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That’s me back in Glasgow after a monumental drive from Cheltenham yesterday. That length of drive makes it feel like Glasgow is in the north pole.
The good thing is that I feel rested and ready for legs today.
I’m pushing my days back this week, so I’ll be training back on Saturday, and missing my massage appointment, but needs must.
Nick and I made some subtle changes to the diet;
100g beef fillet, 3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, 3 slices wholemeal bread, 100g white jasmine rice, 1 banana, 300ml orange juice
200g 7% turkey mince, 125g white jasmine rice, 1 apple, 10g of macadamia nut oil, 100g of this polish veg thing (it just says Dinner salad on the jar)
200g 7% turkey mince, 125g white jasmine rice, 1 banana, 100g dinner salad
5g creatine mono, 15g TBJP EAAs, 50g TBJP Performance fuel, 5g taurine, 5 grinds of himalayan salt
5g creatine mono, 3g HMB, 50g TBJP Performance fuel, 30g TBJP Performance Isolate,
30g TBJP Performance Isolate, 200g Coco Pops, 100g raspberries
200g – 5% beef mince, 125g white jasmine rice, 50g pasta sauce, 50g sauerkraut
260g salmon fillet, 125g white jasmine rice, 10g EVOO, 100g pasta sauce, 1 microwave bag of veg
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I had another fantastic session at the Shed yesterday and got to have a few words with Jordan and Corinne. I’m always wary about approaching friends or people in I know their gym as I don’t want to distract them, but it was cool to train around the 2 of them.
The session itself was great, I got use a few pieces that we’re awaiting to get delivered to Future Fitness, so it was good to remind myself of how good a purchase they actually are.
I pulled my oblique a few weeks ago, and it’s only just settled now, so I was finally able to pull the old staple of DB rows back in, and they gated me hard, but in a good way.
Prime PL pulldowns – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Prime PL seated rows – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
SA DB rows – 2x 8-12
Pin-loaded Cybex rows – 1x 8-12
Deadlifts – 1x 8-12
It’s always funny seeing my back session on paper, but the volume seems ample just now where I’m recovering while also seeing the visual progress in my back.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Combined with what everyone else has said here, one source no one mentioned is chicken. I swear since removing chicken 2 years ago my digestion and wellbeing has never been better. After advice from Hilly and performing numerous diet eliminations , I also don’t touch;
Green beans (or anything in that family of vegetables)
Peanuts/Peanut butter
Whey concentrate
It’s okay if the BB staples are not your staples.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Finally broke my Shed virginity today, after a very hectic day of travel. Luckily we’re spending a few days down here, so we’ll certainly make the most of it. Kit and atmosphere is fantastic, I’m going to try and see if I can convince Jordan/Corrine to open one in Glasgow. . .
I didn’t stray too far away from what normally do;
Standing iso-lateral cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 12-15
Atlantis rear delt raises – 3 working sets, 15-20
High incline DB shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
Nautilus PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
Behind the back cuffed cable side raises – 3 working sets, 12-15
Straight-bar cable triceps extensions – 1 working set, 12-15
Bent over rope triceps extensions – 3 working set, 12-15
Not to mention, I was back up to 288 this morning, but appetite as massively improved so we’re going to add a little more food into the mix, pushing carbs up well above 1000g now.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
2nd NTD of 3 completed, as I’m training at the shed Sun-Mon. I can’t wait to see the gym!
This week is going well, and both sessions thus far have been great.
There were 5 of us all training legs together at the same time on Tuesday and that added a real buzz to the session. I’ve not experienced anything like that in a long long time.
Lucky I’m peak off season and won’t get blown away trying to drive to Liverpool tomorrow.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Yesterday was an exact repeat of the leg session the previous week. As I was warming up I knew it was going to be a good one. The success of the session is usually determined by how easy it is for me to warm up and how good my joints feel and everything felt brilliant, so there were plenty of nice big pushes in the log book.
Prime PL lying leg curls – 1x 12-15 + a triple drop set
Prime PL leg extensions – 1x 12-15 + Tuor rest pause (I’ve outlined this in previous leg sessions)
HS horizontal leg press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Pendulum squat – 1x 8-12
Cybex seated leg curls – 1x 12-15, 1x 15-20
DB walking luges – 1x 15 per leg
Seated calve raises – 3x 20
Decline sit-ups – 3x AMRAP
The horizontal leg press is one of those movements for me that when I slot it back into my routine, I get crazy strong very very quickly, and yesterday was no different with another 20kg increase for more reps.
My body feels very fresh, and thankfully I’ve got massage today, so that should further add to the feeling!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
To add to all of the above, I found doing my shots of tren at night would end up in me waking up during the middle of my sleep, but moving the shots to the first thing in the morning helped me stay asleep. However, sleep far outweighs the benefits of tren so remove it if it doesn’t improve.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
It’s maybe not the easiest to do if you’re using very heavy loads, but you could walk out from a squat rack, like you would with an RDL and start the set from the top, rather than the floor. One thing you’d have to ensure of is that your foot placement was bang on from the start.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A very chilled Sunday/NTD. I stepped out to do the weekly shop and then that was it.
I’ve only got 2 sessions in Glasgow this week, and then I’m heading down to the Shed next weekend, so I’ll be saving my shoulder, back and chest session for that.
I’m excited to catch a glimpse of the place and spend more than just the one session there.
As I mentioned yesterday, we don’t feel there’s a need to push things further.
10 weeks left of this push!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Check-in day today, and I’m delighted at the visuals!
I feel my physique really has been coming into its own these past 2 months. I’d honestly say this is the quickest I’ve grown or progressed ever. Which is very reassuring considering I’m coming up to this being my 17th year BB.
Not only that, but I’m running the least amount of gear I’ve ever done at peak cycle: for those that are interested;
Test E – 1000mg/week
Primo – 600mg/week
GH – 6IU (pre-bed)
Novorapid – 10IU Pre & Post
Lantus – 20IU/day
T4 – 100mcg/day
Telmisartan – 40mg/day
Metformin – 500mg/day
I have NPP on hand, but Nick doesn’t think there’s much point to adding that considering the rate I’m growing.
My appetite has turned up a notch a bit, so we’ll see how I feel next week and make the decision from there if more food can go in. There are a few spots in the plan where I think I could get away with a bit more.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Another great session in the bag today. I’ve had to make some slight changes towards my exercise selection due to my oblique still being incredibly sore and tight, here’s what I went with;
Neutral grip lat pulldowns – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
T-bar rows – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
HS SA PL row – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Pin-loaded Nautilus row – 2x 8-12
Deadlifts – 1x 8-12
I managed back up to 260kg so it’s good to see that level of progression in a week
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A decent NTD ticked off yesterday, however, I had to slot in time with online clients in the gym, so I had other sacrifice my time with Ricky, but it is what it is. Surprising enough, I don’t feel too bad, I think my body is holding up quite well – which is odd deep in offseason considering we tend to be more inflamed in the offseason.
I’m looking forward to training shoulders today though, it’s going to be another good one (touch wood)!
Do you have any show planned Andy? Mate, I miss those podcast you used to do with scottish boys[/quote]
Hi mate!
Yeah I’m planning on doing Prague as my pro debut, Romania 2 weeks later, and then Spain 2 weeks after that. Trust me, I’ve tried to resurrect the podcast numerous times, but it’s hard just now getting us all to sit down at the same time. I really want to start it back up though, I loved it
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A decent NTD ticked off yesterday, however, I had to slot in time with online clients in the gym, so I had other sacrifice my time with Ricky, but it is what it is. Surprising enough, I don’t feel too bad, I think my body is holding up quite well – which is odd deep in offseason considering we tend to be more inflamed in the offseason.
I’m looking forward to training shoulders today though, it’s going to be another good one (touch wood)!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A superb leg day ticked off. I set baseline numbers last week as it was the first time I’ve used the setup of leg pressing prior to a squat movement. Horizontal leg press/Hip press is a movement for me where I can take quite big leaps in poundages, so today was another 10kg increase with better form, and I was a half inch close to the foot plate as well as my hips had opened from doing the movement last week.
Prime PL lying leg curls – 1x 12-15 + a triple drop set
Prime PL leg extensions – 1x 12-15 + Tuor rest pause (I’ve outlined this in previous leg sessions)
HS horizontal leg press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Pendulum squat – 1x 8-12
Cybex seated leg curls – 1x 12-15, 1x 15-20
DB walking luges – 1x 15 per leg
Seated calve raises – 3x 20
Decline sit-ups – 3x AMRAP
I’ve got 10 weeks on Saturday left of this push up, so a little more sweep to the quads would be ideal!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A cracking weekend spent with my family up in Aberdeen celebrating my brother’s 30th!
I still have this cold that I got just before new year, it just doesn’t want to shift. It’s not impacting anything with my setup, it’s just driving me nuts now trying to work at my laptop and my nose is just streaming.
There’s been a pretty bad wave of colds/flus, knocking people out for weeks, so I’m glad that I’ve not had it to that extent.
A slightly quieter week this week, so fingers crossed that helps shift it.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle