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That’s me back on home soil after an incredible 4 nights with boys in Ibiza. The aim of the game is to get right back into my routine, so that’s all of my meals for tomorrow prepped. Routine/consistency is the only way you’ll ever get good at this, and never mind if it’s a chilled holiday with the Mrs or a mad one with the boys; get home, wake up the time you usually do and crack on with the setup.
A big shoulder session tomorrow with Chris, and I’m pretty confident with the amount of food I ate while away that it will be sufficiently fuelled!
Have a good one guys!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Still here, however, we’re toning it down. Everyone is in agreement that we need to chill out, have a bit of a relaxing holiday, before we all go back to training on Thursday – the joys of being on holiday with bodybuilders.
The first step is to check-in and decide where the diet/cardio need to go. Once Nick and I agree, the game plan can be set in stone and the reverse can continue!
This break was VERY much needed, but I’m so ready to get back to normality!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Half way through the “Ibiza forced deload”. It’s been incredible to spend some time with all of mates outside of the bodybuilding environment, but I am definitely way out of my comfort zone, this must be what it’s like for someone who’s never been to a bodybuilding show stepping into one for the first time.
I feel recharged and ready to finally go face first into this offseason, but another 2 days before that happens!
Can’t wait to be back in that routine!
Have an incredible week guys!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
It wash great to be out here in Ibiza with all of the lads, however, I don’t know how I’m going to survive 4 days of these antics.
The rest will do me good, and I’ve had numerous people close to me who aren’t here saying that I need to sit back and just enjoy. Switching off from the BB routine/mindset has never been an easy one – as I’m sure many on this site can testify!
Anyway, at least I can do cardio in the sun tomorrow morning, happy days!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Evening everyone!
I haven’t had a chance to sit down today, but today was another incredible back session. With me going to Ibiza tomorrow I could’ve just stuck in the spice boy body parts, but I I thought a lovely heavy back session would be best.
I checked in today only 0.6lbs up from last week, and still lighter than I was onstage in Spain, which is just beyond madness. 4 weeks post show and in years gone by I would’ve been 25lbs up by now.
1 working set, 8-12
Shoulder width grip lat pulldowns
Chest supported t-bar row – I’m not a fan of our Precor t-bar, but today felt quite nice. I feel if I do this too often I end up with really bad forearm tightness.
SA DB row – The GOAT
SA Nautilus row
Job done, got a hair cut, suitcase packed, see you all on the other side, probably a stone lighter. . .
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Thursday and it’s shoulder day!
16 years of training and I’m still just as excited to train shoulders as day 1.
I’m not changing anything just now though, so if I’m repeating myself I apologise.
Isolation 2 working sets 15-20, pressing 1 working set 8-12
Y raises
Rear cuffed cable raises
High incline DB shoulder press
EZ-bar tricep cable extensions
Weighted dips – I’m rotating close grip BB press, HS PL press downs and weighted dips to save my rotator cuffs
Cable crunches
I’ll be checking in a day early tomorrow with Nick, so we’ll see what he says, but I think it’s time to start increasing protein as I dropped it to around 0.8g/lbs for a while just to give my digestion a break. I’ll follow the same process of increasing calories by 200cals per week, but the next increase will be protein.
Have a great day guys!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Can you tell your offseason cycle?
Back to my rest day/NTD, a bit of cardio, physio/plunge/sauna, filming for Youtube with my client, a few plans to write/tweak and then a few more PT clients. “Non-training day” is definitely a better way to put it.
I recorded the Scottish Silverback Podcast (get subscribing) with Jack Gunn last night. Fellow TBJP athlete Erin couldn’t make it, but be sure to watch future episodes to hear her opinion on an array of topics!
Jack is THE future of Scottish/British bodybuilding, I have 0 issues saying that, I’ve always said that since he came to me for posing when he was a junior, and it was great to compete with him twice this season, both at the first Scottish 2 Bros show, as well as at the Amateur Olympia Spain.
Have a great day guys!
Peak Cycle which ended November 2023;
Test E – 750mg/week
Primo – 800mg/week
NPP – 200mg/week
GH – 6IU (3IU PWO, 3IU pre-bed)
Novorapid – 10IU PWO
Lantus – 30IU/day
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Hey man! Love to follow here!
When u say this is very low volume for u, how do u workin up your weights for the Sets? Are These all out Sets u mentioned?
And what is your „normal“ sets / Volumen? Do u add more Sets or more excersises?
It’s just a bit of trial and error, I initially lowered my volume as low as I think I could get away with or enjoy. From here, when I feel I’ve got everything that I can out of this setup, I’ll then start adding in intensifiers rather than more sets, I’ve always preferred doing tit hat way.
Yes, these are all to complete failure, and although I’m not at 100% output just yet, my training partner might throw in a forced rep or 2. I have no choice when I train with him haha
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Back to my rest day/NTD, a bit of cardio, physio/plunge/sauna, filming for Youtube with my client, a few plans to write/tweak and then a few more PT clients. “Non-training day” is definitely a better way to put it.
I recorded the Scottish Silverback Podcast (get subscribing) with Jack Gunn last night. Fellow TBJP athlete Erin couldn’t make it, but be sure to watch future episodes to hear her opinion on an array of topics!
Jack is THE future of Scottish/British bodybuilding, I have 0 issues saying that, I’ve always said that since he came to me for posing when he was a junior, and it was great to compete with him twice this season, both at the first Scottish 2 Bros show, as well as at the Amateur Olympia Spain.
Have a great day guys!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
It’s that old cliche, but the speed in which leg day comes around never fails to amaze me. The good thing is that the current leg day isn’t anywhere near the level of “horrible” that it is in the offseason. I’m not physically or mentally ready for sessions like that, and luckily, neither is my training partner who is the hardest trainer I’ve ever trained with.
As I mentioned last week, one goal I have for my physique for 2025 is to bring up my glutes so that the detail and hardness through them is much improved, but until I can hip thrust more than my female clients, I definitely can’t go about saying how hard my training sessions are haha.
There’s no change to the setup;
1 working set, 8-12 or 12-15
BB squats – I bumped this up by a plate a side using the new, deeper form to pull my glutes into the equation
SM hip thrusts – I still haven’t figured out the setup with these yet, but they feel great.
Prime PL lying leg curls
EZ-bar walking lunges
Seated calve raises
Decline crunches
More than enough at the moment!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Morning guys,
I was up at 3am today to get everything ready for my day to train a new start 6am client, it’s been a while since I’ve trained someone that early, luckily though, I’m up at 4am most days, so it wasn’t that much in the way of a shock. As I mentioned yesterday, I’m training at 9am today after 2 meals instead of 3, I find even that subtle change can impact my sessions a bit strength wise, however, I feel it’s more of a hydration issue than anything else, so I’m currently guzzling water.
The session will go as follows;
Seated cuffed cable flys – 1 working set, 12-15
Incline DB press – 1 working set, 8-12
Prime small incline PL press – 1 working set, 8-12
SA cable side raises – 3 working sets, 15-20
Standing cable curls – 1 working set, 12-15
Shallow decline sit-ups – 3 working sets, AMRAP
I was tempted to slot in another shoulder exercise, but I still don’t feel there’s a need to at this moment in time.
I think if I can get my chest/shoulders on par with my legs and back then that would be a very good look.
Have a great week everyone!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Happy Saturday guys, and for me it’s check-in day. I’m only checking in once a week with Nick, I don’t need the accountability, plus, I’m sure Nick is sick of me
I was delighted with the look I had this morning, I’d say the reverse out of this prep is going really well.
I’m sitting at 252.2 which is actually 3lbs lighter than my stage weight at the AO Spain.
We’ll proceed with another 200cals this week, keeping cardio the same.
I go to Ibiza next Saturday, but I have zero intention of going the usual Ibiza mad – famous last words!
Have a great weekend guys!
I hope these are famous last words and you celebrate your 30th and that for card in true ibiza style my man haha –[/quote]
Yeah, I don’t know who I’m trying to kid on to be honest haha
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I never train on Sunday’s, and while I’m in a prep I will try to make my Sunday’s as busy as humanly possible just to make them pass quicker. Anyone who is a veteran at this will most likely agree, that sitting doing nothing in a contest prep phase is torture – it is for me anyway.
Today, I’ve switched my phone off, and done as little as possible. It’s amazing what doing nothing can actually do. It is a rarity, as I feel guilty when I take days off from work, but going forward, I need to make this a constant in my offseason.
I’m by no means as busy as some of the other coaches on this site, but my days are 4am-8pm/9pm every single day, so a bit of decompression is needed and should be scheduled.
It’s been a while since I was bursting at the seams to train, so lucky for me I’ve got a very early training session tomorrow (well, 9am is early for me).
A big week ahead before I’m away to Ibiza for a 30th. I can’t wait, however, there’s many a nut job on that holiday party, haha, so we’ll see how that one goes!
Have a great week guys!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Happy Saturday guys, and for me it’s check-in day. I’m only checking in once a week with Nick, I don’t need the accountability, plus, I’m sure Nick is sick of me
I was delighted with the look I had this morning, I’d say the reverse out of this prep is going really well.
I’m sitting at 252.2 which is actually 3lbs lighter than my stage weight at the AO Spain.
We’ll proceed with another 200cals this week, keeping cardio the same.
I go to Ibiza next Saturday, but I have zero intention of going the usual Ibiza mad – famous last words!
Have a great weekend guys!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Looking forward to following along for this bud
Thanks man, I hope you’re well!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle