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  • Andy

    September 6, 2024 at 7:49 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    I was away to say, “another week down”, but I’m not done training this week, I’m down at EP tomorrow to train legs which is a very nice change of scene. I’ve not been to the new one. I’m going to be tying in with my client James, so there’s going to be some carnage going down. Although, sitting in a car for 4 hours to then train legs isn’t ideal, however, I couldn’t pass up the chance to train with James, and then I’m heading through to the PCA Manchester on the Sunday, so a BB filled weekend!

    I’m already feeling and seeing the reintroduction of PEDs on Monday, I have a feeling this is going to be a very productive offseason, and with my physique and blood work these best it’s ever been by a country mile the start of this phase, it can only get better!

    I’ll touch base tomorrow with how the session in EP went!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    September 5, 2024 at 6:52 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    What is your health supp stack like mate? Especially your LDL, that’s the only market of mine that i struggle with.

    Current stack;

    ALA – 400mg

    Boron – 3mg x2 per day

    Chlorella – 1500mg

    Curcumin – 120mmg

    Glucosamine – 1500mg

    Hawthorn berry – 565mg

    Horse chestnut – 250mg

    Krill oil – 1000mg

    Magnesium glycinate – 1 serving

    Milk thistle – 1 serving

    Multivitamin – 1 serving

    Niacin – 1 serving

    Super K – 1 serving

    TBJP Heart care – 1 serving

    TBJP Love heart – 1 serving

    TBJP Omega pharma pro – 1 serving

    TBJP Vital – 1 serving

    Vitamin D – 8000IU

    Zinc – 50mg

    (I take a probiotic before bed, as well as TBJP digest pharma pro with my first and last meal)

    I hope this helps

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    September 5, 2024 at 6:44 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Hi Andy

    I’ve seen u mention before about how youve improved your digestion. Did getting a food intolerance test help and if so could you recommend one?

    Ps. Spoke to you a few times when I trained at Future was glad to see you winning your procard well done

    I did mate, I used this one. . .

    It’s not 100% accurate, but it’s better than nothing.

    Ah cheers man, that means a lot!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    September 4, 2024 at 3:37 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    So the blood work is in, and it’s best panel I’ve EVER had, so I’m pretty delighted with that. I’ve always felt like feels like getting your exam results haha.

    There was no issues across my blood count. CK was sitting at 2914U/l but that’s almost half of what it was at in my last set of bloods in January.

    ALT was down from the mid-80s to 62.6U/l

    This was the best my lipids have ever been, as I’ve managed to drastically lower my LDL. HDLs are still a touch short sitting at 0.92mmol/l but that’s an improvement too.

    Obviously hormones are going to be in the gutter, but overall I’m very happy!

    Onto the push!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    September 3, 2024 at 8:50 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    A great back day completed today, but one that was without deadlifts to preserve my lower back for Saturday when I train legs with one of my clients at EP, which I’ve yet to try since it moved and was renovated.

    I’m sure all of us who have used PEDs have experienced that placebo effect when you first go back on everything, although I don’t feel it is a 100% a placebo effect, there must be some sudden adaptation that allows us to lift a touch heavier and train a touch harder from the get go.

    I’ve just received my monthly shipment from TBJP (ANDY10 by the way) and I’m trying Dream Sleep for the first time tonight, so we’ll see how that impacts tonight’s sleep.

    Last night was the first night with GH in pre-bed (my preferred time to take GH, the other being PWO), and the sleep was incredible, I’ve not slept like that insect removing GH early May.

    The offseason is off to a flier!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    September 2, 2024 at 7:39 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    I was actually really excited to get up this morning as I know this is now the official start of the offseason, but in reality, not much is changing in terms of food or training, it’s just the simple addition of the PEDs I laid out above.

    I should’ve mentioned that this is my starting point, and I’ll be scaling dosages and compounds up from here. I remember putting peak dosages in when I young from the very beginning and feeling terrible, so I give myself a longer period of time and then push dosages up.

    I can tolerate test quite well, so I expect that to surpass the 1g mark in the next few months, but as I’ve done with my food, I’m trying to squeeze every ounce of progress out of the setup before I go and make changes to anything.

    Chest today, although it’s a solo one, it will still be a good one (probably that placebo effect haha)

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    September 1, 2024 at 7:25 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    The offseason starts tomorrow, and Nick and I have agreed on the push PED starting point;

    Test E – 600mg/week

    Primo P – 500mg/week

    Superdrol – 40mg, shoulder day only, and only for the first 6 weeks

    GH – 6IU – 3IU PWO, 3IU pre-bed

    Novorapid – 10IU PWO

    Lantus – 20IU AM

    T4 – 100mcg/day

    We’ll increase dosages and add in another compound at some point too.

    Any questions, please let me know. . .

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 29, 2024 at 8:15 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Another successful shoulder session ticked off, and the 2nd last session of the maintenance phase and this reverse phase from my show the start of June.

    There’s not much to report on this one, except the slight jiggling of exercises as per the rotation that I use for this particular day.

    Iso-lateral cuffed side raises – 2 working sets, 15-20

    Read delt cable cuffed raises – 2 working sets, 15-20

    HS PL shoulder press – 1 working set, 8-12

    <b style=”font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit; color: var(–bb-body-text-color);”>Close grip BB bench press – 1 working set, 8-12

    Straight-bar tricep extensions – 1 working set, 12-15

    Standing rope extensions – 3 working sets, 15-20

    I was a bit pushed for time so I missed abs and I’ll make up for it at the weekend. There’s room for a touch more volume to that session, but not much is needed in my opinion.

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 28, 2024 at 8:17 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    The first NTD of the week boxed off and luckily it was quite a quiet one. I’ve share a Labrador with my ex, so steps were a lot higher today, and they will be for the rest of the week, but that doesn’t bother me – unless it’s pissing it down.

    I had another appointment with Ricky today to try and get the last bits of tightness out of my neck and side quad. I feel the side quad is down to an old tear in my hip tendon, and this is causing the region over the IT band to just continually tighten up. Needless to say, I actually think about giving up BB when he goes through it with the force he applies, it’s that bad.

    I do feel really good though.

    I feel my digestion has been a bit off for a while, and I’m very in tune with it. I had Hilly look at my setup years ago and I still implement everything he showed me back then. Gut health is something that is as the forefront of my mind/setup as I dealt with awful digestion for almost a decade, just assuming that’s how you’re supposed to feel on a BB diet – news flash you’re not!

    I’ll cover some things I done to correct it in future blogs!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 27, 2024 at 7:05 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Leg day complete, and it was another phenomenal one, that way where everything clicked.

    Now, my hip/left quad is still giving me a bit of bother, to the point where I can’t BB squat yet, but I can still bang out a great session and push numbers.

    I thought we’d add in the leg extension now before the squatting movement, so we did exactly that. We also moved the lying leg curl to after the leg press, I feel it allowed me to connect more with my glutes in the SM hip thrust, no idea why haha.

    Leg extensions – 1 working set, 12-15 reps

    Pendulum squat – 1 working set, 8-12 reps

    Horizontal leg press – 1 working set, 12-15 reps

    SM hip thrusts – 1 working set, 12-15 reps

    Prime PL lying leg curl – 1 working set, 12-15 reps

    EZ-bar walking lunges – 1 working set, longest distance in the gym

    Seated calve raises – 3 working sets, 20 reps

    A superb session all round!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 26, 2024 at 4:44 am in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    I’m really looking forward to this week as training took another step forward last week.

    It’s taken a while to get the cogs to turn post-show to get the training back up to a position where I feel I’m going all out. Although, there was a deliberate scaling back of training intensity off the back of that prep.

    Now though, I think I’m ready to blast up to 100% training.

    The visual goals remain, and that’s to bring up my shoulders and chest to match my back and legs. Despite having shoulder surgery at the end of 2022, I was still able to progress both pretty well in the 2nd half of 2023.

    Speaking of which, here’s today’s chest/shoulder/bicep session;

    Seated cuffed cable flys – 1 working set, 12-15, 1 back-off set, 15-20

    Incline DB press – 1 working set, 8-12

    Prime close grip PL chest press – 1 working set, 8-12

    SA cable side raises – 3 working sets, 15-20

    SA cable rear raises – 2 working sets, 15-20

    EZ-bar cable curls – 1 working set, 12-15

    Standing Iso-lateral cable curls – 1 working set, 12-15

    Decline crunches – 3 working sets

    Have a great week guys!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 24, 2024 at 10:13 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    The excitement for this offseason/push is through the roof now! Having checked in today, Nick and I agreed to keep everything the same, there’s really no need to make changes when my body is staying this stable and predictable.

    It was mentioned that I don’t go above 275, I personally feel this is a bit light for an offseason, however, we’ll see how things play out.

    That number might have just been thrown around for perspective, but if Nick feels we can get the tissue we need then I’m happy!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 23, 2024 at 11:00 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    1st NTD down of a 3 day NTD stint

    Thankfully my neck is starting to ease off, after being brutalised on Wednesday.

    My neck was getting so bad that it was starting to give me migraines and headaches.

    1 more week of this health phase and I want to be tip top and not broken, so thankfully things are feeing good

    I’ll be sure to share my bloodwork when I get it next week!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 22, 2024 at 8:22 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    Just finished off this week’s back session and what a session it was! Chris and I have really bumped up the intensity, Chris even spewed which is not like him at all. There is a satisfying feeling when your training partner has to head to the bog after the session is done.

    We’ve drizzled a little more volume into the mix;

    Prime close grip lat pulldowns – 1 working set, 8-12 reps + forced reps

    Conventional t-bar row – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Chest supported t-bar row – 1 working set, 8-12 + forced reps

    SA DB rows – 1 working set, 8-12, 1 back-off set, 12-15

    Conventional deadlifts – 1 working set, 8-12

    Shallow decline crunches

    It’s amazing how little that looks on paper, but it was fantastic!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

  • Andy

    August 21, 2024 at 7:40 pm in reply to: AMS Muscle Blog

    For 45 minutes Ricky went through my neck. I don’t think I’ve ever had him focus on the 1 body part like that before, that was horrendous. However, I literally came away from it being able to move my head.

    If anyone has watched my Youtube video, you’ll get an insight into how Ricky does things. There’s a reason every good bodybuilder in Glasgow/Glasgow area go to him. If you’re going to destroy yourself in the gym, do you really think a tickle is going to do the job of opening you up?

    Anyway, let’s see how I feel after a decent nights’ sleep!

    Back day tomorrow and the last day the training week!

    Instagram - amsmuscle
    Youtube - AMS Muscle
    Tik Tok - amsmuscle

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