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  • Andy

    August 17, 2024 at 5:37 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    I woke up today in bits, but a good kind of bits.

    I checked in with Nick, and being 266 and a little bit rounded and fuller, I’m feeling a lot better about myself. We’ve both agreed that there’s no need to push BW like we have in the past, there’s just no need for me to do so. If I can add 3lbs a year I’d be happy, and there’s no need to get fat int he process to do that. I’m a changed man from the days I used to get fat as f*ck.

    We’re keeping things exactly the same, there’s no need to push things just yet.

    I’ve mentioned a few times that, I’ll be putting the PEDs back in September.

    Yesterday’s back session was unreal, I think it was on par with peak training in offseason.

    It’s coming!

    Have a great

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 16, 2024 at 6:33 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Yesterday’s shoulder session was superb. I pressed the 70s again for 6 + 1, and then I done a back-off set, which is something I’ve not done in a while. I said to my training partner that I think it’s time to start pushing the volume up a bit now. The novelty of doing quick fire sessions and getting them done in 45 minutes has worn off now and I’m ready to actually feel like I’ve done something when I’ve left the gym.

    I keep forgetting to film my sessions, as much as I’m trying to keep everyone updated, I’ll find myself already in the set, and I can’t find it in myself to reset and go again.

    I’m going to add a bit more volume for back today, my back can take an absolute doo’ing.

    So the session is going to look like this;

    Close grip lat pulldown, 1 working set, 8-12

    Conventional t-bar rows, 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Chest supported t-bar rows, 1 working set, 8-12

    SA DB rows, 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Conventional deadlift, 1 working set, 8-12

    It’s been a cracking week, so I’m looking to finish on a high!

    Have a great weekend guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 16, 2024 at 6:24 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Would be good to see some videos of your shoulder training mate. I want to know how you perform those rear delt cable cuffed raises

    Hi Mark,

    Below is a link to my YouTube, I also post my session regularly on Instagram

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 14, 2024 at 4:45 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    NTD today, and I not only had a session with my physio, but also my mobility coach, which I’m going to be doing every 2 weeks in this this offseason. I fell off a little bit from it as I was so busy with work, but that’s a pretty poor excuse to be honest. I notice immediate benefit from going to her, ever every 2-3 weeks. I’m not going to lie, it can be pretty boring – I told her that, don’t worry – but the last thing I want is to go through what I went through with my shoulder again.

    I’ll upload a few highlights from the session onto my Instagram account.

    Legs on Tuesday was superb, strength is probably in the same position it was, but I’m absolutely fine with that.

    My eyes are firmly fixated on what I’m going to be doing with my progress for the next year!

    Have a great one guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 13, 2024 at 10:43 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    I woke up this morning feeling niggle free, now I’m not wanting to jinx it, but today’s leg session should be a good one! Nick and I have agreed to keep the leg setup the same for the time being. I’m very lucky in the sense that I don’t need a lot of stimulus to get the growth and visual improvements I want from my legs, so we don’t need to mess around with mad amounts of volume.

    I’m also trying to keep my physique as balanced as I can and not let genetic strengths run away with it all, something which I’ve actually had to tweak with one of my clients this morning, where you his lower half is growing far too quickly and taking emphasis away from his back – probably one of his weaker body parts.

    You’ve seen it all before, but here’s the run down;

    Pendulum squats – 1 working set, 8-12 reps + forced rep

    Horizontal leg press – 1 working set, 12-15 reps + forced rep

    SM hip thrusts – 1 working set, 12-15 reps

    Prime PL lying leg curls – 1 working set, 12-15 reps

    EZ-bar walking lunges – 1 working set, longest distance in the gym

    Standing calve raises – 3 working sets, 15-20 reps

    Decline crunches – 3 working sets, AMRAP

    Keep an eye out on my socials!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 12, 2024 at 1:45 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A new week this week!

    I’ve been reading back on my blogs and I can see/read my mindset shift through the weeks. I’ve been guilty of pushing/dieting/prepping when the timing was way off, so I’m making sure that I’m only going when everything feels right, and everything feels right.

    I had some nice comments from Nick today that gave me a bit of a boost. I wouldn’t say I’m someone who needs externally motivated, but it’s always nice to hear comments from someone you hold in very high regard.

    This week’s focus is still sleep, I’ve let it be too poor and under-prioritised for too long!

    I’ll report back after tomorrow’s leg day!

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 11, 2024 at 8:37 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Thank god for that chilled weekend. I genuinely feel 10x better for it!

    There was a thought that I’d have to take another deload this week, but I feel like next week is going to be a solid week of training.

    I’m very much ready to get this offseason under way now. Those who follow me will know that I’ve been waiting on the green light to start my offseason, as in, knowing when I’m mentally ready to push and I think my mind is slowly shifting to the fact that I’m ready to push, and push hard!

    Chest tomorrow, I’ll give you all the low down as I’m in Hamburg so I need to go and find a gym to train in.

    Enjoy what is left of your Sundays!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 10, 2024 at 4:45 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    That’s the week done and dusted, and I feel like my body is in the gutter. I was pleased with the check-in this morning to be fair, with another 3lbs increase 📈, but I want my training to be firing again, maybe a relaxing weekend under my belt will make all of the difference

    Nick and I probably won’t make any further food changes until the PEDs go back in the first week of September. The conditioning and body fat levels we’re maintaining are perfect in my opinion, and if BW is moving in the right direction then we’re happy!

    Have a great weekend guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 9, 2024 at 6:51 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Another week almost ticked off, and all that’s left is a big back session today.

    I feel broken, neck is still giving me grief, shoulders are tight, hip is better but it’s still not 100%, I should’ve definitely taken last week off.

    I’ve tried to improve my sleep this week which I have, as I’ve been able to get 8 hours every night having addressed some of the poor pre-bed habits I fell back into .

    To not ruin myself further, I don’t feel there’s a need to alter training just now, so the back setup today is exactly the same – other than a change to my lat pulldown grip as the overhand grip was ruining my forearm.

    Prime close grip lat pulldowns – 1 working set, 8-12

    Conventional t-bar row – 1 working set, 8-12

    Chest supported t-bar row – 1 working set, 8-12

    SA DB rows – 1 working set, 8-12

    Conventional deadlifts – 1 working set, 8-12

    Decline crunches

    Have a great end to your week’s guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 8, 2024 at 7:14 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Shoulder day today, and another 8 hours sleep in the bag last night, so that’s 3 nights in a row I’ve managed to get 8 hours, and I feel a million times better for it. My neck and hip both feel a lot better. The improvement in sleep has definitely ramped up recovery – who would’ve thought. It’s about recognising poor habits and then getting rid of them (mine being scrolling reels aimlessly as soon as I lie down).

    I’ve not changed the shoulder day setup just yet, everything remains the same;

    Y raises – 2 working sets, 15-20

    Read delt cable cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 15-20

    HS PL shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12

    Small incline SM bench press – 1 working set, 8-12

    Straight-bar tricep extensions – 1 working set, 12-15

    Cable crunches – 3 sets of AMRAP

    I’m genuinely excited to check-in this weekend, so fingers crossed I like what I see!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 7, 2024 at 5:31 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    That’s almost the end of another NTD. My physio cancelled on me today which was pretty gutting as I still have aches and pains, but it’s not the end of the world. It actually feels a bit strange to have a bit of free time tonight as usually I’m working right up until I go to bed on a Wednesday.

    That’s 2 nights in a row I’ve managed to get 8 hours sleep, and the difference is wild. I’ve not felt the need to nap today – even though I definitely had more time to – and tomorrow I should see a nice increase performance. My shoulders do feel a bit beat up, but that didn’t stop me from having a superb chest session on Monday.

    My training partner and I are definitely flowing into this offseason, and it won’t be long before we’re both ready to push hard, as that leg session yesterday was comparable to some of our full flight sessions you’d see peak offseason. Like I’ve said a million times, I need to be mentally ready to drop back into an offseason, and once August is out of the way, I’m sure I’ll be there.


    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 6, 2024 at 6:33 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Yesterday’s chest/bicep was great, despite my neck/trap killing me during my DB press. The tension has travelled up the base of my skull now, but I have my weekly massage tomorrow so hopefully he irons it out.

    Legs today, and my hip still isn’t right – all I do is moan just now haha – so I’m going to run the pendulum today, instead of the BB squat as it forces my head forward.

    The hip is getting better, and I’ve ditched any kind of squatting shoes forever now, as it’s them that’s causing the hip tension/issues.

    I think it maybe almost be time to add in a leg extension pre-squat, but not right now.

    1 working set for all, 12-15 reps.

    Pendulum squats

    Horizontal leg press

    SM hip thrusts

    Prime PL lying leg curls

    EZ-bar walking lunges

    Standing calve raises

    Decline crunches

    Have a great day guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 5, 2024 at 6:43 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    That’s the deload over now, and I do very somewhat refreshed, however, I should’ve just taken the week off. I think going forward, I just need to schedule weeks off from training. That deload was needed after a 7 week run, so perhaps every 7 weeks is what need to be scheduled into the training timeline. One thing to remember too is that I’m inly running the following;

    Test E – 300mg/week (2x 150mg shots per week)

    Telmisartan – 40mg/day

    Metformin – 500mg/day.

    So the recovery capability I’m used to isn’t there.

    Back to chest today, and despite the tweak I have in my neck, I think it will be a good one, with some subtle tweaks to volume.

    Seated cuffed cable flys – 1 working set, 12-15, 1 back-off set, 15-20

    Incline DB press – 1 working set, 8-12

    Prime flat PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12

    SA standing side cable raises – 3 working sets, 15-20

    SA stadning rear cable raises – 2 working sets, 15-20

    Standing EZ-bar cable curls – 1 working set, 12-15

    Iso-lateral cable curls – 1 working set, 12-15

    Decline crunches

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 4, 2024 at 6:36 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    This weekend has been the first time since my prep that I’ve been truly excited to offseason. I trust my gut 100% and I said I’d look to push when the time is right, and that time is starting to show itself.

    Nick and I agreed to start pushing the 2nd week of September, as that’s 12 weeks post show, but there’s no harm in bringing it forward a week. I think my OCD would actually like to start the first Monday of September, and get the ball rolling!

    My blood work needs done in the next few weeks, and I’ll be sure to post them in here when all is said and done. I’ll be visiting my cardiologist soon too, just to make sure the old ticker is in a good spot.

    I’m also excited for tomorrow as my training partner is back, so I’ll be able to push a bit harder, especially now since the deload is over. My neck is still quite sore, but I think I can push through it.

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 3, 2024 at 8:17 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    The last deload session in the bag today at Warehouse in Aberdeen. Well, it might be the last deload session, my neck is still killing me, and both of my shoulders feel worn down and bit beaten up. However, I’ll make the call come Monday.

    I’m still feeling good though, and it’s been nice to step back slightly and give my body a bit of break. I think it’s good to take a step back – I think like that now, I didn’t when I was younger – but I think the past 3 years have been my best years for growth and that’s after changing my mindset towards rest – the old delight of hindsight.

    However, I know that when I start the offseason in September I’m going to be ready for it both mentally and physically.

    I worked almost non-stop for 12 years to win my card, it’s fine to take some down time.

    Today’s deloaded back day went like;

    Shoulder width grip lat pulldowns – 2 working sets, 12 reps

    Overhand BB rows – 2 working sets, 12 reps

    Panatta chest supported t-bar rows – 2 working sets, 12 reps

    SA DB rows – 2 working sets, 12 reps

    Conventional deadlifts – 1 working set, 8 reps

    Have a great Sunday!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

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