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Hi Ben, upload a few photos so we can see and then the team will weigh in on a timeframe that you might need for a future fat loss phase
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Another great shoulder dominant push session, however, I tweaked some of the load/exercises due to an overly tight right pec, and I didn’t want to risk it, so. . .
Standing iso-lateral cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
Cuffed cable rear delt raises – 3 working sets, 15-20
High incline DB shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
<b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;”>Prime neutral handles flat PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15
HS PL machine side raises – 3 working sets, 12-15 + double drop
Bent over rope triceps extensions – 3 working sets, 12-15
Overhead rope triceps extensions – 3 working sets, 12-15
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I’m spending the weekend of this weekend off down at my other half’s flat in Liverpool. It took me just over 6 hours to get her due to a closure on the M6, so I’m behind on meals, but I’ll be able to tick everything off.
There’s nothing worse than sitting in stand still traffic on country roads! I love driving my car, but that was just appalling, not to mention bursting for a piss for about 2 hours.
Anyway, Nick and I have agreed to nudge the food up a bit, but to also add in NPP at 400mg per week, so the cycle is looking like this;
Test E – 1000mg
Primo – 600mg
NPP – 400mg
GH – 6IU pre-bed
T4 – 100mg/day
Lantus – 20IU/day
Humalog – 10IU pre and post
Telmisartan – 40mg/day
Metformin – 500mg/day
MK677 – 1 tab AM
Loving the log bro!
1) Do you find 1000mg of Test E gives you more benefits than, say, 750mg or 500mg?
2) Is there a reason you take all of your GH pre-bed rather than split throughout the day?
3) Does your coach base your insulin dosage based on your blood sugar levels?
4) Do you notice any significant metabolic boost from the T4, or is it more for GH conversion support?[/quote]
Hi Jordan,
1. I notice a difference in my recovery, and I feel I tolerate high test really well (my blood work backs that too). I may get an initial spike in blood pressure, but over time it settles.
2. I notice a really nice benefit to my sleep quality, and if my biggest natural pulse (on paper) were to occur at night, then I’m mimicking that. Also, it’s one less thing to remember.
3. Yes, that’s based off BG values, so my dosing of lantus fluctuates week to week (sometimes).
4. It’s noticed some slight deviations of thyroid in my blood work a few years ago running 4+IU of GH, so ever since I’ve kept it in.
Hope this helps!
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– Requires less (relative) load, so this is advantageous in a scenario where you maybe injured, but maybe still looking to take the muscle to failure. For example, when I hurt my brachialis a few years ago, I went to failure in a 20-25 rep range because anything lower than that caused pain relative to the load I was using.
– Blood accumulation/pump. Not always conducive to muscle growth, but is sometimes a marker you’d want to achieve from a session for whatever reason.
– Depending on the exercise, there might be a higher CV demand, something of which is more fun to do lifting weight as opposed to doing some sort of intense cardio – again if you’re looking to build upon that. I’m sure squatting 140kg for 30 reps keeps the ticker in a good spot.
– It might be beneficial for some to work in higher ranges when trying to perfect or teach form.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
The first leg session after the week off is complete. I’ve only just managed to gather myself and un-peel myself from the couch to sit at my laptop and type this out. . .
Usually after a week off I feel the stabilisation of my lifts is a bit off, as if the supporting muscles have “turned off” but it usually only takes a week’s training cycle to correct that. All numbers were matched or beaten today which is great.
We also filmed today for the YT channel, so that should be up shortly, it’s been over a year since I filmed a leg session.
Prime PL lying leg curls – 1x 12-15 + a triple drop set
Prime PL leg extensions – 1x 12-15 + Tuor rest pause (I’ve outlined this in previous leg sessions)
HS horizontal leg press – 1x 8-12, 1x 12-15
Pendulum squat – 1x 8-12
Cybex seated leg curls – 1x 12-15, 1x 15-20
Seated calve raises – 3x 20
Decline sit-ups – 3x AMRAP
The rest of the week now is a doddle! (Kind of)
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Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
MemberMarch 1, 2025 at 7:31 pm in reply to: How Did So Many Bodybuilders Get Huge Without Training to Failure?I feel the guys at the top could do literally any form of training and be in the position they’re in. If it works, it works they’d say (I’m guessing)
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2nd last day of the week off complete. The other half and I drove through to Manchester to meet her pal who’s a yoga instructor, so obviously we had to book onto her class. I used to do yoga every week, but honestly, I got lazy with it. I used to see massive benefits from it, especially on prep when I want to detach myself from BB for even an hour a week. I say I’m going to go back to it, but that remains to be seen. . .
I’m dying to train now, Monday can’t come soon enough!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I’m spending the weekend of this weekend off down at my other half’s flat in Liverpool. It took me just over 6 hours to get her due to a closure on the M6, so I’m behind on meals, but I’ll be able to tick everything off.
There’s nothing worse than sitting in stand still traffic on country roads! I love driving my car, but that was just appalling, not to mention bursting for a piss for about 2 hours.
Anyway, Nick and I have agreed to nudge the food up a bit, but to also add in NPP at 400mg per week, so the cycle is looking like this;
Test E – 1000mg
Primo – 600mg
NPP – 400mg
GH – 6IU pre-bed
T4 – 100mg/day
Lantus – 20IU/day
Humalog – 10IU pre and post
Telmisartan – 40mg/day
Metformin – 500mg/day
MK677 – 1 tab AM
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I’m pretty bored of this week off now. . .
I feel completely rested and ready to go with training next week (which was kind of the point to be fair).
I’ll be checking in tomorrow with Nick to put the game plan together for the final lap of this off season.
I don’t chase scale weight any more, but I think I’ll be around the 295 range once the push is over, and leaner than I was 12lbs lighter.
100% I put this down to the very controlled reverse I done post show, and I’ll be looking to refine it further coming out of this year.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
I think I have the most boring blog on here. . .
Day 5 of my week off. I feel brilliant – other than a mild cold I picked up from the rugby no doubt.
The last time I took time off it was new year, and there was a lot going on socially, now though, I feel like this week is dragging a touch, but that means that I’ll be raring to go come Monday.
I have 5 weeks left of this push, so I’m think one last bump in PEDs, and a little bit more food – knowing how my appetite will be come Monday.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
A 30 minute walk every day isn’t excessive, a lot of people have that in their offseason, let alone their fat phase loss phase – it is all person dependant mind you.
Assuming your fat loss hasn’t stalled and continues to progress and there’s no impact on your training output then you can leave as is, or alternatively add more down the line if you feel you need to in order to stop any stalls.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Another chilled yet productive day on this week off. Appetite is in a much better spot, (aided by the drop of about around 10% of CHO from my NTD). I’m 3lbs down from my last check-in weight, and visually fresher as well, so clearly a good bit of lingering inflammation was sitting around my physique.
My shoulders and knees feel like they’ve had a good break as well.
It’s nice being able to get multiple naps in through the day, and not be rushed by my training window.
I even went and viewed a flat down the road with the extra time I had (the bathroom is too small)
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
There’s not much to report, that’s the first day of the week off completed. That’s been 3 days since my last session, but with the tiring weekend, I don’t feel that much more recovered, as I’m typing this, my eyes are stinging!
I’ve pulled my NTD back by 10% via CHO. It’s enough of a drop to give my gut a bit of a rest.
I’ll be doing 20 minutes of cardio per day, as I usually do 20 minutes on my NTD (so 3x per week).
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
Hilly is probably the best man to ask here, but I’ve found that over the years I’ve become intolerant to a lot of your traditional BB sources. I find that when you’re on prep your digestion is much more efficient for a whole variety of reasons, it’s not until you start increasing food and putting a little more demand on the gut that you start to see that your body isn’t liking a particular source(s).
An elimination diet based off of the observations of a digestion diary might help.
I can’t touch chicken, oats, most spices/flavourings, potatoes, some fruits. With your condition as well it might be even more prevalent if you’ve got some kind of intolerance there.
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle -
You can be ready in 7 weeks, no problem at all!
Instagram - amsmuscle
Youtube - AMS Muscle
Tik Tok - amsmuscle