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  • Andy

    February 7, 2025 at 10:25 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A very hectic day wrapped up, with a morning full of 1-2-1 PT and then driving down to Liverpool to spend the weekend with the Mrs, and to also catch up with a few mates at Prophecy for a back session.

    I checked in with Nick today, I’ve not heard back from him yet, but my weight has dipped by a pound, certainly nothing to worry about or feel the need to compensate. I’m delighted with my look – I’ll put some of my check-in shots up with my stories on Monday.

    I would like to push the envelope with PEDs, but I think that’s just the “more is better” part of my personality that’s wanting me to do that, there is no need just now in my opinion.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 6, 2025 at 9:44 pm in reply to: Off day calories – Push

    There are numerous strategies to finding where you should place NTD calories, and considerations around your NEAT on NTD compared to training days as well.

    I’ve found a 750-500cal difference peak push is ample for my recovery, but also to keep my appetite in a semi-decent spot on the NTD without training. Some may decide to keep their NTD calories lower to keep the over weekly surplus lower, some may decide to have the TD calories more in line with NTD as some can see appetite dips from a training stimulus.

    Moving through a prep or a contest prep I prefer to eventually get to a point where both the TD and NTD are the same, where recovery starts to wavier and pulling more and more from the NTD just isn’t feasible.

    Your idea of pushing TD up until food volume too high is another strategy, but to keep appetite in a good spot, I think having a decent difference of say 500cals and then increasing both days by 150cals is maybe a better approach.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 6, 2025 at 9:34 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A superb shoulder day logged today, I was really happy with the outcome of the session. Usually when I do mobility work the day before a push session, my numbers are slightly impacted, but today that didn’t happen. I also forgot to wrap up in the shoulder press, but I was too far gone in the set to go back and put the wraps on.

    I’ve started taking MK677 just to push my appetite along a bit more, and it’s working brilliantly. I’m not using this as a stepping stone for more food, but to simply handle current levels a bit better. I’ll then remove it when my health phase starts.

    Standing iso-lateral cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 12-15

    Cuffed cable rear delt raises – 3 working sets, 15-20

    High incline DB shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    HS flat PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Behind the back cuffed cable side raises – 3 working sets, 12-15

    Straight-bar cable triceps extensions – 1 working set, 12-15

    Bent over rope triceps extensions – 3 working set, 12-15

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 5, 2025 at 8:11 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A busy NTD planned, but thankfully a massage from Ricky is included in that schedule, which is very much needed.

    Recently, my Thursday push sessions have had a bit more chest focus to them, whereas before it was all shoulders. I’m seeing the positive change look/logbook wise, but my rotators have taken a bit of a beating, so it will be good to get them freed off.

    I do 2 free weight presses per week, the rest being shoulders, so that does give me some rest bite.

    The good thing about when I travel to Liverpool is that I get a NTD either side of my second push (due to training my last session on a Saturday) which is what I used to do years ago in order to give my shoulders as much recovery as possible, and that worked really well!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 4, 2025 at 8:43 pm in reply to: Help with blood pressure

    The top number is your systolic BP which is the pressure your blood has on your artery walls during a heart beat, the lower number is the same, but when your heart is at rest.

    Those readings aren’t bad at all, but like Nath said, try taking your readings first thing in the morning, I find those are the most accurate.

    Sometimes it’s good to spot trends, so taking your BP throughout the week and seeing how external influences (that Nath also mentioned) impact your BP through the week.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 4, 2025 at 8:38 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Legs complete today!

    That was a frustrating one in the beginning as I just wanted to get the session going. I finished PT at 1:30 and it wasn’t until 2:15 we started, I then had to wait on almost every machine as well. However, it still proved a good one as the frustrations clearly provided the fuel to push on.

    Prime PL lying leg curls – 1x 12-15 + a triple drop set

    Prime PL leg extensions – 1x 12-15 + Tuor rest pause (I’ve outlined this in previous leg sessions)

    HS horizontal leg press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    Pendulum squat – 1x 8-12

    Cybex seated leg curls – 1x 12-15, 1x 15-20

    Seated calve raises – 3x 20

    Decline sit-ups – 3x AMRAP

    Everything was up again, either in reps or weight, so that was class!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 3, 2025 at 8:08 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Am excellent start to the week with chest at Future!

    Last week I was down at the Shed, so I used a few different machines compared to my usual setup, but that only impacted the 1 exercise/machine. That tends to be the case with me, is that I will drop an pushing exercise for a week and I’ll then lose a handful of reps. That never really happens for lower or pull work.

    Seated cuffed cable flys – 2x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    Incline DB press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    HS incline PL chest press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    Standing cable flys – 1x 12-15

    SA cable side raises – 3x 12-15

    SA cable rear raises – 3x 12-15

    High incline EZ-bar cable curls – 1x 12-15 (pyramiding up to the failure/working set)

    Standing cable curls – 1x 12-15 (pyramiding up to the failure/working set)

    Shallow decline sit-ups – 3 working sets, AMRAP

    Every single exercise increased in some fashion, except the HS PL press, that dropped by 1 rep due to missing 1 week on it.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    February 2, 2025 at 11:27 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A superb back day signed off yesterday! It’s the first time in a good while I’ve touched over 6 pps on deadlifts, granted it was on a 5kg plate per side on top, but I’m pretty delighted with that.

    Every other lift seemed to either go up, or just feel more in control.

    I’m back to DB rowing the 100s for 15 reps for 2 sets, it’s more my breathing that stops me getting more. If I could find a gym with 110s or even 120s Id’ seriously consider it.

    I checked in with Nick yesterday at a new high of 292.8, so back into the 290 territory. We don’t have a weight goal, but a part of me thinks I’ll get to 300lbs without needing to add much else in the way of stimulus, but on the flip side of that, I really don’t care about reaching “X” weight.

    I’ve got another insanely busy week of training coming up, along with another trip to Liverpool to see my other half.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 31, 2025 at 7:16 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Wrapped up a pretty busy NTD today, with 4 PT sessions and admin! I can’t be the only person who pays his tax bill right at the last second, it’s always a very sad moment. . .

    I feel excellent after 3 out of 4 sessions completed this week. I don’t normally train on a Saturday as I like having 2 days off across the weekend, but needs must after moving training around to train at the Shed last week.

    I don’t know why, I’ve just never liked being the gym on a weekend afternoon.

    My back session last week was brilliant. I won’t have my training partner with me either, so it should be finished a little quicker as I won’t be moving plates/weight for him etc.

    I’ll be checking in with Nick as as well, so I’m excited to see how the physique looks after a week of increased food.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 30, 2025 at 9:18 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Another superb push session tonight! Strength is at a life time high just now. I’m using poundages I’d have no place trying a year ago, so pretty happy that!

    Y raises – 2x 12-15

    Rear delt cuffed cable rear raises – 3x 15-20

    High incline DB shoulder press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    – I adjusted the incline angle I use, so I’ve technically reset numbers. We have the benches where the bottom moves with the back, so my fat arse doesn’t fit on the seat when it’s on 5.

    HS seated flat PL chest press – 1×8-12, 1×12-15

    Behind the back cuffed cable side raises – 2x 12-15

    Straight-bar cable triceps extensions – 2 working set, 12-15

    Bent over rope triceps extensions – 3 working set, 12-15

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 30, 2025 at 1:52 pm in reply to: Transitioning to bulk

    As Ben said, you’re potentially up ticking your expenditure without realising through your training and when you’re on the move. Fatigue/inflammation will be falling off due to the body now able to recover a bit more efficiently on higher calories.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 29, 2025 at 9:06 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    That’s me back in Glasgow after a monumental drive from Cheltenham yesterday. That length of drive makes it feel like Glasgow is in the north pole.

    The good thing is that I feel rested and ready for legs today.

    I’m pushing my days back this week, so I’ll be training back on Saturday, and missing my massage appointment, but needs must.

    Nick and I made some subtle changes to the diet;


    100g beef fillet, 3 whole eggs, 3 egg whites, 3 slices wholemeal bread, 100g white jasmine rice, 1 banana, 300ml orange juice


    200g 7% turkey mince, 125g white jasmine rice, 1 apple, 10g of macadamia nut oil, 100g of this polish veg thing (it just says Dinner salad on the jar)


    200g 7% turkey mince, 125g white jasmine rice, 1 banana, 100g dinner salad


    5g creatine mono, 15g TBJP EAAs, 50g TBJP Performance fuel, 5g taurine, 5 grinds of himalayan salt


    5g creatine mono, 3g HMB, 50g TBJP Performance fuel, 30g TBJP Performance Isolate,


    30g TBJP Performance Isolate, 200g Coco Pops, 100g raspberries


    200g – 5% beef mince, 125g white jasmine rice, 50g pasta sauce, 50g sauerkraut


    260g salmon fillet, 125g white jasmine rice, 10g EVOO, 100g pasta sauce, 1 microwave bag of veg

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 27, 2025 at 9:59 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    I had another fantastic session at the Shed yesterday and got to have a few words with Jordan and Corinne. I’m always wary about approaching friends or people in I know their gym as I don’t want to distract them, but it was cool to train around the 2 of them.

    The session itself was great, I got use a few pieces that we’re awaiting to get delivered to Future Fitness, so it was good to remind myself of how good a purchase they actually are.

    I pulled my oblique a few weeks ago, and it’s only just settled now, so I was finally able to pull the old staple of DB rows back in, and they gated me hard, but in a good way.

    Prime PL pulldowns – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    Prime PL seated rows – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15

    SA DB rows – 2x 8-12

    Pin-loaded Cybex rows – 1x 8-12

    Deadlifts – 1x 8-12

    It’s always funny seeing my back session on paper, but the volume seems ample just now where I’m recovering while also seeing the visual progress in my back.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 26, 2025 at 10:12 am in reply to: Stomach issues

    Combined with what everyone else has said here, one source no one mentioned is chicken. I swear since removing chicken 2 years ago my digestion and wellbeing has never been better. After advice from Hilly and performing numerous diet eliminations , I also don’t touch;




    Green beans (or anything in that family of vegetables)

    Peanuts/Peanut butter

    Whey concentrate

    It’s okay if the BB staples are not your staples.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    January 25, 2025 at 11:09 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Finally broke my Shed virginity today, after a very hectic day of travel. Luckily we’re spending a few days down here, so we’ll certainly make the most of it. Kit and atmosphere is fantastic, I’m going to try and see if I can convince Jordan/Corrine to open one in Glasgow. . .

    I didn’t stray too far away from what normally do;

    Standing iso-lateral cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 12-15

    Atlantis rear delt raises – 3 working sets, 15-20

    High incline DB shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Nautilus PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Behind the back cuffed cable side raises – 3 working sets, 12-15

    Straight-bar cable triceps extensions – 1 working set, 12-15

    Bent over rope triceps extensions – 3 working set, 12-15

    Not to mention, I was back up to 288 this morning, but appetite as massively improved so we’re going to add a little more food into the mix, pushing carbs up well above 1000g now.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

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