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  • Calum

    July 25, 2022 at 7:21 pm in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    Few weeks on the trot!

    Shoutout to Meg and Kuba for the 2Bros MK a few weeks ago, Zac won the novice class and China Green took home the figure overall sword!

    Then an awesome weekend just gone wrapped up in Finland for the 2Bros Scandinavia show and 1Bro pro!

    2 pro cards (mens physique and figure) and top 4 in figure pro show for China Green in the night show! Val also picked up 2nd place in classic physique pro show, did not deliver him at 100% for this weekend, a short prep mixed with abysmal travel conditions in the days running up to the show, we will be 100% for Tampa in a few weeks!

    We had Saleh win his open class in MP and Zac win novice BB and place 3rd in the supers.

    Onto the British this weekend!

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 14, 2022 at 6:45 pm in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    hey callum, hope you are well? are you taking anymore clients on atm, if so i will drop you an email 🙂

    Hello my friend! My next intake of athletes will be late September after the UK Arnolds, but please get in touch at

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 14, 2022 at 4:44 pm in reply to: Vegetarian diet

    Clare nailed this one!

    Definitely key considerations;

    – maintaining GI function on a plant based diet (fibre intake is something that needs to be gradually increased over time if going fully plant based)

    – using a variety of plant based food sources to facilitate ‘complete’ amino acid spectrums

    – using supplemental plant based proteins and EAA’s as needed to help compliment the point above

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 14, 2022 at 4:24 pm in reply to: Post injection swelling

    Needs to be monitored, continue to review size of swelling, colour or heat changes to the area.

    Be mindful as it’s not uncommon for bacterial infections to relocate in the region of the issue.

    If you head to the docs you’ll most likely get prescribed some penicillin (if tolerable), and worth popping some higher dose bromelain to pull down the inflammatory response.

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 12, 2022 at 11:10 pm in reply to: EQ / Boldenone on Contest Prep

    I’d personally favour the masteron here! But you’ll typically find as Hilly says, this family of compounds operate in a similar manner

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 12, 2022 at 10:58 pm in reply to: Decisions

    Agreed with Hilly here!

    Maintaining baseline testosterone and titrating the DHT derivative (in this case masteron) as you proceed through the prep as needed. The tren you can start low and slowly creep upwards much like the masteron, but due to the increased toll of the 19-nor I’d keep the tren at a lower input, 150-300mg/wk mark as needed (above 300mg/wk I don’t really see any further benefit and only compromise).

    I’d probably also say if you titrate the masteron upwards, and keep the test moderate, depending on your tolerance to aromatase, you might not need to use an AI / SERM in the first place (favourable!).

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 11, 2022 at 9:55 pm in reply to: Genxtropin or 2ktropin Hgh?

    Can confirm!

    Always a bit of a gamble when buying UG but could always get it checked via HLPC if wanting peace of mind.

    Or a trip overseas for pharmacy purchase (*get it home at your own risk!).

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 11, 2022 at 1:20 pm in reply to: Questions on growth hormone

    Jordan and Max nailed it, agree with Max on the lipolytic side pre activity, works a treat prior to some non glycolytic expenditure! 🙂

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 10, 2022 at 1:03 pm in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    Big weekend in Portugal at the Amateur Olympia rounded up. Very good from the team and objectively best packages / peaks executed so far this season (having more data to run off now). MK Classic next weekend, then 2BROS Finland, then Tampa Pro and Texas Pro. Busy few weeks ahead.

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 9, 2022 at 6:44 am in reply to: Aggressive fat loss phase

    Depending on what you’re doing now, track your steps and have a daily target to hit. I would reduce your cals by around 400 initially, then see how your body responds. Monitor how you look, alongside scale weight and adjust as you go. You can introduce cardio, increase step count and/or drop food when things stall.


    Use a variety of options in your toolbox and use them gradually.



    Direct conditioning / cardio

    Lipolytics and thyroidal manipulation if enhanced

    Those would be easiest variables to tweak first!

    With your current composition I wouldn’t be too concerned about being aggressive, I’d manage training volume to ensure performance retention and just get the job done!

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 9, 2022 at 6:39 am in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    This is amazing log !

    I saw one of your speed preps with a client Valentin –

    Have you had to push cardio high? Food low?

    I saw he put double sessions of cardio but at that stage do you still keep a base step count?

    Really impressed by that

    Condition is a priority, we have adipose to lose and a short timeframe to do it.
    Calories are low.
    Output is high, 13k steps, 75m steady state daily.
    But we have the androgen load to tolerate it and retain tissue, so it’s plausible.

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 9, 2022 at 6:38 am in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    Hey cal notice that you escalate training volume through a mesocycle and then run a deload to drop fatigue. Do you plan these deload periods with athletes or is it based on their feedback on fatigue? Also do you think that running the same volume in a meso without escalating then running a deload is as effective or would you always have some kind of volume escalation ? Thanks

    I’ll run the escalation model based on phase and objective.
    If a sufficient calorie supply is present and protein accretion is high, androgens ideally are high, we can escalate volume as needed on weaker muscle groups.
    If a deficit or low androgen phase, I would not.
    Deloads are based on individual weekly feedback, but for some who follows like for like trends we can set them in stone.

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 4, 2022 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    Peak set ups in motion for the Amateur Olympia in Portugal this weekend.

    Danielle, Harvyn and Saleh all coming off the back of Spain this past weekend so dropping back into their pre loading diet set ups, no caps needed for MP and bikini so it’s really just a case of finding the desired look after a bit of food post show following the Ben Weider and some fluid accumulation. By tomorrow after 2 days back on diet all 3 will be primed to peak again.

    Francesco (middleweight) is in for this weekend too, we won the 2Bros overall a few weeks ago and we’re MUCH sharper now, 5lbs down, you’ll see in the pic below (collage of 4) he is so flat that detail almost appears washed out a little, but as we can to drop fatigue this week (dropping training volume, pulling cardio, tapering steps) and add food in this look will bounce to life and the detail will start shining through, he is absolutely peeled but so flat right now it doesn’t appear to the eye yet. I’ll typically run middles down very depleted if they’re close to cap then fill them very hard over 2-3 days pre weigh ins so they can load with no time restraint and still squeeze under the light heavies cap.

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 4, 2022 at 12:53 am in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    I’ll start posting up some little updates for the season ahead with my athletes to spur conversation around topics that could be of interest to those following along. Interesting weekend in Alicante at the Ben Weider NPC Spain!

    The team delivered on the following;

    Mens Physique Open Class A – 4th

    Mens Physique Open Class D – 2nd AND 3rd

    Bikini True Novice – 1st

    Bikini Novice – 2nd

    Bikini Open Class E – 1st AND 3rd

    No card this weekend which is always the goal at these shows and the expectation, but sometimes it doesn’t materialise, the NPC shows in Spain are extremely competitive and very insightful especially seeing the judging criteria’s, this week Maz was head judge again.

    One really interesting variable I’ll always notice with the European shows in warmer climates is the changes in peaking approach and timings when the body is turning over fluid at a much quicker rate, sweating more, requiring more hydration and electrolyte re-balancing as a result.

    Using small fractional doses of diazide, which is a fairly common peaking set up I’ll adopt for BB, classic and MP when loading right into stage is the speed this pulls the physique dry THEN flat in the warmer temperatures, what might take several hours in the UK (relative to half life) takes a couple of hours in the heat, and the magnitude in which it pulls is drastically different. This weekend was the 3rd European NPC show i’ve attended with athletes and was even more refined having noted this above in the first show at the start of the year, so we hit the peaks very well this weekend, just very clear on stage who has potentially under-estimated the impact of the climate on the approach used.

    Peaking for a UK regional into a European pro qual is a VERY different process due to simply a novel reason such as the weather / heat!

    N1 to meet u[/quote]


    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

  • Calum

    July 3, 2022 at 7:11 pm in reply to: Calum Raistrick – Coach & Educator

    I’ll start posting up some little updates for the season ahead with my athletes to spur conversation around topics that could be of interest to those following along. Interesting weekend in Alicante at the Ben Weider NPC Spain!

    The team delivered on the following;

    Mens Physique Open Class A – 4th

    Mens Physique Open Class D – 2nd AND 3rd

    Bikini True Novice – 1st

    Bikini Novice – 2nd

    Bikini Open Class E – 1st AND 3rd

    No card this weekend which is always the goal at these shows and the expectation, but sometimes it doesn’t materialise, the NPC shows in Spain are extremely competitive and very insightful especially seeing the judging criteria’s, this week Maz was head judge again.

    One really interesting variable I’ll always notice with the European shows in warmer climates is the changes in peaking approach and timings when the body is turning over fluid at a much quicker rate, sweating more, requiring more hydration and electrolyte re-balancing as a result.

    Using small fractional doses of diazide, which is a fairly common peaking set up I’ll adopt for BB, classic and MP when loading right into stage is the speed this pulls the physique dry THEN flat in the warmer temperatures, what might take several hours in the UK (relative to half life) takes a couple of hours in the heat, and the magnitude in which it pulls is drastically different. This weekend was the 3rd European NPC show i’ve attended with athletes and was even more refined having noted this above in the first show at the start of the year, so we hit the peaks very well this weekend, just very clear on stage who has potentially under-estimated the impact of the climate on the approach used.

    Peaking for a UK regional into a European pro qual is a VERY different process due to simply a novel reason such as the weather / heat!

    Calum Raistrick | #TeamProCoach | | Use code PROCOACH10!

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