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  • Andy

    July 18, 2024 at 8:38 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Another shoulder/tricep session boxed and it was a good one!

    Anyone who follows me on social media knows that it’s taken me years to bring my shoulders up. I have very thick skin, and a dark sense of humour, but I’ll admit, comments about my shoulders still get to me haha! However, I feel they’re well on their way to match the back and legs.

    I remember a fellow competitor commenting on them at my first British in Manchester, I was raging someone would say that to me right before I went onstage, but it’s a comment that has stayed with me and forced me to stick with trying to bring them up.

    Anyway, sticking to mostly cable work, limiting pressing to 1 working set (maybe 2 if I feel really good) and keeping all isolation work in the 15-20 range has definitely helped. Before, I’d be using massive poundages slinging up 30s for side laterals. The last time I done DB sides I used 7.5s.

    Too heavy and my back/traps takes over, and even though the reps are higher, I’m still going to complete failure.

    Maybe one to take away if you’re struggling to bring them up.

    Have a good one guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 17, 2024 at 7:15 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Yesterdays’ leg session was brilliant, and I boasted about how the setup above was amazing and that I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort in my hip, well, my injured hip hurts this morning. That’s the second week I’ve used the incline leg press, I didn’t feel anything last week, so this coming leg day I’ll rotate the incline with the horizontal/pendulum leg press.

    Typical. . . I always jinx it!

    I’ve got massage/physio this morning anyway, so I’m sure he’ll be able to drill out whatever has happened yesterday.

    I’m still fairly lean 6.5 weeks post-show, I need to remember this. It’s a double edged sword, as I’m trying to perform as close to the most perfect reverse as possible for the first time in my 12 years of competing, but it’s at detriment to my joints or how comfortable I am through my joints.

    A cold plunge and sauna should also open things up.

    Have a great day guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 16, 2024 at 7:12 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Legs was a successful one today. We added in a working set on the incline leg press last week, trying to hit between 12-15. A foot position I’ve never used is “low and wide”, I’m always shooting for around mid plate, probably more so that I can shift more weight.

    However the former allows me to take the machine to a new depth I’ve not used, in order to bring more glutes into the equation.

    There is the fear that I’m going to hurt my hip again, having torn my hip during my prep for the 2021 Arnold UK, and using the incline leg press since, I have felt an odd pressure in the injured hip, however not with this stance.

    I’d say my training partner and I are around the 90% mark in terms of intensity and where we can take ourselves. Another 6 weeks and it’s full steam ahead for this offseason for the pro debut.

    Today’s session. . .

    All working sets 12-15, 1 working set per exercise

    BB squats

    Incline leg press

    SM hip thrusts

    Prime PL leg curls

    EZ-bar walking lunges

    Seated calve raises

    Cable crunches

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 15, 2024 at 6:42 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Happy Monday!

    Over the past few months I’ve slowly tried to implement “quiet Sunday’s” where I try to do as little work as possible, but by 2pm I was bored out of mind. I don’t really know how to switch off, which is great when you’re constantly trying to find ways to improve, not so much when you’re itching at the bit and trying to force yourself to rest.

    On Saturday nights I replace my last meal with an off-plan/cheat meal, so this week I chose Papa Johns, it was shite, beyond gutted as that was my first taste of pizza in ages.

    Anyway, we’re back to the start of the split today with chest, and I thoroughly expect a big one to go down today. My mindset within my sessions is getting better and better where I’m tuning into that mindset where nothing else really matters outside of that set and that session. I lost that little bit after taking my foot off the gas training wise post show.

    As I’ve mentioned before, I start my off season push the first week of September, food increases, volume pushes and the addition of PEDs, but right now it’s good to just enjoy some hard training that only takes me 45 minutes.

    Today’s session will probably go like this;

    Isolation 1 to 3 working sets, 15-20

    Compounds 1 working set, 8-12

    Seated cuffed cable flys

    Incline DB press

    Prime PL close grip press

    SA standing cable side raises

    Iso-lateral cable curls

    Shallow decline sit-ups

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 15, 2024 at 6:34 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Just sped read through the log Andy, loving it so far. I’ve had a bit of time away from the sport but always have followed you for the past 10 years since I started competing when I was a junior and you were a big name in the junior BB scene!

    Ibiza looked wicked and I’m sure the rest did you good. I was in Turkey that same week and by the end of it I had decided I was going to compete again after what will be 4 years away. That’s how much a holiday gives me the itch to ramp things up haha!

    Very excited to see you in the pro ranks and although I haven’t followed the BB circuit closely for the past two years up until now, I was elated when I saw you finally got what you deserved.

    Thanks for that mate! It’s pretty mad to think how long ago that was!

    I’m glad you’ve decided to come back and go for another shot onstage. You have to wait until the time is right, your body and mind will tell you when it’s time.

    Much appreciated man, stay tuned for the debut!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 13, 2024 at 5:46 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    It’s finally the weekend, and I’m delighted to see it as this week has been insanely busy, so the point where I think it’s distracted me a bit too much during training, rather than channelling that energy into the session. However, this week’s sessions have been superb!

    Checking in this morning – check out my Instagram – I’m STILL lighter than I was on the day I won my pro card. Another 300cals from pro/carbs/fats can go in today. I’m starting to climb the calorie totals now and I can feel that food focus drop off which is great because I was losing sleep over it!

    Yesterday’s back session was great, I’m feeling very strong and still loving the very short and concise sessions.

    Have a great weekend guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 13, 2024 at 5:42 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Hey man!

    I really love your simple Approach! Will try it for myself!

    How Long do u Need for your Sessions?

    Hi mate. Minus warming up/stretching etc, the sessions take 45 minutes – 1 hour.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 11, 2024 at 6:45 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    We’ve landed on my favourite training day – shoulders!

    I think my shoulders, and maybe my chest are the 2 body parts I still want to bring up. I’m genuinely happy with how everything looks, and if I were just doing this as a lifestyle, I’d be content with the physique I have. However, we’ve all seen the guys at the top of the pro league; they’re in this forum, so I know how far I need to take my physique in order to have a successful time on a pro stage.

    No changes to today’s session;

    Isolation 2 sets, 15-20

    Presses 1 set, 8-12

    Y raises

    Rear delt cuffed raises

    High incline DB shoulder press

    Close grip BB press

    Straight-bar triceps extensions

    Cable crunches

    Training is so simple just now, but I’m seeing continual improvements, so there’s no need to adjust.

    Have a great one guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 10, 2024 at 6:34 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Morning guys,

    Yesterday’s leg session was superb, we decided to slot in incline leg press after BB squats as we both felt good. It ended up being an excellent set, and my legs were toast. I’ll keep the leg press in going forward, but just keep it to the 1 working set, 12-15 reps.

    I’m finally noticing a fuller and rounder look first thing in the morning – it’s only taken me 5.5 weeks!

    I’ve not checked my weight as I hate weighing myself every day, so I only weigh myself on a Saturday morning as a part of my check-in.

    I think it’s time to start escalating protein totals, but I’ll wait to see how I look on Saturday, and hear what Nick has to say.

    Have a good one guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 9, 2024 at 7:52 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    The first leg day back!

    My SI joint feels a bit off, but when it is, I feel it more so doing hinges, rather than legs, so I’m not expecting anything negative to come out of this session. I do warm up thoroughly, it takes between 20-30 minutes to get blood into the joint and open everything up. I am a massive advocate for light stretching pre-session, I don’t care what any study says, I definitely feel worse if I don’t stretch.

    No changes to today’s session.

    All isolation, 1 working set, 12-15

    All compounds, 1 working set, 12-15

    BB squats

    SM hip thrusts

    Prime PL leg curls

    Walking lunges

    Standing calve press

    Decline crunches

    Have a good one guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 9, 2024 at 7:43 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    hi andy, normally how many warm up/ feeder sets before u hit 1 top sets?

    Hi mate. For compounds I’ll do a set of 6, and then 4, and singles until I work up to my working weight for the 1st compound. Assuming the weight I’m using isn’t insane, I’ll just jump straight into my working set, for example, I’ll do 6-4-1 for incline DBs but for the Prime PL press after, I’ll just go straight into the working set.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 8, 2024 at 7:18 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Morning guys!

    After a really relaxing weekend, it’s time to get a big chest/shoulder/bicep session in today. The good thing about Monday’s is that I can get 5 out of my 6 meals in before I train. It doesn’t really matter anymore since my calories are in a good spot, but jumping into a session to train a weakness with that amount of food behind me has a good mental advantage.

    We’re also adding another shoulder movement into this session via a rear delt raise, nothing out of this world

    All isolation 1 set, 15-20 reps

    All compounds 1 set, 8-12 reps

    Seated cuffed cable flys

    Incline DB press

    Prime PL close grip flat press

    SA cable side raises

    SA cable across the body rear raises

    Iso-lateral cable curls

    Decline crunches

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 7, 2024 at 5:47 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A successful NTD today!

    An hour long walk with my dog, the park was dead so off the lead he went. Food shop after and the food bill is starting to climb as the reverse progresses. I’m excited to see how the increased food helps with training. Filmed a podcast with Greg Taylor – Scottish Silverback Podcast, subscribe guys!

    Chest tomorrow, and I’m sure it’s going to be a good one!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 6, 2024 at 4:31 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    NTD today, and it’s spent catching up on work, and walking my dog – dug 😉 – so plenty of steps!

    I woke up the exact same weight I was last week which is fucking astonishing. To be fair, there was a lot of expenditure while I was away, but it’s not uncommon for me to lose weight while on holiday. I lost 18lbs in Turkey once.

    I remember speaking to Jordan when I was a junior, and he was baffled by how my body just doesn’t hold weight when I’m lean – I don’t know if he remembers this conversation.

    The AO Spain 2024 and the PCA British 2019 are the only 2 shows out of 26 that I’ve been close to bursting full, but still not bursting.

    8+ days of 1200g-100g of carbs, burgers and fries, no training, no cardio, and I’d still struggle to fill out. I once thought it was AIs, so I don’t use them anymore, I then thought it was clen, but I cut that well in advance and only go as high as 1 tab. It’s concerning that going forward into the big league that I’m going to be able to get that full bursting look, but that’s what I love about this game, the trial and error!

    Have a great weekend guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    July 5, 2024 at 7:34 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Yesterday’s shoulder session was great, but you can tell I’ve just been away in Ibiza with a few drops in reps, but strength was great!

    We’re keeping the back volume the same, and going with the BB row as the rowing variation for today;

    1 working set, 8-12

    Shoulder width grip lat pulldowns

    Overhand BB rows

    SA DB rows


    Cable crunches

    Since coming off prep, I’ve really struggled to fall asleep and stay asleep. The reason being I’ve come off all sleep aids (Dream Sleep, melatonin, and cannabis oil). I like giving myself a break from everything, but that initial period is very hard! I’ve cut caffeine to just 1 coffee either pre-cardio or during the day at work. It’s not impacting my sessions, and given a little more time I know it will return to normal.

    Check-in tomorrow!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

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