Forum Replies Created

  • Coley83

    February 6, 2024 at 10:47 am in reply to: Dietary strategy and planning

    Keep going mate. Stop trying to convince yourself that you need a break. It’s all in the head, been there before and it only makes it go on for longer

  • Coley83

    November 14, 2023 at 8:10 am in reply to: First cycle after 2 years off

    Hi mate. I’m just running test e at 300mg per week. Those blood tests were from 2 years back on 750mg test e with no ai. I’m not running an ai this time around either and feel fine. I’ve only been on this for just over a week so wouldn’t feel much any way. Libido is slightly higher but probably placebo. My E2 always shows up at the low end for some reason on or off cycle. only issue I’ve had previously was prolactin elevated when I took deca but I guess that was expected. I remember it took a few months off everything to go back into range

  • Coley83

    November 4, 2023 at 8:24 am in reply to: First cycle after 2 years off

    Hi fellas.
    Just checked through my blood work and test was at 141nmol/L. Oestrogen was at 77pmol/L. On the green chart oestrogen is at the lower end of the scale? I’m only reading what it says in front of me. You know way more than me on this. Does that sound ok?

  • Coley83

    November 2, 2023 at 7:52 pm in reply to: First cycle after 2 years off

    Cheers guys. Much appreciated, will be starting it next week. On my last test 750 mg cycle with no ai my oestrogen was low end of normal if that’s any help?

  • Coley83

    October 25, 2023 at 5:39 am in reply to: First cycle after 2 years off

    Hi James, to be honest that sounds like a pretty smart and sensible cycle for someone in your position. At this stage I wouldn’t both introducing other Anabolics I would stick with a fairly low dose of test like you said at around 250/300 mark. I have no doubt you will see progress with that.

    Hi Louis. Thanks mate. Yeah that’s what I was thinking. I’m going to push the envelope with food and rest/recovery and see what this will bring. I’ve always gained fairly easily with or without drugs. I’m really focused on my training and diet and to be honest these last couple of years have taught me that it’s the training that helps my mind the most. Even on the shit hard and long days, if I get in to the gym and get after it. I come out feeling a million pounds. At least until the next day when I’m sore as fuck. Hahaha. Thanks James