Haider Mehdi
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@ryanpetford yeah mate I definitely want to be better we’ll just have to see how long we think I’ll need. Yes mate I’m excited to see you on stage next year.
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@sam hi bud.
Yeah always come off completely but initially not to have a child but just because that’s what I did, although in 2016 I competed In November did my usual coming off and in Feb 2017 me and my partner had spoke about having another child. We were trying to no avail. I felt like crap, I knew it was me. I just knew. So I went to my gp (family friend) got my bloods done and my test was v low! Now I know this doesn’t mean my speed count was low but 2 and 2 together made 4. It was obvious I had low sperm count as I couldn’t get my partner pregnant. I was scared to get my sperm count took as I didn’t want to be faced with the reality of it. So I began taking steps to improve my sperm count. I did the usual, improved my diet, brought more fats in, got leaner myself, focused on training and working to become stronger knowing if I could get stronger then that would mean yeah could be rising. Did all the little things creatine etc. Then…as you do hopped on google. Now no one was speaking about it like they are now I came across ashwaghanda root and how it had been proven amongst a group of men to raise testosterone and sperm count, guys were getting their partners pregnant from taking it! A natural supplement ! I thought this is worth a try. I Ordered the solgar version started taking 2 a day by June my partner was pregnant and I couldn’t believe it. I felt amazing. I had that whole year completely off. Got shredded naturally and did 2 photoshoots. Was an awesome year. Thanks for letting me share that with you man.
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@ryanpetford hey mate. How are you? Right now I really don’t know. I’m booked in for a double hernia operation. So need that out the way first and foremost. Then me and jordan have pretty much agreed classic is a no go next year the guys had 9kg on my previous stage weight. So need a lot more time. I’m going to see jordan Thursday so we’ll speak then. If I can make some improvements to my back and delts I’d like to get a few in next year at men’s physique and chase that pro card. Would love to compete at the beginning of the season. How about you mate?
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Hey guys. So yesterday’s pull session I’d say was a success. Small wins across a few movements.
Front underhand grip pull down 122kg – 5, 104kg – 11
Mag grip pulldown on bench – 86kg – 8, 68kg – 15
Chest supported t bar row – 4 plates – 6, 3 plates – 13
T bar row – 6.5 plates – 6 reps (I think I’m going to drop this weight from now as enertia is coming in too much) after speak to jordan we’ve decided to swap this for a dual arm bent over Db row ! Excited for that. So now I’ll rotate these, rack pulls and paused rdls.
Rear delt mag grip row x3
Swapped cable curls as the owner of the gym was doing bfr bicep curls on the preacher and thought I’d try them. Felt tough and got a good pump but wouldn’t say I enjoyed them and didn’t get any lasting doms or anything so I’m undecided on whether they’re beneficial or not. Anyone done much bfr work?tb-jp.com/collections/clothing - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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Some check in pics sent to jordan this morning. He’s happy. Weights up slightly but I think it’s the recent increase in veg I’ve added. I feel happy and strong. Jordan agrees it looks as though I’m improving even on my cruise dose. Obv haven’t upped anything yet due to the ops I’m waiting on.
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Hey guys! Cracking push session today, beat some numbers which is nice as I’m feeling pretty beat up at the minute. Training hard and not sleeping the best. Need a day of not doing alot and recharging but it’s never gonna happen so close to Xmas so we crack on.
Crucifix cuff lateral 1×12 1×15
High incline smith press 1×5 1×10
High incline plate loaded press 1×5 1×10
Weighted dips 1×5 1×10
Pec dec 1×12 1×20
Lying crucifix cuff laterals 1×12 1×9 1×14
Barbell front raise on incline bench 1×8 1×12
Single arm rope extension 1×15 1×12
Leg extension 1×20
Leg press 1×20tb-jp.com/collections/clothing - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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Awesome leg session at flf yesterday with jordan and oscar. Got owned on most exercises. My excuses are I’m 196lbs and I’m lanky lol. Anyway it’s all on film so you can see my feeble attempt at trying to hang.
Lying Ham curl rest pause 10-5-3 Pivot leg press 10 plates a side – 7, 6 plates a side – 12
Pendulum – 3 plates 10, 3.5 plates 7 – (determined to get 4 plates for 10 – not been going to m10 for legs last few sessions and could tell if not been on the pendulum – time to get back there)
Glute bridge x 10/10 – banded Single leg press x 15 Single leg extension x failure Adductor rest pause 8-3-2 Atlantis pull down/row – 3.5 plates – rest pause 10-5-3Preacher curl x 12, x 6 , x 12 Toe press x 14 , x 10 Decline crunch rest pause 15-4-3
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Hey guys! Today’s a rest day so will fill you in on the last pull session… tomorrow is leg day filming for the site with jordan. So nervous is an excited for that. Haha.
Decided to switch a few exercises as I’ve stacked the machine row and wanted to try the paused rdls after watching the last pull session on the site. Annoyed at myself for not checking the lat pulldown stack as it had the dial turned at the top and I didn’t check so I was baffled as to why I couldn’t hit my numbers ! Lol.
Front underhand grip pulldown – 122 (which wasn’t 122) 4 poor reps. 104 (again wasn’t 104) 9 reps
Mag grip on bench pull down – 86kg – 10, 68kg – 15
Chest supported t bar row – 4 plates – 5 reps, 3 plates – 12 reps
Paused rdl – 4 plates – 5 reps, 3 plates – 8 reps – need to work on these. I felt absolutely wasted after these. Cns was fried. Had me shaking.
Rear delt mag grip row – 54.5 – 12, 47.5 – 12, 12
Incline dumbbell curl – 12.5 – 3×12tb-jp.com/collections/clothing - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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Yesterday’s push session – tried a gym I’ve never been to before called generation fitness. Small old school gym. All good aside from not being able to do crucifix laterals as the weight stack was hitting the top of the cable machine. So had to modify the workout slightly.
Single arm cuff lateral- 4th hole down – 13, 3rd hole down – 17
High incline smith 50kg a side -5, 40kg – 9
Plate loaded incline press – 3.5 plates – 5
Switched to lying hammer strength plate loaded low incline – 4 plates – 4, 3 plates – 10
Weighted dips – 60kg – 5, 40kg – 9
Machine laterals – 3rd hole down – 12, 4th – 8, 3rd – 11
Db Front raise on bench – 12kg – 8, 7.5kg – 13
Single arm rope push down – 1×20
Leg extension 1×20
Leg press 1×20tb-jp.com/collections/clothing - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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@1nick12345 Currently 2 working sets on high incline smith. 2 on an incline hammer press, 2 sets pec Dec/fly and 2 of dips but then that’s more triceps how I’m performing them.
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@sol thanks mate. I’m getting softer but yeah I’m quite happy where I’m at post show. I honestly can’t wait. I kind of feel the rest from training post surgery which I’ve never previously had will do my body some good and be ready to really fire it up as soon as I’m fit and ready to.
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Photos sent to jordan for check in today. Weights at 89.5kg
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Hey guys
Legs yesterday at sole fitness
Cybex hack – 4 plates a side – 6 reps but tbh I feel I wasn’t going deep enough. Been trying to stop bang on parallel for more quad activation but I’m not convinced that taking out the full stretched position of the movement is going to aid in development. Might drop weight and focus on depth next session. Although I have serious doms today. That’s probably due to beating log book on everything. :). 3 plates 12 reps (deep).
V squat – 4.5 plates – 8 reps, 3.5 plates – 12 reps
Single leg leg press 3.5 plates – 12 reps. 2.5 plates 15 reps
Single leg lying curl – 10th hold down 6 reps, switched to seated as wasn’t getting a good connection on the lying ham
Hypers – 30kg – 12 reps, bodyweight – 20 reps
Adductors – stack – 20 reps
Chest supported an. Db row 30kg – rest pause 15-8-4
Bicep curl machine – 3×12
Calf raise standing – 3×12tb-jp.com/collections/clothing - The most anabolic clothing ever! |
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Yeah that’s the attachment I’ve been using
I only ever train at that time if I’m travelling in the morning and i won’t arrive until later in the day. I train between 11-1 everyday. But to answer your question I would still take a pre workout as I feel the benefits from taking them and I can sleep fine when I’ve had stims.
It’s not the best tbh I’d say I get between 4-6 hours at best currently as my youngest is teething badly. But it’ll improve obv this phase doesn’t last forever then I’ll be sure to focus more on sleep.
Thanks bud ????????
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Forgot to say got some filming coming up 11th with jordan and it’s leg day! ???? wish me luck guys !
Another thing I’ve recently started is solgar glucosamine and chondroitin MSM, and the solgar 7 joint formula which has amazing reviews and not saying this is why but the pain I was getting day to day outside of training has gone so let’s see if it carries on. It’s v expensive I was lucky enough to get it sent to me direct from solgar. But as I said I’ll keep you updated on this. …. it’s leg day tomorrow !
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