 8:17 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    hey marcus, ah pure gym wasnt too bad, we just crack on and rattle through the session

    Chest yday

    Incline barbell press 110kg x 12 reps / 120kg x 8 reps / 130kg x 5 reps – all sets really pushing chest up, controlled four second eccentric , moving the weight with contraction of chest. This has dropped my lifts , but it’s firstly safer and secondly seeming to be very progressable vs lifting faster and more explosively.

    2mins between sets

    Flat fly 20kg x 12 , squeezing hard , four second eccentric

    90 seconds rest

    Flat smith press 2 plates aside x10 four second eccentric

    90 seconds rest

    Flat fly 20kg x 10 , same fashion

    Flat smith 2 plates x 7

    Pec dec 2 sets 12 reps to failure, 4-1-1-1 tempo

    Cable cross over triple drop set , just aimed for as much blood into chest as I could

    Ab crunch machine 4×20 reps


    Tired/ hungry today – body is changing fast now which is great , had to check out of hotel at 12, so I had to nap in the car for an hour before second session otherwise would of been a cack session. Corinne seems unaffected by anything at all, doesn’t get tired or hungry like me, maybe I’m just being soft haha 🙂

    Back at the body station gym Halifax

    Really good session, Rosie is a little beast , trains hard as hell, as you will see in the vid which will be up in a couple days , I didn’t log the session so you will have to check the vid for that, Rosie likes to do things v diff to how me and Corinne do, so is good watching to give you some ideas on what to implement Into your own regime | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 24, 2014 at 10:34 pm in reply to: JP Training Log

    Great stuff Colin, in this thread I want to keep everything relevant to the posts, otherwise it all gets a bit off track, I will be running weekly q n a sessions for specific unrelated questions to this thread


    We are in Halifax for the eve, pure gym Tmo morn at 8am for chest then back session in the eve with Rosie. Looking forward to another big week of fat loss | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 24, 2014 at 7:39 pm in reply to: JP Training Log

    Hey Colin, refeed wise it depends, for me personally I have them in early in a prep, as if I start to go flat I drop tissue, I learnt that last year when did all prep with no refeeds or cheats. However with clients typically the signs are drop in strength, stalling of fat loss or slowing of fat loss – up until that time I am not generous with feeds unless they are lean/have a lot of muscle | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 24, 2014 at 10:28 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    Dan, i do mine semi fasted, 10g eaa only, i was up had a litre of water, 10g eaa headed straight to gym, got them done ( nearly died, first hit session in ages) , then straight into meal 1 which i keep carbless.

    after meal 1 i had an hour deep tissue on quads, all feels v good

    we are upto halifax today as filming with Rosie Hart tomorrow. Rosie has one of the best female physiques in uk without a doubt, i will bet a lot of money she will be an ifbb pro v soon, so will be great to get an insight into her training and how she diets, the video for that will go up asap so look out for that

    not much else to note today, normal non training day diet | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 8:32 pm in reply to: JP Training Log

    arms tonight, was fun because pumps were huge from my 150g carbs from ground rice and jam pre wo, then 100g of carbs intra wo …

    ez bar curl 60.5 kg – 10 reps

    concentration curl 25kg 6 reps

    ez bar curl 50.5 kg 10 reps

    concentration curl 20kg 6 reps

    ez bar curl 40.5kg 10 reps

    all sets to failure 2 mins between sets, 4-0-1-0 tempo

    double rope tricep pushdown for max squeezage no 12 x 13 reps – elbows now v warm which was aim

    skulls 42.5kg – 20 reps .. i do these light now to avoid tendon pain

    skulls 42.5kg 13 reps

    skulls 42.5kg 10 reps

    single rope pushdown no 6 x 11

    all sets to failure, 2 mins between sets 4-0-1-0

    preacher curl machine superset with tricep press machine 12 reps each, 1 min rest then 12 reps each again

    todays session was simple, prorgress log book then flood with blood at end, job done | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 7:53 pm in reply to: JP Training Log

    refeed day has been great, energy v high all day – no real surprise there

    delts this morn

    high pulley cable real delts – 4 sets , 15 reps/10 reps/ 8 reps/ 13 reps , started light, upped weight for sets 2 and 3, then dropped back again last set

    reverse pec dec – 2 sets plus a triple drop 20 reps, upped weight set 2 15 reps, upped weight set three 10 reps – drop – drop

    seated side dumbell laterals perfect form, really v strict – 15kg x 16, 17.5kg x 8 , 10kg x 27 plus 3 forced reps

    upright row v strict – 40kg x 12, 50kg x 8, bar x 20 into 5kg plate raise x 20

    high elbow machine row for rear delts superset with rear plate raise , 5kg x 20 into 1 plate aside x 12, 5kg x 20 into 1 plate aside x 10

    cable front raise 3 sets, 12 repper, upped weight, 10 repper , upped weight 8 rep drop half stack 8 more reps

    all sets 4-0-1-0 apart from dumbell side laterals, eccentric on those where 2 seconds, rest was max 90 seconds between sets most closer to 60 – we move fast for delts, the aim is to flood them with blood, i like high reps to keep form bang on and feel my delts contracting

    calves – 45 degree leg press, 4 plates aside – 8 reps dc style 5-15-1-1
    standing calf raise 65 – 8 reps same format


    pwo meal was epic and huge lol.. i love refeed days 🙂 , jasmine rice, potato and turkey – a mountain of it lol | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 9:43 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    jim -yes please , if your glycogen depleated any carb source is great when refeeding , coco pops for the win 🙂 | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 9:27 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    sam – mental state of client ( tired or still fresh), carbs available, and if i know they will attack the session, some clients i know simply wont push, they will coast it, so i wont use hiit, if food is low low, hiit can take away from lifting sessions | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 9:26 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    righty- i go in at 7.5mg, 3 x 2.5mg a day AWAY from carbs, this is v important as any insulin elevation post yohimbine will void its effects, any less doesnt seem to do much imo, there is a mg/kg advised number, i cant remember it and havent ever stuck to it lol, i take it up as high as i can in 5mg increases every other week until i feel the anxiety hit me then i stay at that dose, i dont cycle it. now thats waht i do… i dont advise people taking dose too high, over 30mg/day really makes u feel odd, it can induce panic attacks so dont be silly with this supplement.

    the rest of the bits i cant advise on im afraid buddy | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 9:18 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    Jim – i like a mix, a big insulin surge will help raise metabolic rate and leptin levels more so then a slow steady build up of glycogen over the day, i will likely have a couple quest bars for a treat, corinne made some pecan maple syrup bars so il have one of those later too. during the day il stick to carb sources i know i handle well as i have two sessions to do, ground rice and jam is my fav 🙂 | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 9:15 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    great stuff graeme, hope you have a good session, i will start getting pics up soon as we get a bit closer 🙂 | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
    - highest quality supplements on the market.

  • Jordan Peters

    August 23, 2014 at 8:27 am in reply to: JP Training Log

    254.2 on wake – 2.6 pound drop total

    calipers down on sites that mobilise well, held in stubborn sites, v much expected there … stubborn sites will not drop until the body has stopped pulling from easily mobilised sites so there is a huge contrast in my quad/ab/tricep vs my subscap/glute/lower back, waist in half inch which again is v common as guys mobilise visceral fat easier then any other type of fat, i predict another couple weeks of waist dropping in half inch a time, and ab and quad calipers coming down, then my back will start to come in.

    ladies, this is the opposite for you, back will come in first, v easy for girls to get their backs peeeeled, but have soft abs and legs.

    so dont worry , this is just how we as males and females are generically wired to store/hold/mobilise body fat

    changes next week, intra wo carbs halved, so drop to 30g at each now. 65g total carb drop pet day- 260 cal drop, i will up my yohimbine from 15mg to 20mg / day as this aids in stubborn fat mobilisation. my non training day cardio will swap from liss to hiit sprints – as this increases number of mitochondria more so then liss, so the body has greater fat burning potential as its in the mitochondria fat is oxidised, so now just have to mobilise the stubborn fuckers- not an easy task, but back fat feels soft now, so its been broken down a lot and is a reflection of increased blood flow, hard cold fat isnt good!

    hit me with questions guys, im on here every day, dont be shy 🙂

    refeed day today 1000g carbs, just polished off a big bowl of ground rice jam and liquid beef aminos | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 22, 2014 at 7:19 pm in reply to: JP Training Log

    Thanks Daniel, will do buddy 🙂 | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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  • Jordan Peters

    August 22, 2014 at 7:18 pm in reply to: JP Training Log

    thanks Dan, the zig zagging is indeed very nice, legs this am allowed me to really go very hard on all my worksets, when normally set two i personally have a drop in power, so v intrigued as to what exactly is going on there 🙂

    ok quads this am, cracking session, corinne and i are really pushing each other now, its funny that when your around 14-10 weeks out you push hard but you can find another gear when it gets to single digits.

    warm up, 5 mins foam roll – this has been hugely cut down as getting deep tissue twice a week atm on rest days. once they are totally adhesion free, i can keep this up just myself with the roller and save myself the cash, in the meantime deep tissue is a must for me

    leg press 480kg x 12

    v squat 5 plates aside 10 reps

    leg press 520kg x 7

    v squat 6 plates aside x 7

    4-0-1-0 tempo , 2 mins between sets

    i hoped on the lower back supported back for a set, never used before never will again, shame on hammer strength for making such an utterly shite piece of leg kit

    leg extension 45kg/side 1 second peak squeeze, 12 reps

    seated leg press 3/4 stack x 12

    leg extension 40kg/side 1 second peak squeeze

    seated leg press stack x 8 reps

    leg extension triple drop 30/20/10 kg , for 12/6/4 reps, into ten partials.

    all 4-0-1-0 tempo 90 seconds rest between sets

    adductor machine rest paused – 70kg for 16 reps, 20 seconds pause, carry on for 8 reps, 20 second pause, carry on for 4 reps – 5-1-1-1 tempo, squeeze and stretched these as much as i could, i prefer to go lighter and slower tempo, adductors are vulnerable, becareful going heavy with these

    leg lifts to finish off hips, i really try to pull my legs up feeling it in my upper quads

    3kg x 20

    muscle round 6 x 4, with ten seconds rest between sets

    10 mins stretching

    ripped gym harlow for hammies tonight, again good session… we are rounding five weeks of this now, and im not in the bit tired, and il be honest im not doing the heavy and lighter sessions i prescribe people to do, its just all heavy LOL , i imagine after this prep my cns will shrivel up and hibernate for a while, but for now it has no choice but to hang on in there with my mind 😉

    lying hammy curl medly, this is actually really nasty, its one i got off Bpak

    gironda hammy curls for 6 reps, squeeze the shit out of hams, straight into normal hams for 10 reps into 10 partials, all reps with 4 sec eccentric 1 second squeeze, do this for three sets, just rest whilst partner goes or 90 seconds, by three sets your hammies are on fire, i will do four sets next time as three doesnt quite make me feel as destroyed as the first few times

    glute ham raise 3 sets , body weight, again really contracting hard 9 reps, 2 mins rest, 7 reps 2 mins rest 7 reps

    reverse land,mine lunge ( i will video this next time) , keep a forward lean, stretch in glute hams is nice 10kg x 8, 15kg x 8 – didnt fail either sets as my balance sucks, will keep at this until failure comes from my legs not my core

    lying uni lateral hammy curl 10kg x 12, 10kg x 7 – 4-0-1-0 , 90 seconds rest between sets

    back onto ghr as i got an awesome connection on them today, 7 reps straight into bodyweight reverse hyper for 15 reps

    90seconds rest reverse hyper with 5kg for 15 reps x 2 sets

    stretch , done | - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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